
What causes tartar? Causes of stone formation

Dental stones are a very unpleasant phenomenon. Unfortunately, most people on the planet face it. What causes tartar? Experts have identified many factors that cause his education. We will talk about this in our article. In addition to the reasons for the appearance, we will consider ways to get rid of stones.

What it is?

In order to understand the causes of the appearance of dental calculus, we need to understand what the given formation is. For its formation, material is needed. Plaque is the basis for the birth of a stone. What does it consist of? In most cases, plaque is formed from a combination of peeled epithelial particles and microorganisms that safely live on them. In the course of life pathogenic bacteria secrete acids that destroy enamel. All this can lead to the formation of caries.

So why does tartar appear? It's simple. In the process of accumulation, the plaque solidifies. At this moment a dark shade, characteristic of dental stones, is acquired. Most often they occur in a place that is not sufficiently cleaned by a toothbrush.

Localization of dental calculus

There is a small percentage of people whose solid formations do not appear at all. In other cases, the population faces this phenomenon quite often.

Most often, the stone is localized at the sites of the excretory ducts of the salivary glands. These include the zone of the lower teeth in the center from the side of the tongue. The surface of the molars on the upper jaw from the side of the cheeks is also at risk. Dental stones can rarely be seen from the outside, but they are felt by the tongue. If the patient notices the discomfort, this may mean that it is time for him to visit the dental office.

Process of formation of stones

Dental practice shows that the formation of stones is a long process, which sometimes stretches for six months. The spread of the problem can take another 3 - 4 months. It turns out that not so quickly appears tartar in humans. Therefore, a regular examination by a specialist is able to diagnose and solve the problem on time.

Of course, the figures are average. After all, the timing of the formation of stones will depend on various variable conditions and factors. It should be noted that in recent years, the diagnosis of tartar has become more frequent even in patients of childhood and adolescence. What is the reason for this? What causes tartar in such an early period of life? Experts associate this with such problems as smoking, improper nutrition and metabolism, unsatisfactory oral hygiene.

The causes of solid deposits

What causes tartar? The reasons for the formation will help us to understand this. So, for the formation of a stone, a plaque is required that is on the tooth for a long period. It turns out that the main reason for the formation of stones is improper cleaning of the oral cavity. Often people neglect hygienic procedures. In addition, it is necessary to regularly change toothbrushes, because they are also occupied by pathological microbes. And do not forget about the existence of individual characteristics of the body.

What causes tartar? The reasons for the appearance may be that the brush and paste are improperly selected. With a touch can not cope with soft bristles. Therefore, a person should have a brush with an average degree of rigidity. Low-quality toothpaste is also unable to cope with the task. When choosing it, it is necessary to pay attention to the inscription stating that the effectiveness and safety of the remedy has been confirmed by the Ministry of Health.

Improper chewing food is another reason for the formation of stones. Some people get used to giving loads only to one side.

A diet that does not contain enough solid food does not allow the teeth to self-clean. This leads to the appearance of stones.

More from what does tartar? Causes in the aggregate or each individually lead to mineralization of the plaque. As a rule, first the stone is formed on the cervical site. Then he grabs the root and at the last moment extends to the crown part of the tooth.

Exacerbate the situation of metabolic disorders, smoking, taking antibiotics, abnormal arrangement of teeth.

Is it possible to notice the appearance of stones on your own?

The first symptom of the appearance of tartar, which is not difficult to determine visually, is a dark-colored rim around the tooth. As a rule, it is formed on the inside of the dental unit. After a while, the problem affects the entire surface. The process of formation and spreading is accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. It can be noted that the gum becomes loose. Vessels begin to bleed. After a while, the gingival papilla is damaged. So the appearance of stones affects not only the aesthetics of a smile, but also the health of the mouth. Based on the characteristics and location, solid specialists are divided into subgingival and supragingival calculi. Further we learn about what their difference is.

