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The series "Naughty Kiss" ("Playful Kiss"): actors and roles, the plot

The series about school love is always an extremely inspiring and sensual act that reminds even the most hardened realists about how contradictory, tender and sincere love is. "Naughty Kiss" is just such a tape of Korean manufacturers. When you watch "Playful Kiss", actors and screenwriters will amaze you with the subtlety of romantic acts and the depth of emotions.

About the show

Koreans can shoot, and usually do it well. This is the opinion of residents not only of this country, but of almost the entire educated world. This is decided not without reason, and the "Naughty Kiss" confirms this.

In Korea, such serials are called dorama - this is a multi-part drama, if you pay attention to direct translation, but the genre can be different. In this case it is a comedy melodrama. The target audience is young people. Although it will be pleasant for older girls to look and remember fascinating school years.

The film was shot in 2010 and liked by many viewers in different countries. There are several Russian translations, for example "Green tea" or "Tomato" group. Also you can find the original Korean audiorium with a text translation - subtitles, for special "gourmets". Such a viewing will help to see and hear the unique emotions of the characters. "Naughty Kiss" ("Playful Kiss") in 2010 - an interesting dorama for air mood. Especially all the girls are sure to be interested in the participation in the project of Kim Hyun Joon, who already had time to fall in love with the female audience for previously filmed films.

The beginning of history

Like all stories about youthful love, this Dorama begins with a not very happy teenager. The girl did not succeed the most beautiful or the cleverest, she does not attract the attention of the crowds of the students and him, the only one. "The first guy" in this Korean village, Pak Son Kyaw, is the best, looks like a movie star - in general, the secret dream of every girl.

So, in "Playful Kiss" the story begins with the fact that the modest and inconspicuous Oh Ha Nee falls madly in love with the delightful, feminine look, but arrogant and arrogant Pak Son Kyaw. The girl can only look at her idol from afar - he does not pay any attention to it, because there are enough skirts and "shorter" around. In addition, they are hung by bundles around the neck and twist in front of the nose cute tails. Where is it here to the modest and sincere love of an ordinary-looking mouse.

First shock

In "Playful Kiss" the actors demonstrated the first feeling that pushes the most insane acts. Here, too, a modest Oh Ha Ni is not able to even look into the eyes of a lover for a long time, she suddenly realizes that she simply can not hold it in herself. Love tears out, waving confident, but tender wings.

Deciding to write a letter, the high school student carried out her intention and sent the message to the Son of Kyaw. However, spoiled by female attention, the cute lad reacts rigidly to this situation and mockingly treats timid maiden sincerity. The first shock is a shameful public rejection, wounding to the core.

The Second Shock

No matter how dramatic the first teenage love, situations are worse. The house where the girl lived with her father burns, and they find themselves on the street. No one needs and no one to help. Nearly. The head of the family turns to his friend for help, and he readily responds to the request, letting the fire victims into their house.

In "Playful Kiss" the actors were perfectly aware of the subtlety of the task, so even the secondary characters are well thought out and played. The main character falls into a strange house in which her father and her friend are always busy, always at work.

The mistress of the house is a little strange, but extremely loving, treats everyone around beautifully, gives a lot of positive and for some reason dresses the boys in the girls. In addition, there is a colorful little brother who does not like strangers at all, and, apparently, everyone around him.

But the main thing in this situation is different. At hand and constant observation is that same cold-blooded and majestic prince, and concurrently the evil genius Pak Son Kyaw.

Such a marvelous chance

Fate is changeable, and the girl who recently received a refusal finds an amazing chance to live under one roof with her lover. However, everything is not so simple as it seems at first glance. An uneasy atmosphere in the house, constant peer ridicule and other relevant problems in a compartment with a cold in the heart of the handsome man is not conducive to this.

In "Playful Kiss" actors, especially in the lead roles, perfectly understood the task and showed enthusiasm how the girl enthusiastically runs after the boy. Children in their teens are cruel enough, so all courtship from O Ha Ha Ni Seung Kyaw safely rejects.

However, the female character is unpredictable, therefore, once again failing to cope with the riot of emotions and love of one's body, the unhappy girl throws out all her emotions, accumulated words and other expressions of feeling on the local prince. What happens in the boy's head is unclear, but after that the most enthusiastic naughty kiss is realized, which affects a lot, but does not explain anything.

Very different roles

Drama "Naughty Kiss" - "Playful Kiss", the actors of which played just fine, combines ice and flame. In fact, the inspiration and love of one very young girl stand all possible troubles and difficulties, troubles and sorrows for one person. He, in turn, is cold, rude and cruel, which, however, as it turns out, does not deprive him of his human feelings and emotions.

In the drama it is very interesting to observe their communication, words and gestures, pain and dreams, because in the world of teenagers there are more than ever. No matter how desperate the actions of O Nha Nee, she is ready to forget and abandon all plans only for the sake of the favor of her prince, the cold of which is shaken under the zealous and fiery pressure.

main characters

In the drama "Naughty Kiss" (2010), the actors who played the main roles are the popular Kim Hyun Joon and the no less famous Chon So Min. They both had time to fall in love not only with Korean audiences, but also with audiences from other countries.

Kim Hyun Joon was born in the year 86 of the last century and played the main role, besides the "Naughty Kiss", in "The Time of the Young", "The Boys of Colorful Flowers" and occasionally participated in five more films, including "Obsessed with Dreams." Having an interesting and confident biography, from which one can see that only his character and purposefulness allowed him to get into people, he confidently takes on more and more interesting and interesting roles.

In addition, he is a fairly successful and popular musician, the leader of the group SS501. In doing so, the young person has a pleasant, disposed appearance, which provides constant access to such roles. This prince has one drawback: there are too many contradictory rumors, disputes and gossip about his personal life, but he claims to be lonely.

Chon So Min, in turn, was born in 89 of the same century. This little girl is 165 centimeters tall and 45 kilograms of weight, which with success allows her to play a schoolgirl. She took part in a fairly large number of Dora and a couple of films, which brought her considerable fame and public attention. Pleasant appearance provides the girl the attention of the opposite sex, and an excellent acting game - positive reviews of critics.

Two of these actors look great in the frame, their gestures and mimicry can be clearly seen that the first love is familiar to them clearly not by hearsay.


In "Playful Kiss" actors and roles are distributed quite rightly. In addition to the already mentioned main characters, a number of minor but expressive characters are being removed in the drama.

  • Oh Guy Dawn is the father of a girl who is played by Kang Nam Gil.
  • Back Su Soo Chang - Pope Son Kyaw.
  • Koh Minh is a friend of Ha Ni.
  • Son Gan Yi - teacher Ha Ni.

Qualitative and interesting series "Naughty Kiss" is perfectly complemented by interesting and colorful actors who coped with their task perfectly.

Will there be a continuation?

Doromy "Playful Kiss" is released year 2010. It was already a long time ago, but the fans do not get any less. In the drama there are only 16 episodes, and each of them lasts about 60 minutes. For the series it's not much, but its capacity allows quite enough to illuminate such a fine story.

Since the author of the manga - the basis of this drama - has not yet finished his story, there will be no continuation of the Korean film in the near future. At least until he can not cope with this. However, in 2015, a new series with a similar story and the same name, only Thai production. There are more episodes and the plot is revealed more globally.

"Naughty Kiss" enjoys well-deserved popularity both in Korea and in the vastness of Runet. Subtle feelings of the director of the situation and teenage emotions makes the series really valuable to its target audience.

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