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The inhabitants are ... The meaning of the word, synonyms

The term "philistine" occurs almost at every step. But who such a philistine, and where this concept came from, is not known to everyone. Today we try to understand what it is and why it sometimes sounds contemptuous.

Let's glance at the dictionary

Initially, this concept was not interpreted in any way and in no way concerned the person's personality. If you look at the explanatory dictionary, the townsfolk are ordinary inhabitants of a certain locality. A philistine could be an ordinary artisan, a merchant, boyar or serf, and so on. Judging by the dictionaries, it's just one part of the total population of a certain district or class.

"The inhabitants of this village always led a wild life." "Walking down the street of the city, he met only the local inhabitants." And there are a lot of such examples. It is difficult to find a synonym for this word. The philistine is ordinary, ordinary, simple, unremarkable. This is the most accurate of its lexical substitutes.

Philistine and purpose in life

If earlier the word was not interpreted in any way, apart from a simple explanation that this is a local resident, now the philistine and the person are two interrelated components of life. The townsfolk are people who live, as if in their little world, live for themselves and do not want to delve into the problems of the world around them.

The root of this word already says that these are those who lead a normal lifestyle. People in this case can not be called asocial persons, say, mentally ill, convicted, beggars or homeless.

A certain history, habits and traditions have already developed in each locality. What is the difference between a philistine and another? Place of birth or residence. Urban will be interested in politics or culture, and rural inhabitants are residents who are more interested in how much Shura's woman has a goat brought by kids or when a neighbor throws to drink.

The goal of life for every man in the street will be different. The concept unites people, and conditions of a life plant on the different parties. Getting into some other society for ourselves, we will automatically be its inhabitants. We will adjust our mentality and become different.

The Philistine and the Personality

The mentality of the place is an important indicator. But no less important is the mentality of the person. The townsfolk in the same locality can be completely different people, with different interests, characters and views.

And a big mistake will be to look at a person only from the point of view of some terrain. If you need to see the essence of his personality, you will have to look at this side as well. Here there is another concept: the townsfolk are the burners of life.

Creator, burner and philistine

If we start from the experience of everyday and some theory, then all people can be divided into three main categories. The first will be the philistines, that is, those who simply live their lives, not interested in the surrounding world. The townsfolk are ordinary people who do not leave anything meaningful after themselves.

The second category will include the burners of life. Such people do not appreciate it, do not have definite aspirations and goals, they are destructive in nature.

The third category is the creators. They can be put in opposition to the townsfolk. These are creators, often leaving a significant mark in the history of mankind. In every epoch there are philistines and creators. Who to be is up to you!

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