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The Estonian Hound. Puppies of the Estonian hound. Estonian Hound - photo

In recent years, among the hunters of interest appeared interest in the Estonian hound. What is the reason for this? What is this dog interested in hunters?

From the history of the breed

Work on the breeding of this breed began in Estonia in the mid-thirties of the last century. The reason for its creation was the law adopted in the country, which prohibited hunting with dogs above 45 cm at the withers. The fact is that larger animals could become dangerous for roe deer. Because of the decrease in the number of animals, hunting for them was banned.

To create the necessary breed from England, wrote a few beagles - beagles. They became the progenitors of the new breed. They began to cross with the hounds, which were widespread in Estonia at that time. Then the blood of Swiss foxhounds and small Russian specimens was added to them.

Recognition of the Estonian hound was in 1954. Five years later, the first standard was adopted. Now this breed is used in hunting for foxes and hares. Until recently this dog was well known only to a narrow circle of specialists, but today it is very popular not only in Estonia, but also in Russia.

External Data

The Estonian hound is a small animal of a sturdy dry type. The growth at the withers is from 45 to 52 cm. The front part of the trunk is 1.5 cm taller than the posterior one.

Head of regular rounded shape. The transition from muzzle to forehead is smooth. The muzzle is straight and long. Lips are dense and dry, not saggy. Ears hanging, not thick, long enough. Planted low, snug against the head. They have rounded ends that are covered with wool. Slightly obliquely set eyes, usually dark brown. Muscular and strong neck, without skin folds. The forelimbs are muscular, dry, bony. Forearms are oval. Broad, steeply set pasterns. Muscular and bony hind legs, straight and strong. The coat is smooth, short, shiny and stiff. Undercoat is practically absent. The most common is black and piebald color. It is allowed brown-piebald, scarlet-piebald and capricious.


This dog is good-natured and sociable. Strangers are somewhat wary of strangers. But she admits her master without question. The Estonian Hound, whose owners' reviews are simply ecstatic, is distinguished by an even and calm character, is easily trained.

A well- bred dog in the house is no less loved than its decorative brethren. This executive and very obedient, endlessly devoted to the owner of the animal. The hunter's instinct is highly developed. Having seen the prey, the Estonian hound experiences a characteristic malice, thanks to which it has established itself as a good hunter. It should be noted that this aggression does not spread to a person ever. It's just a professional quality that it never shows towards people. In short, this is a good companion, which is suitable for active people. A dog can be kept in an apartment, although it is happy only when hunting.

Care and maintenance

They are great devotees. The Estonian hound does not require complex care. She has enough two day's walks. If the animal is kept in a city apartment, then walks should be lengthy, with physical exertion.

It is necessary to know that if the dog is not trained, then it should be released from the leash strictly in places where there is nothing to distract her attention.

Wool is enough to comb out occasionally with a special glove with bristles. Bathe the animal as needed, with severe soiling.


The Estonian hound eats a little. It differs unpretentiousness to food. For her, eating is an additional skill training to come to the sound of the hunter's horn. Summon the pet with any horn. Begin feeding after he comes running.

In feeding it is important to adhere to two rules - do not overfeed and try to give food at a certain time. An animal's diet can consist of natural products or from a dry feed for active tetrapods.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Estonian hound, whose photo you see in the article, differs unpretentiousness in content, friendly character, accuracy and excellent hunting qualities. In addition, she is a kind and affectionate companion.

You should think carefully about whether you need such a dog if you do not plan to go hunting with it. Undoubtedly, these animals are fine companions, but at the same time they lose their hunting abilities while in the apartment.

Raising a good hunting dog will require some effort from you, but they will pay off handsomely. Sensitive and attentive, hardy and diligent, she will become a faithful assistant who will share with you your hobby.

Secrets of popularity of the "Estonians"

Dogs have a wonderful instinct. They are extremely persistent and are able to find a prey in a short time, after which they pursue their trophy for a long time, unraveling its cunning. This passionate hunter has a beautiful and resonant voice. With the proper education and training, as early as 5-7 months the dog begins to work.

