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The longest bridge in the world: the Chinese are breaking records

One of the best modern Christmas films is "Elki". It was there that for the first time the whole of Russia was told about the amazing phenomenon - the city of Bavly. Located in Tatarstan, it is located 21 km from Oktyabrsky and 206 km from Ufa. In this case, the only fact that distinguishes these settlements from millions of similar ones is the time difference of 2 hours. Therefore, the flyover that connects Bavly and Oktyabrsky can compete for the title "The longest bridge".

But seriously, the Russian Federation boasts a huge number of overpasses. Of these, you can identify not only bridges, but also viaducts, and roadways. One of the most beautiful structures is the cable-stayed construction in Vladivostok, running through the Bosporus East Pass . The longest bridge in Russia is in Tatarstan (the village of Sorochi Gory), its length is almost 14 km.

Of course, there is a huge number of structures, many times larger than the given structure. So, the longest bridge, located above the surface of the water, was built by the Chinese. Located above Jiaozhou Bay, it connects the island area of Huangdao and the port city of Qingdao. This structure was opened for traffic in the summer of 2011. The flyover includes eight lanes with a length of 42 kilometers and 400 measures. At the same time, this bridge represents a unique design, which also takes into account frequent seismic fluctuations and unfavorable weather conditions in this region.

What is noteworthy, until the construction of this facility, the longest bridge built on the sea was Hangzhou Bay, also located in China. This design is transferred across the Hangzhou Bay in Zhejiang Province, it connects two cities - Jiaxing and Ningbo. The length of Hangzhou Bay is exactly 36 km.

American Lake Ponchartrain, located in Louisiana, also boasts the presence of a fairly extensive structure, hanging over it. The length of the viaduct is just over 38 km.

Overpasses erected over land can also be considered as bridges. In particular, the autobahns and hi-wei. If you reject all stereotypes, then the title "The longest bridge" gets the highway Bangkok Bang Na. This design has settled steadily over the highway, its official name in construction is a road of bridge type, although it does not reach the full bridge. The length of the highway is 54 km.

Recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, the Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct is the longest bridge in the world, overlooking the railway tracks, the lake and the gorges. Stretched for 164.8 km, this structure was erected in record time - just 3 years, and cost the Chinese government a "long" amount - $ 10 billion.

Beauty and splendor conquers the cable-stayed bridge Vasco da Gama, built in Lisbon. Thanks to the construction of this facility, it was possible to reduce the number of traffic jams and unload the transport network of the capital of Portugal. The Vasco da Gama cable car is the longest bridge in Europe. Its length is 17 kilometers and 200 meters.

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