HealthDiseases and Conditions

The ear hurts in the child

Pain in the ear often appears with a cold or after swimming in water. Sometimes it is provoked by ingress of foreign objects. Especially often this problem occurs in children aged 3 to 5 years. By this age, immunity has not yet recovered, and the slightest impact causes the emergence of problematic health situations. When the child's ear hurts, the first means of alleviating suffering is to make a warming compress. Take a piece of gauze and fold it to make a piece measuring 10 x 10 cm in 4 layers. Moisten in a 50% solution of vodka, squeeze well and attach to a sick ear, on top - cellophane, and then tie it with a kerchief. To the gentle skin is not burned, before applying moistened gauze, spread it with petroleum jelly or baby cream.

If the child complains that the ear is hurting inside, and besides there are secretions, then it is strictly forbidden to conduct warming procedures. In this case, wet a small piece of cotton wool in boric alcohol and put it inside. This method will help dull the pain before a visit to the doctor. In no case, alcohol or vodka should not spill into the shell, so that a tender mucous membrane does not burn.

If the ear hurts the child, then do not engage in self-medication, using a variety of folk remedies without medical consultation. It is necessary to decide for what reason there was pain. Very often the inflammatory process begins with a cold cold. In that case, you just have to try and calm the pain by warming the compress. Pass colds and stuffiness of the nose will pass , and inflammation in the ear will be cured. You just have to try to cure the cold as quickly as possible and get rid of the cold.

Very often after swimming in the river, pool or in the sea, the child begins to complain of pain in the ears. This problem is better to prevent than worry about what to do with ear pain after bathing. After the child has left the water after swimming, special attention should be paid to removing water and drying the ear canal. Take a special cotton swab (they are sold in stores and pharmacies), gently enter inside and gently scroll, soaking the remaining moisture there. This is especially important when swimming in swimming pools with chlorinated water. The remaining chlorine can irritate the mucosa of the ear. A very good method is to dry using a hairdryer. This way it will dry, and the eye warms. Direct a jet of warm air from a distance of 40 -50 cm, and let it blow in the passage 20 -30 seconds, and then repeat the procedure on the other side. This method will help to avoid problems with inflammation.

If, in spite of the preventive measures taken, in the evening, after bathing it turned out that the child's ear hurts, do not panic, but try to calm the pain. Start with a warming compress. It helps very well in this case to moisten a small piece of cotton wool in medical alcohol, squeeze well and insert as deep as possible inside the ear. Just do not eat vodka. Here the effect is that alcohol draws water to itself, and vodka - already dilute alcohol with water, and therefore the cotton wool soaked by it will not attract water to itself.

Another important advice. Try not to remove the often formed sulfur from the ear of the baby. The fact is that sulfur, together with fat emissions, makes the surface of the passage not wetable, and it becomes difficult for water to penetrate deep into the interior. This is a natural protection against ingress of water inside.

So, if the child's ear hurts, do not panic, calm the baby, try to remove the pain syndrome and always consult an ENT doctor. If this problem yours has arisen at night, and after all accepted measures the pain at the kid does not pass in any way, certainly it is necessary to call the doctors of first aid.

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