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What is the difference in the age of Galkin and Pugacheva?
To the life of the stars of show business and the Russian stage has always been focused on the sharks of the pen and a large army of fans. Also of great interest is the personal life of celebrities. In particular, the amateurs will discuss and savor the facts of the relationship between our prima donna and the famous humorist Maxim Galkin. Of course, this pair is the most discussed for more than a day. And there are many reasons for that. But one of the main things is that the difference in the age of Galkin and Pugacheva is simply enormous. But this is not the reason that family happiness has bypassed their side: they are well together for many years. And they try not to attach importance to the fact that someone can be afraid of the difference in the age of Galkin and Pugacheva. How can they, in spite of any rumors and rumors, love and live in harmony with each other? And why the difference in the age of Galkin and Pugacheva does not affect the duration of their marriage?
Let's consider these issues in more detail.
The first meeting
The prima donna and a little-known parodist met in the summer of 2001. Maxim and Alla then participated in the international festival "Slavic Bazaar." In this case, the prima donna came as a member of the jury, and Galkin was supposed to perform on stage. Paradoxically, but the initiator of the acquaintance of the humorist and Alla Borisovna was Philip Kirkorov. Then no one thought that an intelligent young man with spectacles and a legendary singer would develop relations. Then absolutely no one worried about the difference in the age of Galkin and Pugacheva.
Start of relationship
A few months after the concert in Vitebsk, a second meeting of Alla and Maxim took place, when both attended the event on the birthday of the Khudruk of the concert hall "Russia". Then the humorist and the prima donna communicated very much, and Maxim even dared to invite Pugachev to dance.
The young man subsequently said that he was always interested in the work of the great singer, who was for him a model of femininity. For him it was completely unimportant, what is the difference in their age. In the autumn of 2001, Maxim and Alla Borisovna realized that they could not do without each other and should always be together. They did not get any water, went to social events, concerts, visited restaurants ...
There is no smoke without fire
From that moment the press began to show special interest in the pair Alla Pugacheva - Maxim Galkin. The age difference between them at that time did not particularly concern the sharks of the pen, as the lovers tried not to advertise their amorous relations, laughing at the phrases: "We are only friends"; "We are interested in each other's society." But over time, the press suspected that there was something wrong here. Magazines, newspapers and other publications began to be full of headlines about the fact that Primadonna had a young favorite.
Parodistu from this moment had to hear a lot of shouts and jokes in his address. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the singer was always attracted to intelligent men with glasses, to whom Maxim referred. The fissure in the family life of Pugacheva and Kirkorov appeared long before Alla Borisovna's acquaintance with Galkin, just Maxim was in the right place and at the right time. But the surrounding environment of the Diva did not immediately adopt a new favorite, in particular, daughter Christina was very concerned about who is next to her mother. But some time passed, and all the omissions have exhausted themselves.
Can there be a future for such an alliance?
This question really caused numerous discussions. Fans of the Diva learned that a new pair had appeared: Alla Pugacheva and Galkin. The age difference is what the public began to be interested in. And it turned out to be solid - for 27 years. And of course, many were perplexed as to how this could turn out. Some prophesied that such an unequal from the point of view of the age of marriage will not last long and soon Galkin will fall in love with his peer.
But nothing like this happened, and Primadonna and Maxim live a happy family life. They do not care how their union will be perceived by those who do not care about the question: "How much is the difference in the age of Galkin and Pugacheva?" They are in love, they pamper each other with expensive gifts, they bring up their children together. What else is needed for happiness?
Features of family life
Certainly, in each family quarrels and scandals sometimes break out. And Maxim and Alla in this sense are no exception. Especially often roughness in family life arose in the period of grinding each other. But, as you know, the darlings are scolded - they just play. No matter how difficult the periods of living together, the heroes of our story have always found strength for reconciliation. And the age difference between Pugacheva and Galkin has absolutely nothing to do with it. Alla and Maxim are adults and wealthy people, so they know what they want from life, and they do not intend to publicize themselves in all ways, including statements about parting.
Rumors about the severance of relations
In addition to the periodic exaggeration of the question of the difference in the age of Pugacheva and Galkin, the press from time to time like to spread rumors that the star couple broke up.
And the reasons for this are put forward to commonplace commonness: the spouses are tired of each other, the mutual understanding has disappeared, one has material claims to the other and so on. How much they correspond to reality is difficult to judge. It is likely that this is another gossip and tricks, which are very typical for the domestic show business. The humorist himself repeatedly stated that he did not care what everyone around him thought about his relationship with Alla Pugacheva. He also rejects the version that he began to meet with the Diva to increase his popularity in the eyes of the public.
Comedian about his relationship
"Even before I met Alla, I already had my own audience, and I was recognized in a crowd of people. Moreover, my performances were well bought up with tickets, and I was also known as the presenter of the popular "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" program, "Galkin said.
Certainly, such arguments of a humorist can completely disarm those who believe that only thanks to Pugacheva, Galkin passes the test with copper pipes.
The parodist also said that their marriage with the Prima donna did not give a single crack just because they are trying to do a maximum for each other. There have never been major quarrels between them since they live soul to soul.
"Alla is perfect for me. Only together with it I realized the most trivial truth: all people are divided into halves, and everyone is looking for his own. And I found. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that we have an imbalance in age. This is our only difference. I like to watch how she sits, sings, cooks, thinks, talks, "Maxim says frankly.
The prima donna about the mutual relations
Back in 2009, the legend of Soviet and Russian stage music told that between her and Maxim Galkin - not friendship.
"We have a real idyllic relationship. We are like two puzzles that came together in the whole picture. For many years now I do not know what is sadness and longing. This is the first time in my life when I can not help a person realize his creative plans. I do not go into Maxim's affairs, he does not want me to interfere, and I understand him: what advice can I give him in how to make people laugh better? He is a true professional of his business, and I love him, "- said the Diva.
She moved with pleasure to live with her husband in the country estate, which was built by Galkin at the Istra Reservoir. Alla with a special hunt and initiative helped create an interior design of the castle and choose furniture. Currently, Galkin devotes a lot of time to work, while Alla keeps a home and is engaged in the upbringing of children. Watching how trembling his beloved settles their nest, Maxim could not stand it and offered Alla Borisovna a hand and a heart. And the prima donna agreed without hesitation. They had talked about the wedding before, but they did not put the stamp in the passport at the forefront: it was good for them, and without it, it was good together.
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