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There was redness on the leg: the reasons for which doctor to apply

Modern active life is so engaging each of us in its frantic rhythm that sometimes one should remember one's own health only with the appearance of some obvious symptoms. One of them is the redness of the skin on the legs, often accompanied by itching. Those having a wide variety of nature (allergies, insect bites, bruises, traumas, inflammatory processes in the body), red-pink spots can be located pointwise or cover the skin of the legs completely.

From insect bites

One of the causes of reddening of the skin are insect bites, with the greatest peak of such alien interference occurring during the hot season. Bloodsuckers (mites, mosquitoes) inject a substance under the skin that prevents blood clotting. The body reacts to this with reddening of the skin and sensations of itching. In such cases, drugs should be used whose action is directed at decontamination, sedation and removal of the inflammatory process. In addition, modern means are aimed at preventing the development of an allergic reaction: do not allow an increase in edema and relieve the sensation of itching.

Such drugs are produced in various forms: gels, balms, aerosols, patches, pencils. The most effective are creams. Thanks to the fat component in their composition, they ensure rapid penetration of medicinal constituents inside.

The most effective drugs against insect bites on the consumer market are Levomekol, Menovazin, Hydrocortisone Ointment, Soventol, Fenistil, Advantan, Akriderm. Folk recipes recommend to attach to the affected area half of raw potatoes (cut side) or cabbage leaf.

Inconvenient clothes and tight shoes

Redness on the leg may be caused by tight clothing (pants, pantyhose, elk) or tight shoes. The skin is deprived of the ability to breathe normally, as a result of which it begins to blush and itch.

The appearance of red spots can also lead to depilation. Traumatic outer layer of the epidermis, it causes hyperemia - increased blood filling of the affected area.


Redness of the skin on the legs can be the result of a bruise, in which there is swelling of the soft tissues and possible development of the hematoma. Often a bruise is accompanied by swelling and cyanosis of the skin, painful sensations, and sometimes disabilities of the joints. Remove swelling and redness is recommended through warming physiotherapy, electrophoresis and magnetotherapy. Of folk remedies, puffiness can be reduced by a decoction of calendula and wormwood in the form of warm lotions.

In difficult cases (if the integrity of a large vessel, the inability to move a leg, lameness) is recommended, the use of antibiotics, after mandatory consultation with a doctor. If your legs hurt, which doctor should you contact? In this case, the help of such specialists as a dermatologist, therapist and surgeon will become relevant.

Allergic dermatitis

Itching and redness on the legs can often be caused by allergic dermatitis, also expressed by the appearance of pale pink spots, blisters and scaly red rashes. Moreover, the affected area is characterized by distinct edges. Most often, dermatitis affects the most delicate areas on the legs - the inner side of the thighs and knees. If untimely treatment, the inflammation can spread to a larger area.

The most common cause of such an allergy is hypersensitivity to chromates - salts of chromic acid, which is a common component of shoe leather. Also, allergic dermatitis is a reaction to antibiotics, food allergens, household chemicals, laundry detergent, synthetic clothing and improperly selected footwear. If your legs hurt, which doctor should you contact?

Specialists in the field of treating allergic dermatitis are a dermatologist and an allergist. Therapy of allergic dermatitis in the first place is to exclude contact with the allergen and conduct drug therapy with antihistamines and antifungals. Positive dynamics will be observed in the removal of acute symptoms of the disease, reducing the intensity of itching, reducing skin inflammation, slowing down the process of cell division. In case of complications, antibiotics may be used.


Psoriasis on the legs is a chronic dermatitis of the skin; There is redness on the leg, severe itching, the appearance of single inflamed papules that are transformed over time into psoriatic plaques with silvery-white, easily removed by scraping scales. The disease is characterized by a wave-like course: acute phases are followed by periods of remission. The causes of psoriasis are:

  • Violation of lipid metabolism;
  • Disruptions in the work of the hormonal system;
  • Mechanical skin damage;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Transferred viral diseases.

Psoriasis is treated only in a complex way, consisting in the application of:

  • Hormonal ointments that stop the development of the disease;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • Photochemotherapy;
  • Alternative methods;
  • Special diet;
  • Observance of certain rules of foot skin care.

Herpes on the leg

Redness on the leg may be a sign of herpes, which indicates the presence of shingles in the body.

Such a disease develops along the branches of individual nerves and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, a feeling of numbness, tenderness along the affected nerve, redness on the skin and edema. Then there is a bubble rash with transparent contents, cloudy after a few hours. Vesicles are arranged in groups and closely adhere to each other, often merge with each other, forming larger forms. Subsequently they burst, causing wetting of the affected skin. For the feet, this is very dangerous, since it can be complicated by the attachment of a fungal and bacterial infection.

Treatment of herpes on the legs is carried out with antiviral drugs of systemic action: Valaciclovir, Famciclovir, Acyclovir. Also, the doctor prescribes immunomodulators (most often "Viferon" in candles), inducers of endogenous interferons ("Cyclofen", "Amiksin"). It is recommended to lubricate the affected areas with an alcoholic solution of brilliant green, which causes drying of the rash elements and the rapid formation of crusts on them. Oily need to apply antiviral ointments and creams that contain acyclovir. To avoid complications, herpes on the leg is treated only under the supervision of a doctor.


Redness on the leg may indicate the presence of eczema - a chronic disease that is of a neuro-allergic nature and affects both men and women with equal frequency.

Symptoms of Eczema:

  • The appearance on the skin of bubbles, nodules, scales, crusts, erosion;
  • Severe redness of the skin of the legs due to the expansion of the capillaries;
  • Sensation of itching;
  • Dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • Disturbance of wakefulness and sleep.

Causes of eczema:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, endocrine and central nervous system;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Injuries;
  • Professional factors, which depend on the harmfulness of work. In the zone of high risk are workers of metallurgical, printing, pharmaceutical industry;
  • External factors: hypothermia, overheating, solar radiation.

Treatment of the disease is complex and consists of taking sedatives ("Nozepam", "Chlozepid", "Novopassit", "Persen"), enterosorbents ("Multisorb", "Enterosgel", "Polysorb", "Polyphepan"), hormonal ointments (Oxycorte, Cloveit, Diprogen, Betazon), antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Prometazine, Chloropyramine).

Redness on the legs, the reasons for the occurrence of which have very different explanations, must necessarily attract attention, since they can be serious and indicate the inflammatory processes taking place in the body.

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