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The best historical love stories
There are different criteria by which you can choose the best historical love stories. For example, it can be the characteristics of publishing houses, reviews of critics. But the most proven way to evaluate the book is the reader's demand. It is the choice of readers that determines which novels can be called the most interesting and exciting.
Love novels, which you should pay attention to
For many world novels, such a great feeling as love becomes the main theme of the narrative. Despite the fact that books about love experiences are often underestimated, there is a large list of historical love stories that have become classics of their genre. Of course, every year there are many works of very dubious quality, boring, uninteresting and meaningless, but along with them there are real masterpieces raising serious life issues and simply fascinating readers.
A. Dumas
To begin the rating of historical novels about love by right owe the novels of Alexandre Dumas. "Maria Stuart", "The Count of Monte Cristo", "Iron Mask", "Three Musketeers" are real masterpieces of world literature.
Love peripetias due to the writer's imagination skillfully intertwine in the historical events of France of that era. Credible facts are combined with fiction in such a way that it becomes impossible to separate them. Experts recommend the first time to read "Three Musketeers" in adolescence, when the imagination of an immature mind completely immerses the child in fascinating adventures.
E. Chadwick
Very interesting and exciting are the historical love novels of Elizabeth Chadwick. Her book The Treasures of the King touches on the history, customs and customs of England in the 13th century. The novel is distinguished by bright and lively characters and almost detective intrigue. The certainty of certain historical events described in the novel is disputed. But it's important to remember that romance novels are not history books. The author always reserves the right to speculate and change certain details for the sake of his artistic design.
M. Mitchell
Choosing the most interesting historical novels about love, we can not fail to mention the immortal story "Gone with the Wind." From generation to generation, the story of the life of the incredible Rett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara is transmitted. Page after page, the mood changes: then laughter rolls, then tears flood your eyes. This novel captures the consciousness so much that it is impossible to break away from it. Against the background of love passions and torments, young Scarlett describes a terrible war that changed the life of America.
The popularity of the only book by Margaret Mitchell can not be underestimated - translations into forty languages, the Pulitzer Prize, world fame and 8 "Oscars" for the screen version. This book can become a desk reference on various issues: how to seduce a man, beat off a husband, sew a dress from old curtains, build your successful business and manage plantations. As the experience of Scarlett showed, whatever happens in life, the main thing is to remain a true lady.
K. McCullough
Sometimes love is sometimes too cruel and dooms people to many trials. But worst of all, if at the end of the path they are expected not by a happy ending, but by disappointment and bitterness. The novel "Singing in the thorns" tells a very sincere and sad story about love. According to ancient legend, there is a bird that searches for its thorniest bush throughout its life. And having performed her best and most heartfelt song, she dies, rushing to the thorns. So Maggie, the main heroine of the novel, suffered all her life because of a single love that could not bring her happiness.
So many dreams, false hopes, reproaches and disappointments experienced Maggie, but all in vain. Because her only one was the holy father Ralph, the spiritual mentor of the family. And no matter how he wanted, no matter how feelings raged in his soul, he could not back out of that vow.
Domestic classics
According to the polls of two thousand Britons, the list of the best love stories included domestic classics. In the forefront, it should be noted Lev Tolstoy and his great novel War and Peace, which tells of the emotional experiences and complexities of the characters' life against the backdrop of the Patriotic War of 1812.
In second place among the Russian love historical novels - Doctor Zhivago B. Pasternak. Complex and touching love feelings between Yuri Zhivago and Lara left their mark on the hearts of people around the world.
Jane Austen
In the era of romanticism, Jane Austen's books about ordinary people who did not have talent and beauty stood out among others. These novels have become a real phenomenon in the literature and have not lost their relevance to this day. One of the most popular is "Pride and Prejudice" - the love story of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. The novel psychologically accurately describes the development of the feelings of a young girl and a man - from hatred to sincere and trembling love.
Georgette Heyer
Many call J. Heyer one of the ancestors of this genre. Her historical love novels almost accurately convey the features of the historical era, its social and cultural characteristics. The popularity of the writer began to grow after the publication of her works about the era of the Regency. One of these novels is The Magnificent Sophie. A young girl returns to England from continental Europe and stops at her aunt's house. Soon she realizes that all members of the family are deeply unhappy. And with her energetic tendencies she tries to arrange a "happy" life for her relatives, although Sophie did not ask anyone about it.
Choderlo de Laclo
Another novel of the literature is the novel "Dangerous Liaisons". This is the only book written by the artillery general S. de Laclos. The main heroes of the novel were the Marquise de Merthey and Viscount Valmont - satiated and spoiled people. They start intrigues, seduce people. Having developed a sophisticated plan for seducing the young Cecil, they play on human feelings. Moreover, the viscount and the marquis are equal to each other and only talk about their love victories in detail. But everything changed when the heroes bet on the seduction of a married woman. The virtue of their next victim was much stronger than the viciousness of the viscount. And Valmont falls in love with a beauty, but it's not so easy to forget about his debauched past. The novel consists of letters, and, according to the author himself, he only introduced some corrections into them, and all the letters are original. Such historical women's love novels have not lost their relevance in the 21st century, because they talk about the formation of the human soul and the power of virtue.
Diane Gabldon
The book "The Stranger" and its continuation tell the story of a young woman of the forties of the 20th century, who by coincidence is transferred to Scotland in the eighteenth century. Features that have historical short love affairs of Diana Gabldon, strongly distinguish her works against the background of others. Its style is characterized by a detailed description of the historical background, the irony and originality of the main characters. "The Stranger" even turned out to be among the "two hundred best books on the BBC version", and this is a huge achievement for a love story.
Charlotte Bronte
"Jane Eyre" - one of the most famous works in the world. The book, which over the years has not lost its charm and relevance. The novel, which has grown more than one generation, has been screened many times, but no film can not convey all of its strength and charm. The immortal work of Charlotte Bronte reread again and again. In adolescence, the novel teaches discretion, in mature - sincere and forgiving love. Until now, "Jane Eyre" rightfully occupies the highest positions in the world literature ratings.
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