LawState and Law

The right to protect workers

Work and work are of great importance for man and his existence. After it was said, "You will earn your daily bread by the sweat of your face!", Work has become one of the main occupations for a person.

An ancient Roman proverb "wherever right, there is protection" is becoming more and more relevant nowadays. Therefore, knowledge of laws makes sense - to feel more confident and therefore free, to know your rights, but also not to forget about the rights of others.

In a modern developed society, labor relations are regulated by a separate industry - labor law.

Its main principle is to provide the right to defend the state to every person, to uphold his freedoms and labor rights. A concretization of this principle can be found in the chapters on the protection of workers' rights.

Now in our country among employers, unfortunately, the number of private enterprises, individuals and organizations is growing, where labor relations are not always based on labor legislation, i.e. they imply a shaky right to protection. In connection with this, the observance of labor rights and freedoms of workers is tightened today.

The labor code of our country provides for the right of everyone to defend himself in any way that the law does not prohibit. The main ones that can protect workers' rights are set out in the Labor Code. The list of them remains unchanged. Only the sequence of the transfer of protection is changed.

Earlier, control and state supervision were mentioned first. And in the new version, in the first place - self-protection of labor rights by employees. But this does not mean that the state protection of workers' workers from violation of their freedoms and labor rights will weaken. On the contrary, attention is focused on ensuring that workers can exercise their right to protection by lawful means.

In the new (improved) version of the TC, the list of ways to protect freedoms and labor rights has been expanded. Here, the right to judicial protection is added, which must be ensured in accordance with our Constitution, which secures the human right to defend in court.

According to the new labor code, the list of the main ways to protect labor rights and freedoms is the self-defense of workers by their workers, protection of the legitimate interests and labor rights of workers in trade unions, state control and supervision over the implementation of the labor code and other normative legal acts that contain labor law norms and, of course , Judicial protection.

Those workers who have claims to employers regarding violation of their rights have the right to protection in court, which is regulated in the labor code of our state. In the current legislation of a new model, labor disputes are decided not by the world court, as it was before, but they are brought to the consideration of the district court. The protection of workers' rights can occur both in the procedure for handling complaints by a specially created commission on labor disputes, and bypassing the above-mentioned commission.

Any disputes related to labor relations can be considered in court. The law establishes a certain list of disputes, which is not considered by the commission, but is decided solely in court. This is a recovery at work, changes in the reason and date of dismissal, transfer to another job, payment for forced absenteeism or a difference in pay for the period when the lower paid work is performed, inaction or wrongful actions of the employer in protecting and processing the worker's personal data, as well as denial of employment .

By a court decision, the incorrect or inadequate wording of the reason for dismissal can be changed.

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