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Trial of the Crusader - Tactics on the Bosses

Trial of the Crusader is a raid dungeon for 10/25 players, first appeared in the addition of Wrath of the Lich King 3.2. The dungeon is represented in two modes: as a crusader's test and a test of the great crusader (which is a heroic version). In the past, the raiders could get many unique achievements and vehicles, which, unfortunately, are currently removed from the game.


The plan of the assault on the Icecrown Citadel is entering its final phase, and the brave heroes of the Alliance and the Horde do not have much time to gather strength and spirit. The leaders of the factions open the Silver Tournament, and with it the Trial of the Crusader, to test the readiness of their best warriors. They have to fight with ferocious Nordsk monsters, demons from the other world and the threat of dormant deep under the arena.


  • Northrend Monsters

The first "meta-boss" World of Warcraft, which is three different bosses, continuously following each other. It is worth noting the fact that you will receive a reward only for killing the last boss, and if you die at one of the early stages of the raid, you will have to start again.

  • Gormok

Magnotaurus, the first boss of the Colosseum. Quite simple, hangs a curse on the tanks, increasing their damage, stomp on the ground, blocking the use of abilities, and causes snobold-assistants, which in every possible way interfere with the raid.

  • Acidic Womb and Scary Scales

After killing Gormok, you have only a few seconds before the appearance of these worms. The tactics are simple. You should beat them separately from each other and it is advisable to kill at the same time to prevent the state of the berserker from one of the bosses. It is also desirable for the raiders with various curses (red and green) to come together for a general withdrawal of these.

  • Icy roar

Quite an interesting opponent. After mass stunning and throwing the raid against the walls of the Colosseum, the Frozen Roar selects a random player and rushes to meet him, if the player dodges, the boss will be stunned, if not, he will fall into the berserker state.

  • Lord Jaraxxus

Eredar enters the battle with his assistants - the Mistress of Pain. In battle, calls for various portals and volcanoes, which call for new demons. Also uses two not very pleasant curses - a live bomb, a blasting target, if it does not receive proper treatment, and a green flame that ignites the earth around the players.

  • Champions of factions

A fight similar to fighting in the arena. You have to fight with six (in normal mode), or with ten (in heroic) soldiers of the opposite faction. The battle is simple and unique, your primary task is to deal with enemies in this order: pets> healers> warriors of ranged combat> melee warriors.

  • Twin Valkyrs

Two bosses with general health. To successfully complete the raid it is necessary to divide into two parts, with a healer and a tank for each group, a light half will fight with a dark twin, and a dark one, respectively, with a light one.

  • Anub'arak

The last boss of the raid dungeon. Strikes hard, plunging into the ground, almost deadly, beware of its thorns. Calls for large and small scarabs-assistants, if the first should be kept in place and not touched, then it is desirable to get rid of the second ones as soon as possible, because The boss will not be under the ground for too long.


For many experienced players in the WoW Trial of the Crusader was one of the most beloved raiding dungeons due to its uniqueness and complexity. In this place, the heroes could find and collect the best armor of the update 3.2 and prepare themselves for the battle with the Lich King, but modern players will surely find this place fascinating, especially for soloing.

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