A small animal growth is an advantage during hunting in the forest. It easily makes its way under the spruce forest and climbs into the fallen tree, where the animal most often hides.

Despite the fact that the dog is quite comfortable feeling in a usual city apartment, it is best that she feels herself in a country house where she has the opportunity to run wild.

Often hunters ask a question about where to buy an Estonian hound. Naturally, it is better to do this in Estonian nurseries. Although now there are quite solid institutions in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

The Estonian hound, whose price ranges from $ 100 to $ 250, will be your good friend.


Acquiring an animal is best through a society of hunters, where they will advise you where to do it better, and give the addresses of good breeders. It is important to get a puppy from purebred animals with good hunting instincts. The best age for bitches is 3-6 years, for males - 3-8 years.

The puppy should be purchased at the age of 1-2 months. He should be healthy, physically developed in accordance with age, have a good appetite. Pay attention to the wool. In a healthy animal, it is shiny and elastic. A dog at this age has all the milk teeth. Puppy should not have signs of rickets (influx on the wrist joints, curvature of the limbs, thickening at the ends of the ribs). When choosing an animal, pay special attention to its color. Puppies of the Estonian hound (the photo you see in our article) is the so-called semi-finished hunting dog. To grow a full-value hound, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts to raise and grow a puppy.

As soon as the young dog starts to work confidently, it must be put on field trials. This is necessary to obtain a diploma and determine the breeding class.

A dog needs to be vaccinated against the plague every year. In addition, vaccinations against rabies are necessary. A dog that does not have such vaccinations is not allowed to hunt.


The Estonian hound is smart and smart. In this case, the puppy must be trained from an early age. The main rule is that he can not be pampered in any way. Do not let that cute tomboy climb onto the bed or sofa. Even in games you have to be strict and authoritative. All family members should say the commands in exactly the same way, preferably with similar intonations. If you want to raise a good hound, you should be prepared for the fact that this process will take a lot of time and effort. At the tenderest age, you should introduce your pet to other pets, immediately teaching him to treat them indifferently.

It is very important to teach the puppy to the horn. This will greatly facilitate the communication between the hunter and the dog in the forest. Every time an animal resorts to the sound of a horn, it should be cared for a little.

It is important to teach the puppy to treat strangers with disbelief. Do not let your friends and relatives caress the dog, give her different goodies.

Breed problems

Today, Estonian beagles in Russia increasingly began to acquire the species as a companion dog. On the one hand, this has a positive effect on breeding breeding, the number of livestock increases. On the other hand, there is an increasing number of non-working dogs. In large cities there are many savvy "Estonians", and this can not but disturb the fans of the breed.


After the course of general training, the dog should be naganivat - to teach professional skills. Usually this is done at four to five months of age. This, as a rule, occurs in special hunting grounds in April-May or at the end of summer. They attack animals, physically formed, accustomed to unquestioning obedience. The Estonian hound should be well-fed, but do not have excess fat and not be excessively lean. Otherwise, it just can not withstand the loads.

An animal should be attacked specially, and not during hunting - the desire of a hunter to accelerate the process leads to serious mistakes in the preparation of the animal. The first outings in the field last no more than four hours. Gradually time can be increased. It is much better if the fitment occurs in the neighborhood of an old and experienced dog, if it does not have defects and flaws.

It is unacceptable for a hound to bark a squirrel, to drive moose. As soon as you see that the young dog began to drive itself, take it out to work alone. It is necessary to attack the hound in the places where there are hares, but there are not many of them. Usually they come out at dawn. Letting go of the dog and giving her a command "Forward!", "Seek!", The hunter slowly moves in the right direction, helping the animal, examining with him difficult places where the beast can hide. Do not be upset if the dog does not immediately take the trail, patiently continue training.

Where the hound is used

Most of all this breed is used in the Baltic States, in the south-west of Russia, in Ukraine and Belarus. Content is allowed in Siberia and in the North. However, the difficult climatic conditions of these regions can complicate the content.

Hunting with such a dog is good for both the blackstone and the powder. Be sure: with such a four-legged friend, you will experience many happy minutes both on the hunt and at home.

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