Types of stones

Statistics show that the patient most often has both types of deposits simultaneously. The process begins under the gum and ends with the formation of supragingival deposits. In this case, they can be noticeable during visual inspection. Subgingival stones are formed on the neck of the tooth in periodontal pockets. The structure is dense and solid, from brown to greenish-black. The deposits are fairly closely adjacent to the surface of the teeth. But with a visual inspection, they are invisible. To identify the sediments under consideration, sounding is used.

Subgingival stones are much harder than those deposits that form on the surface. They are formed from exudate components of inflammatory foci and blood serum. But the chemical composition of both types are similar: magnesium and calcium phosphates, calcium carbonates. We have learned from what tartar appears in people and from what it is formed. Now let's move on to the information on how to remove sediments.

Mechanical method of stone treatment

We have already talked about the fact that stones contribute to the appearance of inflammatory processes on the gum. In order to avoid the occurrence of dental diseases, it is necessary to urgently deal with the removal of sediments. The easiest way to get rid of stones is mechanical cleaning.

Specialist with the help of hooks and tools manually removes stones. To achieve a good result, it is advisable to clean first of all the supragingival areas from the side of the lips and cheeks. Then go to the cleaning of the interdental space. And only after that you can proceed to neutralize subgingival stones. First, the doctor will process no more than 4 dental units. Do not clean the entire cavity immediately. In the conduct of an operation, the right choice of instruments is particularly important. It ideally should fit in shape and size, conform to the bend of the tooth surface.

With the help of sounding, a specialist controls the removal of subgingival deposits. It is extremely important that everything be cleaned up perfectly.

It is worth noting that after the removal of stones the patient should not relax. His task is to conduct preventive manipulation. After all, the problem will return with time, if a person does not learn how to properly care for the oral cavity.

Ultrasonic method of treatment

It does not really matter what tartar comes from, if it already exists, it is important to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Today, the most popular technique is ultrasonic cleaning of soft and hard deposits. The method in question implies the use of an ultrasonic vibration that loosens the bonds within the formation. The technique is based on the destruction of the integrity of the stones. This makes it easy to remove them from the surface of dental units.

Hardware cleaning of the oral cavity

The most modern and safe method of removing dental calculi is laser therapy. The procedure allows you to quickly, comfortably for the patient to destroy the integrity of any dental deposits. In this case, the laser is not able to damage the tooth enamel. This technology is widely in demand in dentistry due to its effectiveness and painlessness of the procedure. However, it has one drawback. This is a high cost of treatment. After completing the cleaning of teeth, the specialist appoints additional procedures. Their goal is to protect the enamel and prevent the rapid appearance of new deposits.

Regardless of what method the doctor performed the cleaning of teeth from stones, in the end, he polishes and polishes the surfaces.

Preventing the formation of dental calculi

Everyone knows that the problem is better to prevent, than to spend the resources and resources to eliminate it. Experts recommend regular preventive measures, which are designed to prevent the appearance of dental calculus. For example, some time after the removal of solid deposits for several days should refrain from using products containing dyes. This recommendation rather calls to protect the enamel from discoloration.

Experts say that it is important to know why tartar appears on the teeth. This will prevent his education. In addition, you need to follow the advice of doctors about preventive measures.

  • Brushing your teeth is done at least twice a day. It is necessary to understand that this is the most important preventive measure of the formation of dental calculi. At the time of cleaning, you can remove the plaque from the surface of the teeth, which transforms into a stone.
  • Every day before going to bed it is recommended to rinse the mouth with an antiseptic. This helps to contain the multiplication of bacteria.
  • The toothbrush is to be replaced after three months. In doing so, it must be kept clean.
  • After each meal, you need to clean the mouth. For example, you can use gum without sugar.
  • Doctors recommend a healthy lifestyle. Harmful habits lead to the formation of dental calculus.
  • The systematic use of hard foods, such as carrots, solid apples, corn, helps self-cleaning the surface of the teeth from plaque.
  • Regular visits to the dentist (at least 2 times a year) will allow you to notice the problem on time, do not start the process, stop it in time.

Now you know what makes tartar, how to fight it. And preventive measures will prevent the appearance of stones.

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