Computers, Equipment
The mouse is running around the screen: what to do?
The computer and its components are unpredictable. Various failures and malfunctions in her work are met quite often. What if the mouse is running around the screen? What should be done to correct the situation? Is the problem dangerous? It is not so difficult to understand all this as it seems. The main thing is not to panic. So why the mouse cursor can run around the screen? How to fix this situation?
So, the first variant of the development of events is the presence of a remote connection to the computer. That is, someone can remotely control this or that machine. In this situation, the question of why the cursor runs around the screen does not arise.
After disconnecting the TeamViewer application or its analogues, the mouse stops spontaneously moving and performing actions. As a rule, such a situation is created intentionally by the user himself and does not raise questions.
The mouse is running around the screen? It is likely that the blame for all the viruses that penetrated the computer. Often they not only destroy the integrity of the OS, but also disable the connected equipment.
If you suspect that there are viruses on your computer, we recommend that you scan the computer immediately. It is also advisable to check the computer for the presence of "spies".
After cleaning, the situation at which the mouse runs around the screen will disappear. In any case, if the reason was covered in the presence of viruses in the operating system. Nevertheless, the problem often lies elsewhere.
Why is the mouse running around the screen? The next variant of the development of events is common, but few people know about it. The thing is that a variety of third-party items that fall on the mouse, lead to the movement of the cursor. More precisely, he starts to twitch.
The most common cause is clogging the device. From time to time, the mouse is required to be cleaned. It is advisable to work at a computer using a special mouse pad. It serves as additional protection.
As soon as foreign objects (it may be dust, dirt or pieces of food) will be removed, you can observe the behavior of the cursor. Is he still twitching? Then you need to look for the source of the problem elsewhere!
Working surface
Why is the mouse cursor running around the screen? It is likely that this phenomenon arises from the wrong working surface on which the mouse is located. It can be uneven or shaking by itself.
By the way, a very common reason, in which the mouse runs around the screen. Fixed without much difficulty - or the user selects a new working surface, or buys a less sensitive mouse. Most often, the problem is solved by working with a mouse pad. It helps to avoid the mobility of the device, and also protects from unnecessary damage and blockages.
The mouse cursor is running around the screen? The last common variant of the development of events is nothing more than a knocked-down sensitivity setting of the device. Any mouse has a similar parameter. It allows you to adjust the sensitivity. At higher rates, the cursor will start to twitch at the slightest touch. Accordingly, to be surprised that the mouse is running around the screen, it's not worth it.
How to solve this problem? Can:
- Buy a less sensitive mouse. Actual only for those cases when the device was planned to be replaced. Not the fact that the replacement will help.
- Adjust the sensitivity of the mouse. The most common scenario. There are many applications that allow you to resolve the situation.
Once the settings are set to normal, there will no longer be any problems in which the mouse is running around the screen. But what if, even after all the solutions listed, the problem has not disappeared?
operating system
Then it is recommended to follow several tips. The mouse is running around the screen, but the hardware settings are ok, no remote PC management programs are connected, and viruses are excluded?
In this case it is recommended:
- To roll back the system on a date when the mouse did not twitch. It is likely, all the fault of the system failure.
- Clear the PC registry. Failures can be not only related to system failures, but also to be caused by "cluttering" the registry.
- Reinstall the OS. Especially if the user has a pirated copy.
- Install / update the mouse drivers. Some computer mice require installed drivers. Before installing the corresponding software, the device may not work or function defectively.
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