Spiritual developmentMystic

The seven-pointed star: the meaning. How to draw a seven-pointed star? A seven-pointed star made of paper

Today there are a lot of different symbols. Each of them has a certain value. They passed from generation to generation and were constantly treated differently. One of the most popular symbols is a star that has seven rays. It is used in a variety of mystical rites, appears as a customary decoration. This article will tell you what the seven-pointed star is, its history. And also here is a complete algorithm that will help create a similar symbol with your own hands.

Stars and everything that is known about them

What is a star? In fact, in every religion, this symbol has its own meaning. If you carry out a full analysis, you can come to the conclusion that it means eternity and is the object of worship in many nations. The ancients were sure that as long as the sky is dotted with stars, the world will exist, and as soon as the last heavenly body is extinguished, the earth will end.

And what is this object from the scientific point of view? Relying on science, it can be argued that the stars are gas balls scattered throughout the universe. They are held in place by their own gravity and internal pressure. A person at night in the sky can see simultaneously from 3 to 6 thousand stars. The nearest star to the Earth is the Sun.

The history of the seven-pointed star

According to historical data, the first mention of it was in ancient times. For the first time about it have started talking in the eastern countries - Sumer, Assyria, India, Chaldea. Often a seven-pointed star is called a septagram, magical or elven. Each of its angle and ray has a certain value. It is the talisman of real magicians, since it helps them to establish a connection with otherworldly forces. It is believed that such a star brings luck to people, because the number seven is happy: seven colors at the rainbow, seven wonders of the world, seven notes, seven days of the week, seven magic petals.

The value of the symbol

The ancient Greeks had their own understanding of this symbol. They were sure that the seven-pointed star is connected directly with Venus, which is known as the goddess of love, and also with Athena. Even here it can be clearly seen that the symbol has a direct relationship to something positive, not negative.

But the ancient Egyptians believed that they brought a star with seven ends, luck or trouble. It depends on what the priest will conjure. If the magician "programmed" the sign for good, then the star was worn on the body, using as a protective talisman, which helps drive away evil spirits from the person. But the septagram can, at the behest of the magician, bring illness or even death.

The seven-pointed star of wizards

Precise data, when it appeared, no. Historians claim that the elven star appeared in Babylon, but it is not possible to confirm this information or refute it. Mages believe that each of the seven rays means the day of the week.

The first ray is the resurrection. The person born on this day will be extraordinarily happy. These people are helped by something invisible, and also they are distinguished by strong health. It is believed that on Sunday you need to rebuild your body and make new acquaintances.

The second ray is Monday. These people are capricious and restless. They often fly in the clouds and love to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Girls born on Monday, according to the magicians, became beautiful housewives and mothers. The sages were sure that Monday is a bad day for doing something new.

The third ray is Tuesday. A day that is suitable for new beginnings. A person who came into the world on this day, can become a brave warrior or a real bespredelschikom. Regardless of whether he is good or bad, this person will always be very active and impulsive. It's best to spend Tuesday with your family.

The fourth ray is Wednesday. On Wednesday bold and strong-willed individuals are born. In addition to physical strength, this person will have a mind, can perfectly express his thoughts. In ancient times, the born on Wednesday became a merchant or a writer. This day will perfectly suit for any trip, and also for the decision of exciting questions. It is on Wednesday that the conflict situation can be solved with the help of words.

Beam five - Thursday. These people easily have people around them, they easily find a common language with strangers. Lucky in family life and enjoy authority at work. Such a person is always confident in his actions, he knows what he wants. As a rule, these people become politicians or officials. In any case, they occupy a high place in the society. Thursday will be a good day for self-development. You can also conclude a bargain.

The sixth ray is Friday. The man who was born on Friday will never fail and will be a loyal friend. On this day there are those who sow the world. But not everything is so fabulous. This person can be born lazy and an opportunist who can not achieve anything in life. Mages have Friday as a day filled with love. If the couple met on this particular day, then their relationship is doomed to success. It is worth noting that on this day it is best to enjoy each other spiritually.

The seventh ray is Saturday. These cunning people were born on Saturday. They become spies and traitors. Outwardly they are not noticeable, but inside they always know what they want, and are able to benefit from any situation. Best of all, these people feel cold, but when it's hot outside, they become uncomfortable. This day of the week is best suited to restore strength and energy. Also it is possible to finish the business, which did not reach the hands. This is the day when you should not talk too much.

Also each ray of a similar star implies a planetary hour.

Star with a triangle inside

A seven-pointed star with a triangle inside is most often a talisman. There is a belief that for every person there is an amulet that will surely bring good luck. He is chosen in accordance with the sign of the zodiac. A seven-pointed star with a triangle protects Libra.

Libra - it's creative people, who often can not realize themselves. In order to solve this problem, it is recommended to use a pencil and ruler. It is necessary to draw a star with seven rays on the sheet of paper and draw a triangle inside. This combination will help to activate the inner world of Libra. In the life of these people, processes will start that will help them find themselves.

Seven-pointed star: how to draw?

In order to better understand what a symbol like this is, it needs to be drawn. Beautifully portray the star will help the following algorithm:

  1. Draw a circle with a compass.
  2. Mark seven points according to what the star should be.
  3. Using a ruler and a pencil, connect the dots.
  4. Intermediate lines and a circle need to be erased.
  5. It turns out to be a smooth and beautiful star with seven ends.

Acting according to this algorithm, each person will be able to draw a figure without problems.

How to make of paper?

Often you can see that stars of different types decorate certain rooms. Bright and colorful, these figures look simply delicious. In fact, each person can independently make a seven-pointed star from the paper. For this you need:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper across and along.
  2. The corners of the sheet should be applied to the point of folding.
  3. Turn over what happened, and bend the upper parts along the horizontal line.
  4. Sell neatly the fold line from both sides.
  5. Bend the lower parts along a horizontal line.
  6. Turn the figure to the other side and bend the corners.
  7. Add the resulting shape vertically.
  8. Triangles bend at the base.
  9. Take the sides and stretch the figure.
  10. Lateral triangles fold in the middle.

You need to make seven similar modules to get a star from them. After the modules are ready, you need to insert them into the pockets to each other. As a result, you should get a voluminous seven-pointed star made of paper.

Where can a star come in handy, besides magic?

Seven-pointed star, the value of which is indicated in the article, is perfect for decorating rooms on the eve of holidays. Christmas, New Year, birthday, anniversaries and weddings are those events, during which it is very appropriate to decorate the interior with stars. A three-dimensional septagram in 3D format will give a lot of positive emotions, and also bring good luck to adults and children.


This article tells what the seven-pointed star of magicians is, how you can draw it, make it yourself, where to apply it.

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