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Transmission of Information In Time


There are many ways to transfer information in space. For example,
Send a letter from Moscow to New York can be either by mail, or via the Internet, or using radio signals. And a person in New York can write a response letter and send it to Moscow by any of the above methods.

The situation is different with the transfer of information in time. For example, in 2010
It is required to send a letter from Moscow to New York, but so that this letter can
Read in New York in 2110. How can this be done? And how
The person who will read this letter in 2110 will be able to forward the reply
A letter to Moscow in 2010? Possible solutions to this kind of issues will be given in this paper.

1. Direct problem of information transmission in time

First, we will consider methods of solving direct problems of information transfer in time (from the past to the future). For example, in 2010 it is required to send a letter from Moscow to New York, but so that this letter could be read in New York in 2110. How can this be done? The simplest method for solving this kind of problem is well known from ancient times - it is the use of real media (paper, parchment, clay tablets). Thus, the way information is transmitted to New York in 2110 can, for example, be as follows: it is necessary to write a message on paper, send it by mail with a request that this letter be kept in the archives of New York until 2110, and then read those, Who this letter is meant for. However, paper is not a very durable information keeper, it is susceptible to oxidation and its shelf life is limited at best by several hundred years. In order to transmit information for thousands of years ahead, clay tablets may be required, and on the intervals of millions of years - plates from low-oxidation and high-strength metal alloys. One way or another, in principle, the issue of transferring information from the past to the future has been decided by mankind for a long time. The most common book is the way to send information to descendants.

2. The Inverse Problem of Information Transmission in Time

Now we will consider methods for solving the inverse problems of information transfer in time (from the future to the past). For example, in 2010, A was sent a letter from Moscow to New York and put into the New York Archives for a hundred years. How can a person B who reads this letter in 2110 be able to forward a response letter to Moscow in 2010? In other words, how can A person who wrote this letter get an answer from 2110?
At first glance, the task sounds fantastic. From the point of view of the common man in the street,
It is impossible to obtain information from the future. But according to the ideas of theoretical physics, this is far from being the case. Let's give a simple example.
Consider a closed system of n material points from the standpoint of classical mechanics. Suppose that the coordinates and velocities of each of these points are known at some time. Then, solving the Lagrange equations (Hamilton) ([6]), we can determine the coordinates and velocities of all these points at any other time. In other words, applying the equations of classical mechanics to a closed system of mechanical objects, we can obtain information from the future about the state of the given system.
Another example: consider the behavior of an electron in a stationary field of the attractive forces of an atomic nucleus from the point of view of quantum mechanical representations
Schrodinger-Heisenberg equations ([6]). We also assume that the influence of other external fields can be neglected. Knowing the wave function of the electron at some instant of time and the potential of the field of the atomic nucleus, one can calculate the given wave function at any other time. Thus, it is possible to calculate the probability of finding an electron in a particular point of space at a particular time interval. In other words, we can receive information from the future about the state of the electron.
However, the question arises: if the laws of both classical and quantum physics tell us that we can receive information from the future, why has not this been done in practice in everyday life? In other words, why did not a single person in the world receive letters from his distant descendants, written, for example, in 2110?
The answer to this question lies on the surface. And in the case of a system of material points, and in the case of an electron in the field of an atomic nucleus, we considered the behavior of closed systems, i.e. Such systems, the influence of external forces on which can be neglected. Man is not a closed system, he actively exchanges matter and energy with the environment.

Thus, we have obtained the condition for solving the inverse problem for transferring information in time:

To carry out the transmission of information in time within an open subsystem
It is necessary to investigate with sufficient accuracy the behavior of the minimal possible closed system containing a given subsystem.

Apparently, for humanity as a set of open subsystems (people), the minimum possible closed system is the Earth globe together with
Atmosphere. We call such a system a PZSZ (or approximate to a closed
System of the Earth). The word "approximate" is used here in connection with the obvious fact that there is absolutely no correspondence to the theoretical definition of closed systems in nature ([7]). Thus, in order to predict the behavior of one person in the future, it is necessary to study and predict the behavior in the aggregate of all the components of the planet Earth and its atmosphere. And the accuracy with which it is necessary to do the corresponding calculations, should be no less than the size of the cell. Indeed, before writing a letter, person A must think about what to write about this letter. Thoughts arise through the transmission of electromagnetic pulses between neurons in the brain. Therefore, in order to predict human thoughts, it is necessary to predict the behavior of each cell in the brain in humans. We come to the conclusion that the accuracy with which it is necessary to know the initial data for the CELS significantly exceeds the accuracy of any modern measuring instruments.
However, with the development of nanotechnology, there is a hope that the required accuracy of the devices can be achieved. For this, it is necessary to "populate" the Earth with nanorobots. Namely, in each part of the CELS, which is comparable in size to the size of the cell, (we will call it a nanosocket), it is necessary to place a nanobot that must measure the parameters of a nanosocket and transfer them to a powerful computer (we will call it a nanoserver). The nanoserver must process information from all nanorobots from the CAP and obtain a unified picture of the behavior of the CCD with the accuracy necessary for transmitting information in time. The totality of all nanorobots that "populate" the Earth and atmosphere in this way will be called cellular nanoether. In this case, the entire above-described construction, consisting of a nanoether and an associated nanoserver will be called a TPSH of a CCD (or a technology for transmitting information in time based on an approximate closed-earth system of the Earth). Generally speaking, this kind of technology requires that every cell of the human body has a nanobot. However, if the dimensions of nanorobots are negligible, compared to the size of the cell, then the person will not feel the presence of nanorobots in his body.

