Spiritual developmentReligion

Tatars - religion or nationality?

The Republic of Tatarstan - religion unites a multinational population. And this without exaggeration is so. One of the most multinational republics on the territory of the Russian Federation is Tatarstan. About 3.8 million people living in the territory are represented by more than 115 nationalities, the vast majority of which are Tatars. Religion (Islam) is one of the most basic. About 52.9% of the total population of Tatarstan are Muslims, which determined the predominance of Sunni Islam in this wonderful republic.

The main Tatar religion - Islam of the Sunni type its first principle considers, of course, the Koran, as well as the Sunnah, the so-called words of the Prophet Muhammad. The Sunnis-Tatars, whose religion does not recognize the possibility of mediation between commoners and Allah after the Prophet Muhammad meets his death, in the communities conduct a kind of election of the governors-caliphs, who carry out the connection between Muslims and the supreme Deity.

Of course, all Tatars observe the Muslim traditions and customs. Religion Islam implies by itself:

-In the first place, the recognition of the Prophet Muhammad as the Messenger of Allah, as well as the unquestioning obedience and worship of the Supreme God;

- Secondly, reading daily salad prayer;

Thirdly, the filing by each Muslim of "zakat" - a tax of 2.5% of the total capital accumulated over 12 months in favor of the poor and the poor;

-fourth, observance of the holy fast "Saum", which lasts throughout the month of Ramadan;

-Fifth, the pilgrimage to Mecca. It is believed that a true Muslim should commit at least 1 time in life "Hajj."

One of the most revered Muslim holidays are Uraza Bayram and Kurban Bayram. Id al-Fitr (or Uraza Bayram) is a celebration dedicated to the end of the holy month of Ramadan. On this day, all relatives gather in one house, in a cozy atmosphere, as there is a belief that on this day the souls of all relatives who have left this world return to their relatives.

Kurban Bayram (Id al Adha) is a holiday when all Muslims of the world perform sacrifices for praising the Most High God Allah. It is not obligatory to sacrifice an animal, but it is counted by the Deity and is rewarded in the future by material prosperity, which is equal to the number of hairs growing on the body of the sacrificed beast.

Orthodoxy is the second religion in terms of the number of believers. About 40% of the population of Tatarstan are adherents of this faith. A large number of churches and churches are concentrated in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. In the main Orthodox holidays, such as Easter, Christmas, Baptism and many others, the churches are full of believers.

In addition to Orthodoxy and Islam in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, you can meet quite a large number of believers who profess Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism, Judaism, Confucianism. This is evidenced, firstly, by the fact that in 2008 about 1,400 religious organizations were officially registered in the Republic of Tatarstan . Secondly, there are 1400 religious buildings. Moreover, Muslim mosques occupy the vast majority - 1150 buildings. Orthodox churches, churches, cathedrals and chapels have 200 buildings. The remaining 50 religious premises belong to other religious denominations.

Tatars, whose religion is divided into a huge number of branches - a very peaceful and friendly people. According to local residents, despite the religion, all people walk under the same God, therefore it is wrong to oppress someone because of his religious views and should be punished by law. The most important quality that is characteristic of the Tatar people is tolerance and tolerance.

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