Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

What does a pack of wolves dream of: attacking, friendly or watching

Dreams about animals happen in the life of each person, and quite often - yet we are inseparable from nature, and each of its components symbolizes something for us. Even if subconsciously, despite the proclaimed skepticism and mistrust of signs, interpretation of dreams and other superstitions. And the question of what a pack of wolves dream about, anyone, even an absolutely superstitious person , will ask . Wolves are usually associated with something unkind, the dark side of life, mystical secrets - not without reason, one of the most replicated images of the cinematograph is a wolf werewolf.

Overall value

Strangely enough for a modern man, but according to the dream books the wolf first of all means not aggression, but greed and the envy resulting from it. Aggression after in any case will appear, but already as a consequence. So the first interpretation, to which a pack of wolves dreams, is the intrigues of the native working collective. Even if the crowd of animals just passed by or you saw it from a distance, three days worth keeping watch: your colleagues have something against you, and an unintentionally secret discontent can result in protracted troubles. If, in a dream, the pack surrounds you, then the underlying disturbances and currents are close to a breakthrough. You should be more accurate and conflict-free to behave with employees, because manipulation with the involvement of superiors and all sorts of "substitutions" can begin.


It's pretty easy to guess what a pack of wolves, attacking directly at you, is dreaming about. Naturally, sleep predicts damage - in money, health or wasted time spent. And the cause of the loss will be the betrayal of someone you fully trusted and considered him almost a relative. However, it explains somewhat differently why a pack of wolves attacking an outsider or pursuing animal prey is dreaming. In the first case, the probability is high that the danger threatens your loved one, and you can take it away. The likelihood of correct interpretation increases if you confidently identified the victim. In the second variant, sleep symbolizes the uncertainty of the situation around you. It requires some action, and you can not understand what will be true. Here you just have to behave naturally, as it is peculiar to you personally, but at the same time try not to run into unnecessary conflicts.

Dream Interpretation: What a pack of wolves dreams of as a family

The wolf community, whose member you are, can be "translated" in two contexts, depending on the circumstances.

  1. If in a dream you are an equal member of the pack, that is, hunt, move around and sleep in a heap with the rest of the individuals, then a certain danger awaits you. For some time you should not hurry, to delve into new proposals and not aggravate relations with people.
  2. If in dreams you feed along with the wolves, then you will soon achieve a very important goal. Interpretation increases if you are fed by a mother wolf. However, the dream contains a parallel warning: you should not cheat, cheat and admit during this period - will return a hundredfold.

Color of the Beast

As always in the interpretation of visions, the smallest details and details are of global importance. The most unfavorable is the interpretation of what a pack of wolves dreams of having a black hide in their sleep. In any case, he does not promise you anything good. A single predator can designate a traitor in a close environment, which in the very near future will cause you significant harm. But if there are many animals - at least you are waiting for a whole string of troubles, fraught with further consequences. If a pack of black wolves chases you, the danger is closer than ever. Perhaps with a completely unexpected side for you. However, if in a dream you managed to tear yourself away from or hide from such a chase - you will happily avoid significant problems. And if one of the persecutors killed you, you can expect more and benefit from a dubious situation. Most commentators on the question of what a pack of wolves dream about, they will answer: to troubles, and blacks to big troubles. And if you managed to put their avatar, then you can get out of them.

Less clearly understood is white color. To understand what a pack of wolves with a snow skin dreams about, it is possible only on a context. In any case, this is for meetings with strong personalities. If it turns out that these wolves denote friendly people, you can cope with any problem. If they personify the enemy, you will have a hard time, because they are uniquely powerful, brave and maybe have high status in the society.

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