
Transformations of Peter the 1st

Peter the 1st - one of the most odious figures in Russian history. Having ascended to the throne at a young age, he most severely changed the whole further course of the historical significance of the Russian state. Some historians call him "great reformer", others - a revolutionary.

Tsar Peter the Great, who later became emperor, is, without a doubt, a talented and uncommon person. He was a typical choleric, unrestrained and rude, completely subordinated to himself power. All the transformations of Peter the Great were violently and brutally planted throughout the territory of the Russian State, most of them were never brought to the end.

Reforms, or so-called Peter's transformations of the 1st, include an impressive list, this is:

  • Military;
  • Economic;
  • Church;
  • Political;
  • Administrative;
  • Cultural;
  • Social.

To implement them, the Russian Empire put one-third of its population on the altar. But we will not be so categorical, let's try to look deeper.

Transformations of Peter the Great in the military reform consist in the fact that he managed to create a combat-ready, well-armed army capable of successfully combating both the external and internal enemy. He is also the initiator of the creation of the Russian Navy, although historians state the fact that most of the ships safely rotted in the shipyards, and the guns did not always hit the target.

Economic transformation of Peter the 1st

Huge funds and human reserves were required for the conduct of the Northern War, therefore manufactories, steelmaking and smelting plants, and blast-furnace enterprises began to be intensively built. Also uncontrolled deforestation and extraction of minerals began. The transformation of Peter the Great, which significantly influenced the Russian economy, is, first of all, the development of the Urals, since it allowed to be less dependent on foreign imports. Such serious economic changes certainly gave the country a boost in industrial production, but because of the use of servitude and slave labor, these enterprises were inefficient. The economic transformation of Peter the Great made the poor people beggars and turned them into slaves.

State-administrative reforms

In this process there is a complete subordination of the supreme authority, which occurred after the reorganization of the administrative apparatus.

The transformation of Peter the Great into the Russian Orthodox Church was very painful. Thanks to his reformist activities, she was forced to completely go under the control of the state, which led to the Church split. He abolished patriarchy and replaced it with the Holy Synod, which lasted until 1917

Cultural transformations of Peter the 1st showed themselves in town planning and architecture and were completely borrowed from Western models. During the construction of St. Petersburg, only foreign architects took part, for which the style "a la ryus" was wild and not worthy of attention. Along with this, we must pay tribute to Peter for the discovery of navigational, engineering and medical schools in which noble children received a decent education. In 1719 the Kunstkammer opened its doors. Until this time, Russian people did not know the museums. Cultural transformations of Peter the Great contributed to a more powerful development of book printing. True, the translations of Western publications left much to be desired.

With this ruler, Russia moved to a new chronology from the Nativity of Christ. Up to this point, our ancestors led him from the Creation of the world. Of great importance was the introduction of civil alphabet and the creation of libraries. In general, this period can be characterized by a time of incredible progress.

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