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The meaning of the name is Odysseus. History, origin of the name
Odysseus wore the hero of the ancient Greek epic. About his wanderings we know thanks to the poems of Homer. About the Odyssey, and other ancient authors mentioned. European writers, from the Renaissance to our days, have also always shown great interest in the figure of this hero. And this is not surprising. After all, the culture of ancient Greece became one of the foundations of European civilization. Many modern geographical names, names, scientific terms are rooted in the language of ancient Greece.
Origin of the name
There are several versions of the meaning of the name. The most popular translation is "angry, angry".
The alternative meaning of the name Odysseus - "angry gods." This option seems most plausible. Those incredible trials that had to be overcome by Odysseus can really be explained only by the unfriendly interference of the higher powers.
Finally, supporters of the third version see the common root in the names of Odysseus and Zeus when writing in Greek. According to legend, Odysseus was a descendant of the supreme Olympic god. On the maternal line, his great-grandfather was Hermes. Thus, among the ancestors of Odysseus - at once two gods. A very suitable pedigree for the hero, who performed many feats.
Features of ancient Greek names
The inhabitants of ancient Greece had no names. Most likely, this circumstance is one of the manifestations of the democratic character of Greek policies - a person could not expect respect only because of belonging to a respected family. Therefore, each sought to glorify himself with his own achievements, write his own name in history.
There were no generally accepted rules on how to name a child in ancient Greece. Often names were given in honor of one of the gods. For example, Diodorus translates as "the gift of Zeus." Also, the ancient Greek names could reflect those qualities that parents would like to see from their child. Calling her daughter Sophia, she thereby wished for wisdom. When they gave the name of Nikon, they hoped that the son would be the winner, because his patroness would be the goddess Nika.
The History of Odysseus
Most of the life of our hero is described by Homer. After his marriage to Penelope Odysseus intended to enjoy the peaceful joys of family life, but had to go to the Trojan War. It was the trick he invented with a wooden horse that brought the Greeks a victory.
The further wanderings of the Odyssey, lasting twenty years, were caused by the disgrace of the gods and unsuccessful coincidences of circumstances. When he finally managed to return to Ithaca, he was turned by Athena into a frail old man.
At this time, his wife Penelope woo dozens of suitors, convincing her that Odysseus had long ago died. He has to pass the test to prove his identity. After Penelope recognized him, Odysseus kills her suitors and arranges a triumphal celebration.
Thus, as the plot develops, the meaning of the name Odysseus undergoes a change. If at first he has to deal with the wrath of the gods, then towards the end of the narrative he is already so angry that he sweeps away all obstacles from his path. In the finale, he appears as the royal descendant of Zeus, the full master of his possessions.
Wanderings of Odysseus
Homer's hero is known, above all, for a very long time coming home from the Trojan War. Odysseus had to go through countless obstacles. A lot of unusual and amazing characters he met during his trip.
On the island of the lotophagous Odysseus and his companions nearly lost their memory. After that the brave hero has to fight with the huge Cyclops. Odysseus' hope to return to his native lands is destroyed by his own sailors. They steal from their leader the furs and untie them, waiting to discover the treasure there. But there are winds, donated by Odysseus Aeolus, and carry the ships far into the sea. He has to flee from the giant cannibals, swim between Scylla and Charybdis and resist the charms of the sirens.
Adventures are not limited to maritime wanderings. Odysseus, on the advice of the soothsayer Tiresias, undertakes a long land journey. With an oar on his shoulder he is looking for people who do not know the sea.
If from Zeus Odysseus inherited perseverance and indomitable spirit, then from his other great-grandfather, Hermes, he received cunning and enterprise. These qualities and helped him survive during the many deadly situations that occurred during the long wanderings.
Odysseus often cheats, deceives, weaves intrigues. These actions help him survive, but they often set up against the Odysseus people next to him. However, is it so important to the opinion of mere mortals for someone who is forced to evade the wiles of the gods?
Odysseus is not like other Greek heroes. The names of most of them are connected with victories in fair fight. Some of them achieved success due to phenomenal physical strength, like Hercules. Others used mind and diplomacy, like Jason. Only Odysseus became famous as a cunning and a deceiver.
Love adventures
During the wanderings Odysseus met many extraordinary women. Some of them became his beloved. Odysseus spent a year on the island of the sorceress Circe and spent seven years with the nymph Calypso. However, his relationship with women was surprisingly honest. Odysseus has never hidden from his beloved that he will not cease to strive for a reunion with Penelope, who is waiting for him in Ithaca.
This is the main paradox in the character of our hero - lying and calculating in dealing with people and gods, he turns out to be faithful and constant in love. Not without reason is the allegorical meaning of the name Odysseus - a faithful husband. The purpose of all his wanderings is to return home, to the family.
Odysseus in Portugal
The history of the origin of names is full of surprises and surprises. This is true not only for people, but for cities. According to one of the popular legends, the name of Portugal's capital Lisbon comes from the name of Odysseus. It is believed that after returning to Ithaca, his wanderings did not end.
To restore the favor of Poseidon Odysseus went on a hiking trip. The prophecy commanded him to look for a people living near the sea, but not able to swim on ships.
The journey was long. Finally, Odysseus reached the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Only the Atlantic Ocean stretched further. Here, on the edge of the earth, Odysseus met people who took the oar on his shoulder by the shovel. These were distant ancestors of modern Portuguese. Odysseus taught them the ship's art. Later, the Portuguese became a nation of great seafarers.
The name Odysseus today
The origin of the male names, familiar to our ear, can be traced with a high degree of certainty. Many of them are taken from the Bible. Others come from the names of Christian saints. Many also want to name a child in honor of ancient heroes.
Some parents are worried whether the Greek meaning of Odysseus's name will affect the character of their child. Nobody wants their son to grow angry and always angry. These are groundless fears. In social networks, registered a lot of users with the name Odyssey. Communicating with them shows that they are cheerful and friendly people.
Want your child to have a beautiful name - safely call him Odyssey!
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