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The drug for cats "Stop-stress": a description, instructions for use and reviews of veterinarians

Animals, including cats, are just as susceptible to emotions as people. So, in some situations, they can be nervous, show aggression, be afraid, hide, and so on. The reaction to external stimuli can be very different. And with these manifestations it is sometimes difficult enough to cope. It is for such situations created a drug for cats "Stop-stress." More about him in this article.

What it is

In fact, for cats "Stop-stress" is as restful as "Fenibut" for people. By the way, this substance is the main one in the medicine. The only difference is a completely different dosage, plus the collection of special herbs. For cats, "Stop-stress" is a nootropic drug. Of course, with a bad character by nature, the animal can not cope with it, but in really nervous situations, it helps him to calm down perfectly.

Why cats nootropic drugs

"Stop-stress" - drops for cats, which help relieve nervous tension and ease the experience of the animal in critical situations. It is also important for them to stay in the familiar space and keep a calm environment around, just like people. Events that go beyond the limits of everyday life can be very unsettling, make you hide, run away, throw off aggression and the like. Such situations may include moving to another place of residence, exhibitions, transportation of an animal for long distances, motion sickness in a car, changing the feeding regime, various studies in the medical field, and so on.

Composition and form of release

For cats, "Stop-stress" is produced in two dosage forms. These are tablets and drops. "Stop-stress" - drops for cats, produced in a dosage of 100 mg of phenibut per 1 ml of solution. One bottle contains 10 ml. The composition includes, in addition to the main active ingredient, also the collection of medicinal herbs for the feline organism. Among them are peony, motherwort, valerian, sculpin, hops and mint. Drops contain additional components to bring the solution to the desired concentration. A bottle with a dropper-dispenser has a dark color, placed in a box of cardboard.

"Stop-stress" for cats (tablets) is sold with a dosage of phenibut 120 mg, and the drug also contains aqueous extracts from medicinal plants and talc with starch. Packed tablets in a glass bottle in the amount of ten pieces.

"Stop-stress" for cats: instruction for tablets

Tablets are given to the animals as a whole two times a day. Depending on whether the cat perceives the medicine, the tablet is given along with the feed, or forcibly, by laying the tongue behind the base. Calculation of the dose is based on the weight of the animal. If the cat weighs up to five kilograms, a single dose is half the tablet. At a weight of a cat from five to ten kilograms, a single dose is from half to the whole tablet. That is for a day, one or two pieces. Depending on the condition of the animal, the course of taking the drug is from fifteen to twenty days. But not more than four weeks. In order to reduce susceptibility to various stressful situations, the drug is prescribed three to five days before the expected event, and take another one to four days after it. With increased sexual activity of the cat, the drug is recommended to be used simultaneously with contraceptives. Duration of administration and dosage in all cases should be prescribed by a veterinarian after examination of a four-legged patient.

Instructions for drops

Drops are given to cats forcibly. The medicine drips into the area behind the cheek or on the root of the tongue, while simultaneously offering the animal a small amount of food. The drug is given twice a day, one drop. The duration of the course of taking the drug is the same as in the case of tablets. When driving in the car, the animal is given drops just before the trip.

Contraindications and side effects

"Stop-stress" for cats can not be given with individual intolerance and increased sensitivity of the animal to the components that make up the drug. Do not use the medication for pregnant or nursing cats, or for animals under one year of age. Also, "Stop-stress" is not used for tumor lesions, diseases of the genitourinary system and diabetes.

Side effects may include vomiting, drowsiness, increased excitability or allergic reactions to skin integument. In this case, the use of the drug must be stopped urgently. After this, you should contact your veterinarian. He, in turn, must examine the animal and prescribe drugs to reduce discomfort and reduce the reaction force in the cat, if symptomatic treatment is necessary measure.

Reviews of the owners of animals

When choosing a drug and deciding whether to give it to your cat at all, you need to be guided by several criteria at once. Remember that your cat will not be able to tell you the human language, that she is unwell, where it hurts, and so on. In addition, an animal that has never undergone medical examinations has not been vaccinated, can have latent chronic diseases, malformations of various internal organs, hypersensitivity and the strongest allergy to certain drugs. If the animal was vaccinated only very recently, it is also necessary to treat with care various medications. It is strictly forbidden to use strong drugs without the participation of a veterinarian and the commission of minimum examinations. And, of course, listen to the reviews of other animal owners.

"Stop-stress" for cats reviews received, for the most part, positive, the medicine itself proved to be the best. Phenibut gently acts on the nervous system of the animal, without damaging or damaging it. Collection of herbs - a tool of natural origin, which is an additional plus. Many people note that without this drug they had to deal with difficult situations when certain situations occurred. Especially it concerns the period of increased sexual activity, exhibitions and crossings. There were also cases when the medicine was not suitable for the animal because of individual characteristics. But these are not so common.

Expert Reviews

"Stop-stress" for cats reviews veterinarians also gets, more so, positive. Doctors say that nervous stress for an animal is no less harmful than for a person. When certain situations occur, inadequately reacting once, the cat may lose confidence in the future, become withdrawn, experience deep traumas of a psychological nature. For example, after leaving home, the cat will be afraid of hands, trips in the car. Horror from an unfamiliar situation can cause the animal to escape from the hands and escape in an unknown direction. It is because of such cases that pet pets are often lost. In the future, such an animal, spoiled by domestic life, simply die on the street from other cats, or from the hands of cruel people. The ability to soothe the nervous system in advance and prepare the animal for stress is much preferable. Mental health in animals is no less important than in humans.

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