
Laryngitis: how to treat and diagnose in time?

Laryngitis is a fairly common disease that occurs both among children and adults. That is why everyone should get acquainted with information about what is laryngitis, how to treat this disease and what precautions to take.

Causes and symptoms of laryngitis. Laryngitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Modern medicine distinguishes two main forms of laryngitis, which differ between themselves as symptoms, and factors that lead to the development of the disease.

Acute laryngitis is most often the result of another infectious disease. It can be influenza, scarlet fever, tonsillitis, whooping cough. In addition, this disease is an invariable companion of diphtheria, syphilis and tuberculosis. Sometimes laryngitis can also appear as an independent, isolated disease, the causes of which can be a strong overstrain of the vocal cords, inhalation of corrosive fumes or dust. With acute laryngitis, fever, general weakness of the body, dry cough, sore throat. The larynx swells, and the vocal cords can not completely close. A man complains of hoarse, and sometimes a complete loss of voice.

Chronic laryngitis in most cases is caused by smoking, the abuse of drinks containing alcohol, the constant inhalation of harmful fumes and smoke. This form of the disease is sometimes called the occupational disease of teachers, which constantly overstrains the vocal cords. The main symptoms of chronic laryngitis are hoarseness, swelling in the throat, dry pesky cough, which is greatly enhanced by hypothermia, inhalation of smoke, and also with colds. In some cases small polyps begin to form on the larynx and vocal apparatus.

How to cure laryngitis? The first thing to do is go to the doctor, and at the first suspicions of laryngitis. How to treat such a disease knows only an experienced specialist. It should be noted that the method of treatment depends primarily on the age of the patient, the form and stage of development of this disease.

As a rule, patients are assigned bed rest, throat rinsing, inhalation and lubrication of the larynx by Lugol's solution. In order to remove the cough, expectorants are prescribed. If laryngitis is accompanied by a strong temperature, it is possible to take antipyretics. Antibiotics are prescribed only if the disease is caused by a bacterial infection.

Chronic laryngitis: how to treat? The methods of treatment of this form of the disease directly depend on the cause. Patients need to give up smoking, drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics or physiotherapy. Sometimes surgical methods of treatment are used - removal of polyps from the larynx. Beneficial in the process of recovery affects sanatorium and spa treatment.

Laryngitis: how to treat at home? In order for the healing process to be quick and easy, the patient must monitor his regime. The first few days after the exacerbation of the disease it is forbidden to speak, so as not to strain the vocal cords. In addition, the inhaled air should be warm and moist, which means that with such a disease you can not freeze and supercool the body. It is important to gargle with herbal decoctions of medicinal herbs. From the diet it is necessary to exclude honey, spices, sharp and salty dishes. Useful will be hot foot baths and warm compresses around the neck.

How to treat laryngitis with folk remedies? Inhalations are the most effective method of treating both acute laryngitis and its chronic form. For such a procedure it is necessary to use vegetable oils, for example, eucalyptus, sage, mackerel and sea buckthorn oil. Dilute a small amount of butter (incomplete tea-spoonful) in 300 ml of boiling water. The duration of one inhalation is 10 - 15 minutes. This procedure is recommended to be done at least three times a day for two weeks.       

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