Thus, although in our time on industrial scales it is impossible to solve the inverse problem of information transfer in time, in the future, with the development
Nanotechnology, such an opportunity is likely to emerge.

In the following discussion, we will apply the term TPIS to all the technologies described in paragraphs 1 and 2.

3. Communication of information transfer in time with the transfer of information in space.

It should be noted that the planet Earth gives energy in the form of infrared radiation into outer space and receives energy in the form of light from the sun and stars. Energy is exchanged with the cosmos in more exotic ways, for example, by falling meteorites on Earth.
The extent to which the FPZZ is suitable for the practical transfer of information in time should show future experiments in the field of nanotechnology and nanoether. It is not ruled out that solar radiation will introduce a significant error in the methods of analysis of the CCD and the nano-ether must be filled in the entire Solar Stem, thereby realizing the PIV PZSS (or the technology for transmitting information in time based on an approximate closed solar system). In this case, it is likely that in PZSS the average density of nanoether can be less than the density of nanoether on the Earth. But also PZSS will exchange energy with the environment, for example, with the nearest stars. In this connection, it is obvious that the practical transfer of information over time will be carried out with some interference.
In addition, the error associated with the unclosedness of real systems can
Significantly increase the human factor. Suppose, it was possible to implement the WTP based on the CAP. But mankind has long been launching spacecraft beyond the Earth's atmosphere, for example, to explore the moon, Mars,
Satellites of Jupiter and other planets. These spacecraft are exchanged
Signals to the Earth, thereby violating the closedness of the CLE. Moreover, electromagnetic signals containing information seem to exert a much stronger influence on the violation of closure than radiation from stars, which carries no information load, and, therefore, does not affect people's behavior so much. PZSZ and PZSS are special cases of objects close to closed systems (PZSO). Thus, we come to the conclusion that for the qualitative transfer of information in time within the CCD, it is necessary, in particular, to limit as much as possible the exchange of information signals between the CCD and the outside world.

In addition to the amount of interference caused by the incomplete closedness of real systems, the immunity of TPSV will also be determined by the volume of the PES. The larger the spatial dimensions of the PESC, the less interference immunity the TWP will have. Indeed, each nanorobot will transmit a signal to the nanoserver with some error, depending, in particular, on the errors of the nanorobot measuring instruments. In the general case, when processing data on a nanoserver, the errors from all nanorobots will be added, thereby reducing the immunity of TPIS.

In addition, there is another important factor in the occurrence of interference - this is the depth of penetration in time. Let us dwell on this interference factor in more detail. Let us consider the example of a system of material points, mentioned above, which obeys the laws of classical mechanics. In general, to find the coordinates and velocities of points at any time, we need to solve (for example, numerically ([4], [9])) the differential equations of Lagrange (Hamilton). Obviously, with every step in time of the finite-difference algorithm, the error in the solution introduced by the noise in the initial data will become increasingly significant. Finally, at some step, the noise will exceed the level of the useful signal and the algorithm will disperse. Thus, we come to the conclusion that, at relatively small time intervals, the error in the transmission of information in time will be less than at relatively large time intervals. Moreover, the stronger the noise in the initial data, the less depth in time we can reach. And the noise in the initial data directly depends on the errors caused by the violation of closure and proportional to the volume of the PES. Consequently, we come to the conclusion:

The maximum possible transmission distances of information signals in space and time are related to each other according to the law of inverse propotionality.

Indeed, the greater the depth of signal penetration in time it is required to provide for the TPIS, the smaller the dimensions and with the lower energy exchange (with the external environment), it is necessary to consider PZSOs. We write this statement in the form of a mathematical relation:

(1) dxdt = f,

Where dx is the distance from the center of mass of the PESC to the point of space between which the center of mass is exchanging information. Dt is the penetration depth of the information signal in time, f is a constant that does not depend on dx and dt.

