Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Earthquakes - dream interpretation: dream interpretation

Dreams can warn about various significant events in a person's life. They can be both positive and negative. Cataclysms and earthquakes dream interpretation interprets as an omen of social upheavals and personal ills.

English dream book

If you dream about how the earth is shaking, this dream can portend a lot of troubles. It promises big losses in business and heavy personal losses, such as the breakdown of family relationships, the death of love, great heartache and the end of happiness. A dream can also be a harbinger of wars and grandiose social upheavals.

Earthquakes - dream book Denise Lynn

This dream is a symbol of significant future changes. They can shake all the foundations of a person's life. However, while unexpected and global changes destroy life's foundations, they also give rise to significant growth in the future.

Earthquakes - Jung's dream book

Dreams of terrifying natural disasters, such as an earthquake, most likely speak of a background shift of the ego state. Such dreams can talk about impending changes in the collective social situation. These regularities were discovered by Jung in the dreams that people dreamed before the First World War.

Earthquakes - dreamy Hasse

To see or feel an earthquake in a dream - to have the courage to wake up, not to bend under the blows of fate.

Sonny Martyn Zadeki

If a person has an earthquake, this may be a harbinger of news or a higher position. If the ruins and ruins are dreamed, then this dream portends losses and losses.

Winters of Winter

If you dream, how the earth is shaking, then this is a sign that dangerous difficulties have arisen in the soul of a sleeper. If in the near future, not to defuse tension, then in life there can be great troubles or even a complete collapse of life.

Vedic dream book

Sleep "earthquake" indicates that on the way to major problems, partings and heavy losses in the personal sphere. It can also portend losses in business. Family relationships can be severed by death or an unfavorable atmosphere prevails in the family. In short, the dream speaks of suffering and troubles in all spheres of life.

Earthquakes - Wanderer's dream book

This dream portends significant changes in life, the plight, the dangers and the moral crisis.

Dream Book of Meneghetti

The image of the earthquake can conceal feelings of aggression, hostility, hatred, guilt, fear and hatred for all of humanity. Sleep can also mean a desire for sexual satisfaction, but with the fear of sex. A very large role for interpretation is played by circumstances that were in a dream and how a person behaved during this time.

Earthquakes - dream book of Miller

If this dream is dreamed, then this may be an omen of troubles, social upheavals, unrest and losses in business.

The Muslim dream book

The earthquake that occurred in a dream means that a person will suffer a calamity, the culprit of which will be the king (leader) of his country.

Sonny Grishina

If there was a strong earthquake that erases everything from the face of the earth, then this is a foretaste of a new stage in the development of man.

Gypsy dream book: earthquake

The earthquake speaks of insecurity in their abilities. It is recommended that a person take some steps to begin to trust himself.

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