FinanceThe property

What is a housing certificate and how do I use it?

In the Russian legislation, a housing certificate is called a registered document, which gives the right to receive a housing subsidy, to purchase or build housing.

It is generally accepted that only servicemen receive a housing certificate. However, it is not. Servicemen are the most numerous category of citizens who receive such documents, but not the only one. Housing under the certificate is received by workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, those who served in the penal correction system, young families, invalids. And also citizens who lost their homes as a result of natural disasters. Remember the annual massive forest fires and floods that thousands of people leave without habitation. Recently, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution stating that the housing certificate from the state should be received by victims of terrorist acts.

In recent years, the Russian government has been doing a lot to provide a person with military uniform with his own housing. A housing certificate is a registered valuable document. He confirms the right of its owner to purchase housing. The period of validity of the document is limited, therefore, with the selection of housing should not be delayed.

Probably, many have ripened the question of how to obtain such a necessary housing certificate and how to implement it. Let's consider this procedure with the example of the largest category of citizens entitled to receive it - employees of the Ministry of Defense. A staff member who is dismissed from this department, who has the right to receive a coveted housing certificate for servicemen, must file an application for the name of the unit commander and attach to it a compulsory package of documents. This is, first of all, a certificate that the previous square, which he occupied, handed over, an extract about the composition of the family (from a personal file), the passport of family members.

The commander of the unit and the special housing commission monitor the waiting lists. According to the order, certificates are issued. Having received a certificate in his hands, the former serviceman must go with him to the bank, which received the authority of the federal treasury, to service certificates. There he must pass a copy, ( notarially certified) of the document. Then he writes a statement in the bank, on the basis of which a blocked target account is opened in his name.

A serviceman and a representative of the bank sign a joint service agreement for this account. The selection of a suitable housing option takes nine months, and then it is necessary to provide the bank with a contract for its sale and purchase. Within five days (as required by law), the bank examines all submitted documents. If there are no additional questions to the buyer, then within not more than ten working days, the bank transfers the money to the seller's account.

I would like to remind you once again that if the housing certificate is not implemented within the statutory period, the target account in the bank is closed. The certificate is sent to the authority that issued it for repayment.

According to the same scheme, a housing certificate is issued for the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees.

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