The independence of the constant f from any physical parameters is hypothetical. In addition, the exact value of this constant is unknown and is the task of future experiments with a nanoether. We also note the similarity of this regularity with the well-known relations of Heisenberg quantum physics ([6], [7]), where Planck's constant is on the right-hand side.

4. Some historical information and analogies

At the beginning of the twentieth century, technology was created to transfer information
In 3D space by means of electromagnetic signals. The development of this
Technologies at the same time and independently of one another, many
Scientists of the time (Popov, Marconi, Tesla, etc.). However, the industrial introduction of the radio was carried out by Marconi. In the late nineteenth century, competitor Marconi, Tesle (together with Edison), managed to create a technology for the transmission of electromagnetic energy over long distances along metal wires. After that Tesla tried to transmit both information and energy, but already in a wireless way. And Marconi set himself a more modest goal: the exchange of information only with minimal energy costs for these purposes.
After the success of Marconi, Tesla's experiments were canceled,
That the broadcast was sufficient for the industrial needs of the time.

So, in the case of information exchange in the space, we have at least two fundamentally different approaches: the transfer of information only
With minimal energy costs (the Marconi method) and transmission as information
And energy in space (Tesla's method). As history showed, the Marconi method was practically feasible and became the basis of scientific and technological progress
In the twentieth century. At the same time, the Tesla Method, although it received its worthy application in engineering (alternating current), in the wireless sense of full practical confirmation of its not received either on an industrial scale or on an experiment.

In the case of TPIS, the situation is qualitatively the same. The idea of time travel, which can be obtained from a fantastic literature, generally corresponds to the second approach, namely, the Tesla method, and refers to the temporal displacements of molecular bodies or, in other words, the transfer of energy in time. Tesla's method has not yet been fully implemented in practice for either spatial or temporal displacements, and perhaps it will remain only the fruit of the imagination of science fiction writers.

At the same time, the transfer of information in time, without significant energy transfer, is a qualitatively first approach to the exchange of information, which corresponds to the principles of Marconi. In part, TPIS has been implemented in practice and in our time (see paragraphs 1 and 2), and there are certain hopes that these technologies will be fully developed in the future.

For the first time, the assumption of using Marconi's approach to the possibility of transmitting information in time was expressed by mathematician Lydia Fedorenko in 2000. Old age and poor health prevented her from intesively continuing research in this direction. However, she managed to formulate a statement on the exchange of information in space-time, which, in the author's opinion, can be called the Marconi-Fedorenko principle:

In the space-time continuum ([1], [6]), energy transfer is either fundamentally impossible, or requires a much more complex technological base than the transmission of information.

This principle is entirely based on experimental facts. Indeed, for example, it is much less energy-consuming to manage the rover by radio signals than to deliver this rover to the Red Planet. Another example, if a person living in Moscow wants to talk with a person in New York, then it is much easier for a person to do by phone than to spend a lot of time and effort on flying across the Atlantic. Marconi, inventing the radio, was also guided by this principle, because sending only electromagnetic information by means of electromagnetic signals can save a lot on energy costs. In addition, according to the Marconi-Fedorenko principle, one can not exclude the possibility that in a number of cases the transfer of energy in the space-time continuum is fundamentally impossible. The absence of any experimental facts of the transfer of energy (for example, molecular bodies) back in time (for example, from present time to the past) obviously supports this principle.

In this article, I would like to emphasize once again that the transmission of information over time (TPIS) is not a fantasy; it is real technologies, which in part exist even now, which are constantly being improved, and, most likely, will reach their maximum practical application in the very near future. Based on these technologies, it will be possible to exchange information with people from both the past and the future.
I would also like to note that the TRIP principles are essentially different
Theoretically and technically from the approaches of Tesla (that is, those approaches to time travel that can be gleaned from fantastic literature and which it is logical to call the "technology" of energy transfer in time (TPEV)).
However, both TPIS and TPEV have the same ideological basis:
The desire of people to exchange information both through space and through time. Therefore, it is reasonable to borrow a part of the TPEV terminology in relation to the hardware side of the TWAN. In the next section, we will try to determine what, from the point of view of WTP, is an analog of the main technological device
TPEV, namely, the time machine.

5. Some technical characteristics of the TPIS

In the fantastic literature, you can find in various versions a description of the machine, a kind of technical device with which a person can travel through time. This device is called a time machine. From the point of view of TPIS, a complete analogue of this device can not be done, since not energy (not molecular bodies) is transmitted in space, but only information (information signals). However, for TPIV, it is possible to make an apparatus that, according to its basic functionality, will practically correspond to a time machine. We will refer to this apparatus as a time machine related to the TWTP or, briefly, MIFT.

