
The drug "Vazaprostan". Instructions for use

The medicine "Vazaprostan" refers to vasodilating agents. The active ingredient is alprostadil. The drug has vasodilator, angioprotective and antiaggregant effects. The agent helps improve peripheral circulation and microcirculation, the opening of collateral vessels. The drug lowers the overall resistance, pressure, increases the reflex rate of contractions. The medication promotes improvement of the rheological properties of the blood, promotes an increase in the elasticity of red blood cells and a decrease in the aggregation of platelets. The drug also has a fibrinolytic effect. The drug acts stimulant on smooth muscles in the intestines, uterus and bladder, suppresses the production of gastric juice. The dosage and the way of administration of the drug are determined by the specialist individually.

The drug "Vazaprostan". Instructions for use. Indications

The medication is recommended for abnormalities of the arteries of the obliterating type of stage 3-4, complicated by restless tenderness or trophic changes. The agent is appointed if it is necessary to temporarily maintain the activity of the ductus arteriosus before starting a corrective intervention against the background of congenital heart defects in infants. The medication is prescribed including atrezii tricuspid valve, pulmonary artery, as well as mitral atresia in newborns. The "Vazaprostan" tool recommends using the obliterating endarteritis, which is accompanied by a severe stage of "intermittent" lameness (in the absence of surgical revascularization on the lower extremity), obliterating atherosclerosis, thrombangiitis. The indications include diabetic angiopathy, scleroderma, vasculitis, Raynaud's syndrome, complicated by trophic disorders. The medication is prescribed for cramps in the gastrocnemius muscles, against the background of damaging factors of a physical nature.

The drug "Vazaprostan". Instructions for use. Contraindications

Do not prescribe medication to newborns with depressed respiratory function, respiratory distress syndrome, with a state of persistently open spontaneous arterial duct. Contraindications include the periods of lactation and gestation, as well as hypersensitivity. Caution should be observed when prescribing funds for patients with unstable or severe angina pectoris, myocardial infarction (acute, subacute or postponed in the past six months). Correction of the dose may be required on a background of heart failure, arterial hypotension, severe cardiac arrhythmias, pulmonary edema. To the relative contraindications to the appointment of the drug "Vazaprostan" instructions for use include peptic ulcers of the digestive system. And also hepatic dysfunction, bronchoobstructive syndrome.

Adverse Reactions

The medication "Vazaprostan" (experts' reviews confirm this) can provoke a feeling of discomfort in the epigastrium, nausea, swelling of the lungs of an acute nature, allergic manifestations. On the basis of treatment, dizziness, pain in the head, and atrioventricular blockade may appear.

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