Food and drinkRecipes

The recipe for cooking redheads for the first, second and for the winter

Ryzhik rightfully occupies an honorable place after white and Polish mushrooms. It is divided into two species at the place of growth. Distinguish pine pine red - it has clearly distinguishable dark concentric circles on the cap, and spruce - it has a smooth red-orange color. There is also a false redhead. Distinguish it from edible simply. Take in the basket only the mushroom, which on the fracture does not emit a caustic carrot juice. He also needs to smell good pine needles. On the cut, the edible mushroom gently turns green. The most favorite way to cook gingerbread is salting, as well as marinating and quenching. But there are other recipes. Below, read the selection of the best.


Preparation of red-haired for the winter - It, first of all, salting. In the 18th century, mushrooms cooked in this manner were exported from Russia to France ... in bottles! Why in such strange packaging? Because salted redheads were especially valued , the cap of which did not exceed 2 centimeters in diameter. Mushrooms are advised not to wash, but only to clean and wipe. We scald them with boiling water to eliminate bitterness. Then they pile them up with the hats into the dishes, pouring each layer with salt. Add a garlic slice and a sprig of scalded dill. Close the lid and put under oppression. When the mushrooms settle, add more fresh red mushrooms.


The easiest recipe for cooking saffron In this way the following . We clean the mushrooms, cut the largest into pieces and throw them into the salted water so that they do not turn green. We put it back in the colander to make the glass water. We prepare marinade. Pour 150 ml of water into a saucepan, add 7 g of salt and citric acid at the tip of the knife. When the liquid boils, we throw the redheads and cook for a quarter of an hour. Then we fish mushrooms and lay them on sterilized jars. Fill with a strained hot marinade. We cover the jars with lids and put them in a basin with water heated to 60 ° C. Liters can be pasteurized for 90 minutes. After that, the containers are hermetically sealed with metal covers.

Mushroom soup

And if you can not wait to taste the harvest you just harvested, here's a recipe for cooking redheads for soup. Mushrooms are cleaned, mine, boil in slightly salted water for about 20 minutes. Then the water in which the redheads were prepared, it is recommended to drain. Add them to the broth after the meat, potatoes and other vegetables. For domestic okroshki often use salted rozhiki. Also, these mushrooms are often used to prepare the saltwort team.

The recipe for cooking saffron in a frying pan

This dish is only a hat. Although this mushroom is edible, it is better to boil it 10 minutes beforehand. Then dry in a colander and on a towel. This is so that there is no spray, and the mushrooms blush, and not become stewed. We throw them into the warmed up mixture of vegetable and creamy oils. Add the fat in the puffed onion. Before serving, season with sour cream.

Stewed mushrooms

This is the most common recipe for cooking gingerbread in Russian cuisine. They are stewed in sour cream, with apples, meat, potatoes. Before laying the dish, the mushrooms are also slightly boiled, and the water is drained. First, fry the onion in a frying pan. It is added to the fishes, salted and put a tablespoon of butter. Close the frying pan with a lid and put on a small fire. Stew for 20 minutes, then pour a glass of sour cream. If it is too liquid, you can thicken it with flour or breadcrumbs.

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