
The drug Anaferon (adult): instructions for use

The medicinal preparation Anaferon is one of the most effective means for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases in children and adults.

Anaferon can be attributed to a group of pharmacological drugs, which are called immunomodulators and have a powerful effect against certain viruses. That is, it is a medicinal product that activates human immunity to fight against viruses. The action of the drug "Anaferon" on the weakened immune system of a person occurs at the cellular level.

Before starting the drug Anaferon (adult), instructions for the use of the proposed drug should be studied properly to avoid serious side effects. This drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but its use must comply with the requirements of the attached annotation and doctor's recommendations, you should be careful and not allow an overdose.

The drug "Anaferon" (adult), reviews about which are mostly positive, are released in the form of tablets for resorption under the tongue. They are flat cylindrical and come from white to cream or grayish. In one tablet of the drug "Anaferon", the composition of which is always prescribed in the annotation, contains an extremely small amount of antibodies, affinity purified, for human interferon gamma obtained by homeopathic technology. The auxiliary substances included in its composition are magnesium stearate, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose. In one cardboard box is a cell pack with 20 tablets.

The protective effect of the drug is manifested precisely by increasing the number of these antibodies, as well as the formation of interferon. As a result, with flu or various acute respiratory viral infections, a person does not have a runny nose, cough, fever, headache. This means that the disease proceeds more easily, it becomes impossible to attach the bacterial infection.

The medicine "Anaferon" (adult), the instruction for its application, sets out important information regarding the dosage characteristics of the drug, has definite indications for treatment. So, it is used

- for the treatment of chronic and acute herpes infection, ARVI, influenza,

- with cytomegalovirus infection,

- with diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tracheobronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis).

In addition, the drug is used for complex therapy of infections, both bacterial and mixed, as well as for the treatment of complications of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza, to prevent immunodeficiency infections and conditions.

The drug Anaferon (adult), the instruction for use of which necessarily informs about the recommended intake doses, is prescribed for one tablet from 3 to 6 times during the first day, depending on the degree of the disease. As a rule, it is taken for 20-30 minutes before and after eating or drinking. When the patient's condition significantly improves, the dose of the drug is reduced to once a day. If there is no improvement on the third day, you should seek help from a doctor.
In order to prevent the drug "Anaferon" is taken on an empty stomach every day, one tablet a whole epidemic period, i.e. One to three months.

In acute exacerbations of genital herpes, the drug is taken according to the following proposed scheme:

- the first three days - at regular intervals every three hours,

- 4-5 day - 7 times a day,

- 6 -7 day - per day 6 times,

- 8 - 9 day - 5 times a day,

- 10-11 day - four times a day,

- Further on the 21st day of treatment - three times a day.

For further prevention - one tablet every other day. The recommended preventive course is six months.

After the adoption of the drug Anaferon (adult) (the instructions for use indicate this), there are no side effects, except for the presence of an allergic reaction in some people to its auxiliary substances.

The drug has certain contraindications for use. Thus, it is undesirable to use it in pregnancy and breast-feeding or in autoimmune diseases, although in medicine there are no reliable results of clinical studies on this score.

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