Sports and FitnessBaseball

The history of baseball. How to learn how to beat a bat

About 90% of US residents are ardent fans of baseball. It seems that the question of how to learn how to beat a bat, American children is born in infancy.

The history of baseball

Whatever the Americans say, they did not invent baseball at all. At the origins - a number of European sports fun with the ball and bat. Especially like modern baseball for traditional Russian bast shoes. Since the seventeenth century, England has played cricket, as well as English bass. These games are also very much like baseball. And in Germany at the same time was popular in the game of the ball. In all listed sports there was a division into teams, there was a serving and a battering, and in many respects the other rules were very similar to the rules of modern baseball.

World Championships in Baseball

World baseball championships were held already in the 30s of last century, and the victory in the first championship was won not by Americans, but by the British. In the future, the British in the competition in baseball did not participate. Basically there were teams from Latin American countries and the USA. Baseball, whose rules have been adapted for small fields and indoor games, is popular in Japan, the Czech Republic, England, Finland and Romania. In the 40s, Australia joined the championship, and already in the 70s - Holland, Italy and the countries of Asia. The Cuban team participated in the championship 21 times, won 18 times, and the remaining three times took twice the second and third places.

And to this day the baseball bat, the photo of which can be seen below, for some reason in Russia is associated more with a means of self-defense, and how to learn how to beat a bat is told in the relevant classes for women.

Game number one

Nevertheless, every American piously believes that they invented the game of baseball, as well as the fact that American teams are the strongest in this sport. This confidence is an inalienable feature of the American patriot.

The baseball season is opened by the president of the United States. On the players say, they write in the newspapers. They are popular and wealthy citizens of America. Perhaps more popular than the players in Russia.

After the defeat of Germany in World War II, the Americans introduced baseball as a compulsory subject in German secondary schools (and later the same in Japan). Japanese this game was very much even to taste.

Art of the game

A professional slugger strikes a bat in such a way that the ball develops a speed of about 150 km / h. "How to learn how to beat a bat with this result?" - a question that all beginners ask. In this case, the main thing is to grab the bits and the rack. The sports coach will put the right hitting technique. To begin with, they work out in front of the mirror. After working off the rack and the technique of swinging, you can start working off the strike. Here you will need the help of a partner. To start, the ball is fed at very low speeds, and then the speed gradually increases. Seven hits out of ten - this is a very good result.

So, the first thing you need to learn is the right rack. It implies slightly bent knees and shoulders parallel to the floor. The beats must be tight, the brushes are tight and tightly closed. The right-hander has the right hand above the left hand, the left-hander has the other hand. The bit should be kept about 5 cm from its lower edge. These are universal requirements. Each specific player can have his own unique convenient rack.

Perfectly having fulfilled a rack, it is possible to pass to beating off a ball. The bat must move to the ball along the shortest trajectory. At impact the transfer of the center of gravity provides additional acceleration to the ball, so that the impact force is by no means the most important for the slugger, the reaction and the correct technique are more important.

Choosing accessories for playing baseball

The skin for baseball gloves is treated in a special way to achieve maximum strength. An important point is the reliability of the seams. What is interesting is that the new glove considerably loses the old one, since it does not have sufficient flexibility. To achieve it, the gloves are heated in the oven, and they are driven by car wheels, and lubricated with oil. However, the most loyal assistant in this matter is a long-term baseball game. That's why players value their gloves so much. In addition, they should be selected strictly according to the size of the hand. And, of course, left-handed and right-handers need different gloves. Professionals order even individual sewing.

Before you learn how to beat a bat, you need to be able to choose the right one among the many surrogates sold in stores. A long bit with a thin grip is more suitable for a physically stronger player than others. The rest can be purchased short with a thick handle, ideally balanced in weight. Moreover, heavier bits allow better control of the impact.

The first bit of the starting athlete will help you choose a coach. Usually it has a length of 80 and less than centimeters and weighs up to 850 grams. For children, bits are selected based on height and weight.

Professionals use only wooden products, but they are very expensive, so amateurs or beginners first buy aluminum bits or a composite material.

Baseball is an interesting, though difficult game and also a great sport. As in any other sport, it will take a lot of effort, but success will necessarily come to the stubborn and persistent.

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