HealthWomen Health

How to plan the birth of a girl or a boy

Probably, there are no exceptions among married couples who, expecting the first-born, make guesses on the sex of the child. Someone wants to be the first boy, the future defender of the younger sister, but some, on the contrary, in the beginning want a little princess. However, a person assumes, and nature establishes its laws, which in principle is useless to resist, but you can try! How to plan the birth of a girl, if genetics for many generations assumes the appearance of a male child?

In principle, the question of how to plan the sex of the child has been practiced for many centuries by science, and parents themselves, and in some situations, married couples have been successful. Medicine in this case "dropped her hands", that is, theoretically, this method still exists, but will the result be exactly what one would like to get? The probability is not high. But the councils experienced and the experience of generations offer a try!

For the first time the predetermination of the sex of the child was described even in the treatises of Ancient China, where it was proposed to calculate the ideal moment according to the age of the mother and the month of conception. For example, how to plan the birth of a girl to a 24-year-old girl? Following the instructions of Chinese scientists, the probability of giving birth to a female child is greater in the mothers at this age for the autumn and winter months, and for the male in the spring. There is a table, the sex of the child on which it is very easy to calculate. By the way, modern scientists have checked the data and confirmed that in 60% of the cases the predictions coincided. After some time a similar method was invented in Japan, the only difference was that instead of the mother's age, months of birth of both parents and, accordingly, the month of conception were considered. However, here the probability of coincidence is even lower - only about 55%.

There are many other theories, according to which, you can also independently determine the sex of the child. For example, the European dogma about the "renewal of blood". According to this assumption, the blood in the body of women is updated every three years, and in the body of men - every four years. How to plan the birth of a girl using this method? It is necessary that at the time of conception of the child the blood of the mother should be younger in this cycle than the blood of the father. Everything is calculated simply - the age of a man is divided into four, and the age of a woman is three, with the remainder being smaller, he is also a "dominant". But coincidences in the described method are present only in 50% of cases, so it is not necessary to rely on this theory.

Nowadays, a lot of theories have been created, the descriptions of which are full of media and many sites of the World Wide Web. This and a certain food, and special guidance from scientific staff, and the calculation of "dangerous" and "safe" days, and much more. How to plan the birth of a girl, so that the probability of a positive result is 100%? Unfortunately, such a universal method is still not available .... But there is one method that promises a 70% chance that a child of the expected sex will be born. The bottom line is that future parents should follow their intimate life! For example, it is more often to plan sexual intercourse to conceive a boy, and more often to abstain, so that as a result a little girl appears in the light. However, the parents of the future princess do not particularly envy - the abstinence period should last at least 1.5-2 months, and no contact between parents is allowed, even a kiss can spoil everything.

These are the most famous and most effective methods among the available ones, but it is up to you to apply some kind of or hope for fate!

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