
Uric acid in the blood is lowered: the causes and symptoms

Uric acid plays a role in ensuring the normal functioning of the human body. Deviations of its level from the norm to a greater or lesser extent can serve as a push to the development of various pathologies. If the analysis shows that uric acid in the blood is lowered, the causes, symptoms of this disorder are of interest to many people. In this article we will try to highlight the prerequisites for their occurrence.

What is uric acid

Acid was first detected in urine and urinary stones. It is the product of the breakdown of purines, which are necessary for the flow of vital processes in the human body. This organic acid can be called nitrogenous slag.

Uric acid is mainly produced by the liver, and its excess is excreted by the kidneys. The higher its level in the blood, the longer the acid salts can stay in the body. The burden on the kidneys is thereby enhanced.

Level of acid

The causes of a decrease in uric acid in the blood are interrelated with the amount of purines that enter the body together with food. They are mainly found in foods saturated with animal proteins.

The level of acid is significantly influenced by several factors: the process of purine synthesis, how quickly these compounds are excreted from the body, with what intensity the cells disintegrate, throwing purine compounds into the blood, how effectively the excretory organs perform their work.

In healthy people, the level of acid in the blood is kept within normal limits, they are not interested in the answer to the question of how to lower uric acid in the blood. His performance in the male is higher than that of women. Men in most cases have an impressive muscle mass, sometimes they abuse physical loads and consume foods saturated with proteins. These factors contribute to an increase in the rate of uric acid.

Functions of this acid

Uric acid does not harm the human body. It is a component of the metabolic system.

Salts of the given acid are necessary for performance of the major functions. They help increase the production of certain hormones, thereby stimulating the work of brain cells.

Possessing an antioxidant effect, salts of uric acid fight against development of oncological processes. They are endowed with the ability to capture and remove free radicals.

Uric acid is lowered in the blood (causes)

Deficiency of acid, revealed during the analysis, is often caused by the following reasons:

  • Failures in the liver, slowing the production of a certain substance that can affect the concentration of acid in the blood.
  • Excretory excretory excretion of uric acid.
  • Deficiency of protein foods leads to the fact that uric acid in the blood is lowered. The causes of this problem usually lie in adherence to strict diets, veganism and vegetarianism.

In certain cases, the level of uric acid may deviate from the norm under the influence of an unbalanced diet enriched with protein food.

Diseases that reduce the acid content of the blood

Certain pathologies are able to negatively affect the normal parameters of uric acid in the blood. The following diseases can slow down the production of its crystals:

  • Diseases of the liver that occur in acute and chronic form. They negatively affect the formation of enzymes involved in the cleavage of purine compounds.
  • Chronic alcoholism. This serious and in most cases incurable disease causes irreversible changes in the structure of the liver and kidneys. Abuse of alcoholic beverages also leads to a decrease in the level of acid salts in the blood.
  • When uric acid in the blood drops, the cause may be the development of pathological processes in the kidneys.
  • Genetic pathologies that violate the exchange processes involving copper. This micronutrient is endowed with the ability to lower uric acid. Deficiency of copper in the body can provoke the development of such a serious disease as cirrhosis.
  • Severe burns of a large area of skin, affecting soft tissues.
  • Toxicosis in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, which can increase the burden on the kidneys, can also serve as a push to lower the level of acid.


Such a common disease as gout (reduced uric acid in the blood causes its development is not considered), is a pretty unpleasant ailment.

This disease is mainly observed in members of the stronger sex who have reached adulthood. Sometimes it can be typical for families, inherited. Even before the appearance of characteristic gout symptoms, a blood test can reveal an increase in uric acid in the patient's blood.

The first signs of this disease usually do not give cause for concern. A person can feel pain in the big toe, after a while painful pains pass by themselves, but then come back and become stronger.

Symptoms of gout include:

  • Painful sensations in the fingers of the upper and lower extremities, ankle joint, knee.
  • High body temperature.
  • An increase in the white blood cell count.
  • In the fluid taken for study from the patient's joint, leukocytes taking part in phagocytosis are present, and the content of acid crystals is reduced.
  • The chronic course of gout sometimes leads to deformation of the joints and irreversible process of necrosis of the affected tissues.

It is difficult to cure this disease, sometimes the course of treatment can adversely affect the patient's health. Taking special anti-gouty drugs is one of the reasons for lowering uric acid in the blood.

The test revealing the level of acid

You can get information about the acid content in the blood, only by using special analysis. The doctors prescribe it in certain cases:

  • When symptoms of gout occur.
  • To identify the causes that led to the formation of kidney stones.
  • With kidney diseases.
  • If the patient for a long time took potent medicines.
  • The patient began to lose weight sharply.

This analysis can reveal, raise or lower uric acid in the blood. The reasons for this state need to be clarified.

Before taking the test, you should not enter into your diet an excessive amount of sweet and savory food, drink alcohol-based drinks. One hour prior to delivery is not recommended to smoke. Drug administration can also affect the results of this analysis.

How to normalize the acid level

To normalize the concentration of salts of this acid, a specialist appoints a course of treatment. It should be combined with a diet that can eliminate anxiety symptoms.

A large number of people tend to lower uric acid in the blood folk remedies. Methods of traditional medicine, which there are a large number, often allow you to bring the level of acid back to normal.

Nettle juice helps to remove excess of this acid from the body. Take it advised several times a day on a teaspoon.

Decoction of cowberry leaves, cooked according to a certain recipe at home, also contributes to the removal of acid salts from the human body.

Efficient means, prepared on the basis of decoction of birch leaves, infusion of calendula, sage and chamomile also help in a fairly short time to normalize the amount of uric acid.

When uric acid in the blood is lowered, the reasons for increasing its content are eliminated, the patient does not feel any discomfort. But do not relax to get rid of these problems forever, it is recommended to exercise and eat right.

Helpful Tips

To normalize the level of acid in the blood, one should heed certain recommendations:

  • Limit the use of food saturated with purines.
  • Get rid of excess weight, which can lead to the development of gout.
  • Strictly comply with the orders of doctors.
  • Regularly donate blood for analysis and visit a specialist.
  • Do not resort to self-medication, it is recommended to take only those drugs that are prescribed by your doctor.
  • Drink plenty of fluids that can increase urine output.

Often when the level of acid is reduced, there are no pronounced symptoms. Weakness and sensitivity of the skin can well signal the development of a certain pathology in the body.

Reduced uric acid in the blood usually does not pose a real threat to the state of human health, but in certain cases can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

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