
The size of a drywall sheet is an important factor in the repair

This material for repair and finishing, appeared recently, but has already won a place of honor in a number of finishing materials. It has reliability and practicality, all at a low price and easy installation. The size of the drywall sheet can be quite varied, depending on its manufacturer. And this material is applied everywhere: when decorating walls, ceilings, as a basis for finishing the floor, as well as when creating partitions between rooms. The latter is very advantageous because of its properties: low sound permeability, ease of installation, low price.

A sheet of drywall is ideal as a house heater. If the apartment in winter freezes the walls, then it is just necessary for their warmth. And if the size of the plasterboard sheet is also large, then such a sheet can easily align the wall. When doing this work, one trick is used: the indentation of the material from the wall itself is made, as a result, there appears a space that can be clogged with cotton or any other insulation, and even this method will reduce the permeability of walls for sound.

So, before warming the walls, you need to purchase all the materials. Requires galvanized metal profiles, various screws, insulation and the plasterboard itself. First of all, it is necessary to make a frame from the metal profile, and then attach it to the wall. In advance under it, prepare some lining, so that the frame does not touch the plaster. The next step is to install a heater. The size of the drywall sheet in this case should be the same (so the installation will be easier). It is worth noting that the levels of insulation and the frame should be the same (so that one does not go beyond the other). Now you can take on the installation of the drywall itself. Mount it with screws in the upper and lower corner. If the dimensions of the drywall sheet are too large, it will need to be cut. After the installation of the material, it is necessary to attach the sickle grid and begin to putty the walls. Thus, the wall is insulated with plasterboard. And what kinds of this material are there?

There are 4 types of gypsum board:

"A regular sheet." Simple, gray and inconspicuous.

- Moisture resistant sheet, which has in its composition special substances that resist moisture absorption. It is specially treated and not subject to bacteria and fungi.

- Fireproof sheet of drywall. Required in non-residential premises, for example in production. Usually the size of a drywall sheet in this case is better to pick up more. With the help of this material it is very good to make slopes on plastic windows. Plastic is very harmful and in the fire emits toxic substances, while the gypsum board slope is safe and fireproof.

- There is also a multi-sheet, mixed, or, as it is called, a sandwich panel. Such a panel is a sheet of plasterboard with a heater attached to it. This is an excellent solution for wall insulation.

What kind of this material to use - choose only the owner, but you need to consult with knowledgeable people or with professionals and only after that start the selection and installation of drywall.

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