
The HP printer does not print in black - what should I do?

Very often, users are faced with the fact that the HP printer does not print in black. In truth, some immediately panic. But it's not worth doing so. With this kind of problems, it seems, everyone, who has a printer at all, encounters. But why does this happen? What to do in this case? Let's try to understand our today's difficult question.

Damage to the print head

The first option, which occurs quite often, is damage to the print head in the printer. In this case, even a new cartridge will not work with the equipment. However, it is difficult to diagnose the problem.

Do not your HP 3525 printer print in black? Then it's time to take your equipment to a specialized service center. Tell us about your suspicions of a head failure. If the "diagnosis" is confirmed, then you will be offered a choice of several options for the development of events. The first is the replacement of the broken part (often the malfunction can be adjusted), the second is the purchase of a new printer.

Do not panic. With print head damage, collide very often. And it's not a fact that the HP printer does not print black because of this. If you want to begin by wanting to exclude simpler reasons, then you should postpone the visit to the service center for a while.


The next variant of the development of events is perfectly suitable for home correction. If the HP 5525 does not print in black, what to do - do not know, but you do not want to carry equipment (not only 5525, but also other models) to the service center, then you can independently check what happened.

Try printing a test document. Did not work out? Although the settings show that the printer has black paint? Then try using a specialized washing solution for printers. Pip it onto the printhead and wait for a while. After the cleaning is complete, try again. Happened? Then you no longer have to puzzle why the printer does not print in black. HP or whatever - it does not matter. The main thing is that the problem is found and eliminated.

But what if the head was not flushed? Of course, to look for the cause of this kind of behavior somewhere else. Let's try to figure out what else can cause this phenomenon.

No paint

The most banal is when the printer runs out of paint. However, the computer may not notify the user about this event. Then the HP 5525 does not print in black. What to do? By the way, it concerns not only the listed models of printers, but all printing equipment. When the paint finishes or has run out, you will need to dial it and install it in the device.

Quite often, the cartridge is replaced. This is done either alone or in the service centers. In addition, some models of printers require direct refilling of an already inserted cartridge using a specialized syringe and ink. This procedure is carried out at home mainly.

After you refill the cartridge, shake the equipment and check. Does the HP 5510 printer not print in black (or any other model)? Then the reason is not at all in paint. The problem is resolved? Remarkably, continue to keep track of how much black ink you have left.

Substandard refueling

Sometimes, as practice shows, printers refuse to print even after they were "poured" paint of the appropriate color. In our case, black. The reason for this can be a lot of problems. But often this is nothing but a poorly conducted process. What are we talking about?

You or you did not fully insert the cartridge into the equipment or badly pasted an existing one. In this case, everything is fixed very quickly and easily. Reinsert the cartridge in the printer. Until an easy click. If the ink was poured into already inserted equipment, then you will have to take an adhesive tape and stick it tightly into the place of the "injection". So you can correct the situation with the failure of the printer to print in black.

After completing the steps, try to check the operation of the equipment. Often, you will no longer be bothered by problems with the printing of documents. But this does not always happen. Do not your HP 3525 printer print in black? What do you do not know? Then it is worthwhile to check out some more interesting variants of the development of events. And only then make a conclusion about the breakdown of the printer as a whole.


If the printing equipment is not used very often, but suddenly it refused to work, try cleaning the nozzles inside. After all, very often the cause of this behavior is nothing more than the drying of paint on these details. In this case, your HP printer does not print in black.

To be frightened it is not necessary. The nozzles are cleaned with alcohol and a cotton pad. Wipe them and then allow to dry. Then, start testing the printer. Users say that on most printing equipment the nozzle has to be cleaned regularly. Otherwise, soon it will refuse to work.

All wrong

Also problems can be observed in the case of using poor-quality printed materials. This applies to ink, and cartridges, and even paper. Often, the HP printer does not print in black because of improper compilation of components for a given undertaking.

In order to avoid problems, it is enough to simply buy exclusively high-quality materials, as well as identical components inserted into the equipment. If there is a suspicion that you have bought something wrong, then it is enough to take the printer to the service center for diagnostics. There you quickly confirm or refute the theory put forward. So it's not worth panicking when the equipment does not print in black.


The last reason that the HP 5510 does not print in black (or any other model) is a computer problem. In particular, drivers for printing equipment. In this case, it's best to reinstall them. And in general, to reinstall the drivers immediately after the first manifestations of problems with the printer.

After the action is completed, you will have to check your equipment. A test page printout will be performed. It will make it clear whether the printer prints black, or not. Not so often, but reinstalling drivers really helps. Especially when the printer is completely new.

Malfunctions and breakdowns

True, if even after all the manipulations the equipment did not start printing in black, then it is normal to assume that it's all about its failure. That is, you have to relate the printer to a store or a service center. The first variant of the development of events is preferable. After all, you have to buy a new printer.

If your equipment is still in the warranty period, then take it to a service center. There you should diagnose a breakdown and offer a new similar printer or alternatives (cheaper or more expensive). As a rule, only this is the solution to the problem with a broken printer. The new model after its adjustment on the computer will not give you any trouble.

Advice for the future - in a timely manner, clean the printer of dust and dirt, and monitor the amount of ink in it. This will help to avoid many situations in which the equipment stops printing in black.

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