Arts & Entertainment, Films
The film "Firs-2": actors and roles
In the picture "Fir-2" the actors present to the viewer sketches from Russian life on the eve of the New Year. In parallel, the film develops several storylines, which are intertwined with each other quite arbitrarily. In general, the public has the opportunity to see a panorama of New Year's Eve and everyday life. Who acted in this film, and most importantly - who acted as its director?
Short story
The producer of the "Elki-2" project was Timur Bekmambetov, famous for his films "Night Watch", "Particularly Dangerous" and many other works. But there are several directors at the film: Alexander Kott ("Brest Fortress"), Dmitry Kiselev ("Black Lightning"), Alexander Baranov (TV series "Catherine") and Levan Gabriadze ("Freaks").
The audience fully appreciated the idea of the directors and the producer, ensuring normal fees in theaters: with a budget of $ 5 million, the picture collected 26 million.
"Firs-2": actors, photo. Ivan Urgant
Ivan Urgant along with Sergei Svetlakov is a regular participant in the cast of "Elok": in the pictures "Yolki-1", "Yolki-2", "Yolki-3", "Yolki-1914" he plays the same character - businessman Boris Vorobyov.
Ivan Urgant has been successfully combining the profession of an actor and a TV presenter for many years. As an entertainer, he was involved in such films as "First Speedy", "Three and a Snowflake", "Vysotsky: Thanks for Being Alive". As a showman Ivan permanently conducts programs "Projector Paris Hilton" and "Evening Urgant".
The film "Firs-2": actors and roles. Sergey Svetlakov
Sergey Svetlakov is a native of the city of Sverdlovsk. In fact, the showman has a higher education in the field of railway economics, but his enthusiasm for KVN completely determined the future fate of Svetlakov.
In the film "Elki-2" actors Urgant and Svetlakov make up a very entertaining screen duo: Sergei plays a rustic and open-minded guy, an actor of the Yakut theater, and Ivan is an intricate and fastidious businessman. By chance, these two opposites became friends. Such a duet can not but occupy the viewer, so Eugene and Boris were inseparably appeared in the frame throughout the entire franchise "Fir-trees".
Elena Plaksina as Olya
In the movie "Fir-2" actors and roles are remembered to the viewer primarily because they remind us of the realities of life.
When Boris in the performance of Ivan Urgant understands that he can lose his girlfriend forever, he decides to make her an offer, and the couple still stays together.
Elena Plaksina prefers to play more in her native theater "Contemporary" than to act in films. And yet she has several notable roles in her account: in the franchise "Elki", in the series "Swallow's Nest", as well as in the biographical picture "Galina", dedicated to the life of Galina Brezhneva.
Alexey Petrenko in the role of Zemlyanikina
A very moving story was played between the actors of the movie "Elki-2" Alexei Petrenko and Irina Alferova. According to the plot, Petrenko plays pilot Grigory Zemlyanikin, forty years ago he sent a postcard to his beloved by mail, in which he apologized for their quarrel and promised to wait for the girl every New Year in Red Square. But for some reason the letter was lost and reached the heroine Alferova only after forty years. All this time, Zemlyanikin came to Red Square from year to year, but he never met his beloved Yulya Snigirev anywhere.
Alexey Petrenko is a prominent figure in Russian cinema. He can be seen in many famous films: "The Cruel Romance" by E. Ryazanov, "The Prisoner of the Castle of If" by G. Jungvald-Khilkevich, "The Musketeers Twenty Years Later" and others.
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