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The war story is what is the genre in literature? Features and features of military literature

The war story is a genre that was formed in the era of Kievan Rus. Being a unique and original literary phenomenon, similar works reached the modern reader as part of medieval chronicles.

Key Features

The war story is the texts of the annals, which have a strict literary structure. They are sustained in a peculiar style. In the center of the plot is the struggle of the Russian soldier with a foreigner. The narrative is subordinated to an idea typical of the worldview of the inhabitants of Kievan Rus, namely: on faith in the manifestation of the divine will and its influence on the deeds of ordinary mortals.

Definition of the genre

The war story is an important historical source. However, as regards the definition of this cultural phenomenon, the opinions of the researchers are somewhat divergent. Some believe that such a story is an integral part of the chronicle. And from other texts it is distinguished by a military plot. Examples of similar articles in the "Chronicles of Bygone Years" - a narrative about the struggle against the Pechenegs, Polovtsians (XI-XII c.) And Tatars (XIII-XIV c.).

Other historians believe that the military story is an independent literary work, and not a fragment of ancient Russian arches. The first example of this genre, they consider "The Lay of Igor's Host".

And yet, what is a military story? In literature and history, this phenomenon takes an important place. Combining the two versions outlined above, we can form a general idea about it.

The development of the military story

As a separate genre, it was finally formed in the 12th-13th centuries. The authors of the first heroic works were the founders of the Kiev and Galicia-Volyn chronicles.

Features of the military story are that all events unfold exclusively around the main character. Such a structure is not accidental. The purpose of this narrative is to convey to the descendants the image of a fighter and liberator from enemy invasions. The culmination in its development this genre reached in the second half of the XII century. He was created in the highest circles. Therefore, the author of the military story appealed primarily to boyars and princes.

The Story of Svyatoslav

This work is a life story of a bright heroic personality. The facts stated in it are reliable. The structure of the story is dated fragments from the life of the hero. The author of this historical work emphasizes that Prince Svyatoslav was extremely close to his soldiers, considering himself one of them.

Being part of the squad is the basis of the knightly morality of those times. And it was this feature that became key in the image of Svyatoslav. The structure of this military story is rather complicated. The numerous speeches of the hero and his speeches before the squad are complex for the perception of the modern reader. In addition, the story contains additional facts and details. All these elements are entered into the text intentionally. They characterize the era in which Prince Svyatoslav lived.

The main character is depicted as a brave and agile warrior. One of the contemporaries of the author of this military story compared Svyatoslav with a clever cheetah for his speed and activity in combat. The main features of the military narrative are precisely in this depiction of the generals. Characters in the literature of this genre are not pompous and capricious princes, but heroes who are able to endure all the hardships of military life.

A Tale of Prince Izyaslav

This work is one of the best monuments of ancient Russian literature of the heroic genre. It also dominates the praise of the protagonist. The story begins with a description of an important historical event: Izyaslav is called to the throne of Kiev.

But in this work there is no unity of stylistic and ideological features. The story of Prince Izyaslav is replaced by a story about the massacre of Igor. Further, numerous campaigns are depicted and diplomatic policy is discussed. The author-chronicler of this military story accentuates attention to the honor and integrity of the main character. Characteristic features in the image of the prince is a constant readiness to risk his life, surrender to the will of God, the ability to express extraordinary generosity towards the clergy. And, like Svyatoslav, Izyaslav immensely loves his squad.

A Tale of Igor's Campaign to the Polovets

This annalistic work consists of two cycles. The first depicts Igor's significant campaign and the death of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich. The second has a Chernigov-northern origin. The author of the chronicle text depicts Igor as a valiant bearer of military honor. In the description of the campaign there are minute details that indicate the awareness of the chronicler. The creator of this fragment, perhaps, was not a participant in the battles, but received first-hand information.

A comic story about Prince Danilo

The life story of this historical figure is an integral biographical work. The image of Danilo Galichsky is endowed with the features of a wise politician and a hero prince. In his novel, which he called a "chronograph", imitating foreign authors, the chronicler depicted campaigns and battles, participation in the Battle of Kalka. The work is characterized by a detailed description of the psychological state of the prince and his squad before the battle.

The tale of the ruin of Ryazan by Batu

The work is one of the first, not part of the annals. This story is a separate literary and documentary work. It was built on the successive combination of separate historical fragments. And in this literary work for the first time, not only the prince, but also other characters are endowed with characteristic features. The author not only describes the events, but also expresses his opinion, applying various artistic means. There are trails - rhetorical figures, designed to strengthen the figurative language.


This genre has a specific structure. The military story consists, as a rule, of three parts. The first depicts the collection of troops. The second is devoted to the event itself, which is key in the plot. And in the third, the author sets out the consequences that led to the heroic campaign. Such a composition is characteristic of the military story. However, there are texts in which the exploits and campaigns of Russian soldiers are described in a more complex form.

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