Spiritual developmentNumerology

What does the number 5 in numerology mean?

We have all heard of numerology as an esoteric science. She is studying the influence of numbers on the fate of man. Numerology was engaged in ancient times. This is understandable, because we are often surrounded by figures, and scientists have always tried to determine, for example, how the person's life depends on the date of his birth. Interestingly, what does the number 5 in numerology mean ?

Place number 5 in numerology

имеет особое значение. The number 5 in numerology is of particular importance. It characterizes the attainment of the five main goals in the life of any individual, namely:

  • good health;
  • long life;
  • The embodiment of spiritual and material wealth;
  • virtue;
  • The natural ending of the life path.

The patron of the five is the planet Jupiter, which has another name - "the planet of great happiness." The figure 5 symbolizes the connection of the five main elements:

  • water;
  • Fire;
  • Land;
  • Metal;
  • Tree.

, что все эти стихии дополняют и восполняют друг друга в окружающих нас предметах и явлениях. The figure 5 in numerology means that all these elements supplement and supplement each other in the surrounding objects and phenomena. In magic, the five is considered the most sunny figure, which ideally means perfection. In the color palette of this number, all colors of red tones are characteristic.

Psychology of number 5

считается противоречивой и таинственной. The figure 5 in numerology is considered contradictory and mysterious. It includes two opposites:

  • Number 3 - the symbol of trinity;
  • Figure 2 - symbol of two-sidedness, division.

The five is at the same time a symbol of the Eternal Life and Universal Love, as well as the life and love of the earthly. One of the mysteries of number 5 is related to magic. The layout of 3 + 2 and 2 + 3 corresponds to two pentagrams:

  • The straight line - the top of the five-pointed star is facing upwards and is the symbol of the Spirit, which rules over the four elements. Such a pentagram means "Perfect Man". Inside the direct pentagram there is a pentagon with a downwardly directed apex. This means that even an ideal person can have shortcomings.
  • The inverse - the top of the five-pointed star is turned downward and is the symbol of Evil. But in the center of the inverse pentagram, the pentagon is pointed upwards. This is a sign that the most soulless person contains a piece of good.

Number 5 in numerology by date of birth

In numerology everything comes down to simple numbers, each of which corresponds to certain characteristics, reflecting the life of each individual person. Such a fateful number can be calculated from the date of his birth. Knowing it, you can figure out which aspects of your character are strong and which ones are weak, which goals you should try to avoid wasting time solving problems that are beyond your control. How to determine your lucky number will help the teachings of Pythagoras. A simple single-digit number can be obtained by adding up all the digits of your birth date. For example, your date of birth is 15.04.1984. To find your birth number, you need to get the sum of all these numbers. We add 1 + 5 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 32. We give the figure 32 to the single digit also by adding 3 + 2 = 5. So we got the number of your birth, equal to five. и как число рождения влияет на человека. Now let's see what figure 5 in numerology means, and how the number of birth affects a person.

The figure is five and its effect on the character of the person

считается одним из самых мощных простых чисел. The number 5 in numerology is considered one of the most powerful prime numbers. Therefore, it can influence the character of people. In turn, a person who is patronized by a figure of five, is able to exert a strong influence on others. In their lives, such people try to achieve everything independently, while gaining vast experience in their field of activity. They are very inquisitive, do not fear life's trials and love earthly joys. At the same time, they always try to help other people who turn to them, knowing that they will receive useful and wise advice. As a rule, such people in society enjoy authority and respect. Five in a person's life contributes to stability, professional growth, reliability.

The qualities inherent in people with a birth number of 5

People with a birth number of five, as a rule, are resourceful, and witty. They have the ability to learn foreign languages. Such individuals are very charismatic, which makes them the soul of the company. A person with a birth number of five hates gray monotony and any restrictions. They are very interesting interlocutors. Given the diversity of such people, it is important for them to determine which of their abilities will become their dominant in achieving a sustainable position in life. After all, it is tempting to try yourself in different spheres of activity. But this can prevent them from correctly choosing their own way of life. Such people are impulsive, and if they unreasonably spend their abilities, then it will not allow them to realize themselves, as was determined by the original command. Analyzing a person with a birth number of 5, you can determine its main positive and negative qualities, namely:

  • Positive - resourcefulness, vigor, speed of thinking, propensity to research and others;
  • Negative - impulsiveness, anxiety, restlessness.

For loved ones, such people are willing to sacrifice themselves. They appreciate a faithful strong friendship. "Five" perform noble deeds, without demanding anything in return. Such people respect the laws and respect them.

The importance in relationships for people with a birth number of 5

связано также и с взаимоотношениями между мужчиной и женщиной. The value of figure 5 in numerology is also related to the relationship between a man and a woman. People who are under the influence of this number, they are also called fencers, do not seek to marry. This is due not only to the fact that they greatly value their freedom. Such people are afraid that family relations can become an obstacle to the realization of their abilities in their chosen professional activities. For fives, the existence of common goals and interests with the life partner is of particular importance. A marriage union for such people is possible only if the partners have absolute coincidences in their views on life.

Characteristics of people born on the fifth day

Above we considered the qualities inherent in people who live under the protection of the number five, calculated by date of birth. определяют не только по расчетной величине, но и по числу месяца. But in numerology, the value of the digit 5 by the date of birth is determined not only by the calculated value, but also by the number of the month. For people born on the 5th of the day, these qualities are inherent:

  • Mercantilism - the main goal in their life is to acquire money and own it.
  • Business qualities - usually they are lucky in financial affairs.
  • Such people are not always law-abiding - in their desire to get money faster they often break the law.
  • Resourcefulness - they very correctly direct their energy to finding the shortest ways to enrich.

At the same time, they have good qualities:

  • Ability to make decisions quickly.
  • Restraint in relations with other people.
  • Affordability. It's easy to get along with them, but only to the same mercantile people as they are.
  • Such people have high intelligence.


Numerology is a very informative and interesting science, with the manifestations of which we encounter every day. также пять пальцев на руках и ногах у человека, пять органов чувств. The figure 5 in numerology also means five fingers on the hands and feet of a man, five senses. Earlier, the highest ranking of the student's knowledge was the five. There are five names of classes of animals, as well as many other concepts in our life, which are characterized by the number five. If you chose the five as the date of an important event, you will be successful. True, maybe not immediately, but this is the essence of the number five - lead to victory in a thorny path.

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