So, let's describe the main principles of the MIIP operation. In part, we already understand, due to what the MIFTP will function. The basis for the transmission of signals through the MIFTP will be the nanoether filling the SSS. These signals will process the nanoserver and transmit to the MIMTA. Suppose a person A living in 2015 is required to receive a message from person B, who lives in 2115. He dials the data of the person B (for example, his passport data or something else) on the MIIPC management console and sends a request to the nano server. The nano-server processes the request of the user A, checks whether the person B existed in 2115, whether he sent any messages to A person in 2015. Upon detection of the corresponding messages, the nano-server sends them to the MTPP of the user A. If the person A does not know the data of the person B, then he can simply contact the server with a query, whether someone left messages for him from the future. Likewise, if user A wants to send a message to user B for a hundred years ahead, then he at the MIFTP console dials this message and sends it to the nanoserver. The nano server remembers this message and after a hundred years passes it to the person B. Note that for the transfer of information forward in time (from A to B), the use of the nanoserver is not necessary, but it is quite sufficient for this purpose to use a conventional storage device on which information can be stored during One hundred years (see paragraph 1). Also note that radio signals can be used to connect the nanoserver and MWTP. Thus, technologically, MIFTP will be a device completely analogous to a mobile phone or walkie-talkie. Moreover, any very ordinary modern mobile phone can function as a MIFT. But for this, it must receive radio signals not from the cellular communication unit, but from the nanoserver. However, the non-trivial moment of the entire technology described above is the reverse transmission of information in time (from B to A), where it is already necessary to use the nanoether.

So, we can hope that in the future, with the development of technologies, two people, separated by a time gap of one hundred years or more, will be able to communicate with each other just like in our time people talk to each other on a mobile phone.

6. Practical application of TPIS.

The author's interest in the creation of a time machine is due to a number of reasons, but the main one is to study the issue of the resurrection of people after their death. The author is persecuted in this matter not only scientific and practical interest, but also personal obligations to bring back to life his grandmother, mathematician and philosopher, Lydia Fedorenko. The question of the resurrection of people is now widely disclosed only in religious and fiction literature, in the scientific world, rather skeptical moods prevail in this respect.

However, technologies such as TPIV allow us to give a certain hope to the relatives of the deceased for the possibility of resurrecting their loved ones in the near future. The point is that theoretically, the nano-server, making its calculations in inverse time ([3], [6]) (ie, describing the past according to the initial data), can restore the structure of each cell of all living organisms in the CCDF with sufficient accuracy, Including, and brain cells of any person who ever lives on the earth. This means that with the help of CAP based on the CAP, it is possible to restore the information contained in the human brain at any time in the past. Speaking ordinary language, you can recreate a person's soul and pump it into the nanoserver. The DNA of the human cell can be restored in an analogous way. Thus, having received all the above information from the past, you can clone the DNA of the deceased person by DNA and transfer his soul from the nanoserver to it, thereby performing complete waxing.
It can be assumed that in the future, when MIFTP will cost no more than an ordinary mobile phone, resurrection technologies will be virtually free of charge. Apparently, in a few decades the only legal obstacle to the resurrection, for example, Julius Caesar or Louis XVI will be only a legal issue (the absence of a written testament of the deceased with a desire to rise again). Technical obstacles to revive any previously deceased person, most likely, will not. Thus, according to the author, at present, it is necessary to create public organizations that will collect and store legally certified wills of citizens, so that all who wish to be resurrected in the future could do it legally.


In this paper, we examined the theoretical, technical and practical aspects of the technology of information transfer in time, technology that originated in the ancient world, actively developed in the twentieth century, and, apparently, will reach its peak in the next few decades. However, at present the details of this technology require substantial elaboration. For example, the exact value of the constant f in the space-time uncertainty relation (1) is unclear. In addition, the correlation itself requires an experimental check. (We note that such a check can apparently be carried out numerically now, using modern computer technology.) The estimates of errors (noise) associated with the deviation from the closure of all really existing systems Bodies (including PZSZ and PZSS), the required density of the nanoether, the necessary characteristics of the nanoserver, and so on.
Part of the existing tasks in this direction can be solved now (mainly by numerical simulation on the computer). There is a certain group of problems that require a more serious level of development of nanotechnology than we currently have. However, we can confidently say that all these tasks can be solved quite soon, in the next few decades. The author plans to continue his theoretical and practical research in this direction. Questions and suggestions, please send an e-mail to:


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