Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

Titles and idols: the most inflated person in the world

Although there is a saying that in the presence of force the mind is not particularly required, it is not for everyone to "get hold of" this very strength, to develop the physical parameters of one's body to a record size. Here you need a competent approach, solid knowledge in medicine, biology, even in physics and chemistry, the ability to correctly calculate the load during training, make up a diet and much more, much more. Those. In addition to the texture itself - the body, you still need good brains.

On the way to the records

The most punished person in the world - this phrase sounds like a title, as a prize, as an honorary title. In fact, so it is. After all, to be recognized as a "mountain man," you have to sweat for years in gyms, in many ways restrict yourself and, in fact, give your life to the bodybuilding ministry. A vivid example of this is an athlete from Germany named Marcus Ruhl. Among professionals, he was nicknamed the "watermelon of bodybuilding" for huge balls of biceps, eerily rolling under the skin. When this most inflated person in the world (athlete title in 2009) prepares for the next competitions and, feeding on a special diet, expels water from the body, it seems that on his body the skin will simply burst, unable to withstand the pressure of muscle mass. Stunning reliefs, impressive indicators - to them, Marcus began to systematically go from about 19 years. It is believed that athletes of this direction at this age are already somewhat old. After all, the younger the body, the easier it gives in to restructuring and stress, but because of the professional bodybuilding young men begin to deal with much earlier - from 15-16 years.

"The German Beast" (another nickname athlete) - the most inflated man in the world - experienced many disappointments, serious injuries, before he reached the heights of Olympus bodybuilding. And now he tries to keep within the limits of his rank and anthropometric parameters, continues to train seriously and perform at prestigious competitions and competitions. Goodness, health and physical fitness allow it. After all, with a standard growth of a meter seventy-seven centimeters, the volume of the biceps in Marcus is fifty-seven centimeters, the weight during the competition is one hundred and twenty-seven kilograms, the volume of the chest is one hundred and forty-eight centimeters, and the hips are eighty-four centimeters. When the most inflated person in the world rests From performances, he types "a couple" of extra kilograms and weighs one hundred forty-five pounds. And if the podium hero appears on the street, ordinary people next to him look comically small, even if in fact they are quite solid.

Another idol

The next recognized athlete in the world, a bodybuilder, which can not be forgotten, is Jay Cutler. He not only became a four-time Olympia, but also made a good acting career in Hollywood. If you ask about who is the strongest man on the planet, then Cutler is very much right for this role. Since childhood, he was engaged in heavy physical labor, working on construction sites (father and brother were in this business, Jay, as the youngest man in the family, began the same path from scratch). This has become a kind of platform for the development of muscle strength, mass building. And studying in a law college, Cutler in his spare time worked hard "bodybuilding" - so translated the term "bodybuilding". The persistence and desire to achieve high results helped overcome all the difficulties that arose. Jay is currently the only athlete-bodybuilder who was able to regain the "Olympia" after the defeat.

Another "star" American, who left a significant mark in the history of bodybuilding and athleticism, is Art Atwood. Unfortunately, he died very early - at the age of 37 years.

And who is the strongest person in the world at the moment? Unequivocally answer, perhaps, impossible. After all, this title is very much in line with Ronnie Coleman - bodybuilder-pro, winner of many competitions in this field. No less suitable candidate is the Lithuanian heavyweight weightlifter Savickas. His single in the world record - squat with a four hundred-kilogram barbell in his hands. The award for the victory in one of the competitions was handed to him by "Uncle Arnie" himself - the famous Schwartz-Terminator.

By the way, it is worth remembering in this article and idols of the past, standing at the roots of healthy bodybuilding - Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Chuck Noris.

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