Spiritual developmentAstrology

The meaning of the name Violetta, or How to understand this woman

The name Violetta is of Latin origin and is translated as "violet". It is very popular with well-known classics - this is the name of more than one heroine of literary works.

Violetta from early childhood is very independent and determined girl. A bit brisk, I will never give myself offense. Has an increased self-esteem, considers himself better than others and looks down on children of his age.

In the teenage period , the character of the girl manifests such features as restlessness, courage, masculinity and determination. Also Violet is very stubborn. To convince her of what she does not agree with is just wasting time.

Quite often, even with simple words, Violetta can offend a person. But he never acknowledges his guilt and error, even if it is obvious.

As soon as there is an opportunity to move away from the parents, she will certainly use it, showing her independence and independence.

The meaning of the name Violetta characterizes her as a very emotional woman. In life she is an "owl", therefore she will always give preference to work that falls on evening and night hours. In the morning, she loves spending more time in her bed.

Violetta has a good taste, which allows her to look stylish at all times. She can think up some of her clothes and maybe even sew herself.

The meaning of the name Violetta speaks of her as a very attractive woman. It is always popular with men at almost any age. Violetta very quickly fall in love, in some cases, even can decide to betray his lover, because for her sex is very important. Unfortunately, this behavior often leads to her divorce. The second time he marries almost always.

The secret of Violetta's name characterizes her as a person with a good memory and an analytical mind. However, she is ungracious, but if she wishes she can achieve a lot.

Violetta has a very high opinion of herself. He believes that only she can give really useful advice. He likes to be attracted to attention when he is listened to.

In the environment of people she is interested in, she feels very comfortable. She likes to be admired. But a small comment or any criticism can knock this woman out of the rut. She is simply lost, and she has a feeling of anxiety.

The meaning of the name Violetta speaks of her as a person in need of communication with close people and friends and even dependent on him. She loves noisy companies, she tries to avoid loneliness.

A chance meeting on the street can become decisive in your personal life and change the fate of a woman called Violetta. The meaning of the name says that in marriage (if it suits her) she will be the ideal hostess and wife. But it turns out she did not immediately, but only after a few years. The companion of life is a witty and temperamental person. In the family, she is often the leader, Violetta simply does not agree to other roles.

She does not hurry up to have children, she wants to live for herself. With the mother-in-law more often the relationship does not add up, so they live separately.

The meaning of Violetta's name characterizes her as a person who treats her work only as a source of income. The begun business up to the end brings up seldom.

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