Health, Preparations
The drug 'Hemodez'. Indications, instructions
At the moment, the production of "Hemodez" in Russia is prohibited. It can not be used in clinical practice. Although from the second half of the last century and up to 2005, the preparation "Gemodez" was prescribed as the main plasma substitute. Indications for its use were wide enough. And since the drug for a long time was considered almost harmless, its analogs were not considered at all. How could a situation develop in which the agent was used for a very long time, and its toxic properties were not noticed?
First, the principle of drug safety research at that time differed from modern standards. Secondly, most of the side effects were considered a feature of the course of the disease, and were also considered as reactions to the administration of other drugs. After all, there were practically no situations in which only the "Hemodez" remedy was assigned isolated. Pediatricians' comments were the first to testify about the adverse reactions caused by this medication. The most typical manifestation was a decrease in blood pressure and a feeling of lack of air. The severity of the symptoms depended on the rate of administration of the drug. However, it is very difficult to recognize the harm of a medicine that has been used for too long. Its effectiveness was confirmed by the reviews of many patients. So, in neighboring Belarus it is produced and appointed until now.
In Russia you can still hear about the appointment of the drug "Gemodez". Indications for use actually refer to its new counterpart - the "Hemodez-H" remedy. This drug is distinguished by its molecular weight. It is almost half as much as in the old preparation. It was the higher molecular weight that made it possible to provide a rapid detoxification effect, but it was also the cause of the occurrence of serious adverse reactions. The new formula allows the kidneys to quickly remove the drug from the body (in four hours almost eighty percent), while its therapeutic effect is not reduced. According to the old tradition it is called "Hemodez", nevertheless, a new drug is meant, and its appointment does not cause concern.
"Hemodez-H" is a 6% solution of low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone, which contains potassium, chlorine, sodium and calcium ions. It is available in packs of 100 ml, 200 ml, and finally 400 ml.
In any situation, when it is necessary to release the body from toxic substances, prescribe the drug "Hemodez". Indications for its purpose are not limited to intoxications of different etiologies, for example, its use after myocardial infarction is due to the drug's ability to reduce the concentration of substances such as free fatty acids. The detoxifying mechanism of the "Hemodesis" is provided by polyvinylpyrrolidone, which binds toxins that circulate in the blood.
The drug "Hemodez". Indications for use:
- Postoperative intoxication;
- Acute poisoning of any origin;
- Salmonellosis, dysentery and other forms of toxic acute diseases;
- Burn disease;
- Toxicosis during pregnancy;
- Acute radiation sickness ;
- Intrauterine infections ;
- Myocardial infarction;
- Other infections and intoxication.
The tool "Hemodez": instruction
The drug is necessarily heated to about 36 degrees, and then injected intravenously drip (speed from forty to eighty drops per minute). Adults prescribed up to 500 ml. Children's dose is calculated for one kilogram of weight, in an amount of 5 to 15 ml. Repeated infusions are made no earlier than 12 hours after the previous introduction. The amount of solution and the number of infusions are determined by the physician.
"Hemodez": side effects
Usually, the administration of the drug does not cause complications, but with rapid administration, the following adverse reactions may occur:
- tachycardia;
- Lowering blood pressure;
- labored breathing.
"Hemodez": contraindications
The drug is not prescribed for hemorrhages in the brain, bronchial asthma and acute kidney pathologies. Do not use the drug if it lost transparency and a precipitate appeared in it.
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