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Tablets from unwanted pregnancy - which to choose

A child conceived in love has the right to life. With this, even do not argue. But how to be if the sexual relationship is random and short-lived? Couples who already have children do not want to have another baby, but no one canceled the love for them.

For a woman, the fear of unwanted pregnancy often becomes the cause of sexual "coldness".

The way out of this situation, as always, is. These are tablets that reliably protect a woman from such force majeure.

Tablets from unwanted pregnancy, or, as they are often called, hormonal contraceptives, were first applied more than half a century ago. The method gave excellent results and since then, this method of protection against pregnancy is very popular with many women. Active components of such tablets are substances of hormonal nature.

Pills preventing pregnancy

The most widely used tablets with a combination of two types of substances - estrogens and gestagens. Oestradiol is often used as the first component, and melengestrol acetate as the second. The principle of action of such a drug is the effect on the starting processes that stimulate ovulation, as well as the inhibition of the process of maturation of the egg.

Among the combined preparations of one phase the most popular are Bisekurin, and also Non-oblong.

All of the above contraceptives should be used one tablet daily (preferably in the evening). The onset of admission should coincide with the fifth day of the menstruation cycle. They drink such pills twenty-one days. The time between their receptions should not be more than a day, this is very important. After you took the last, twenty-first tablet, take a week's break.
If the preparations contain estrogen doses more than five hundredth milligram, then they are used only for treatment. Tablets containing tiny doses of progestins (no more than 0.5 mg) are called mini-pills. Examples are Femulen and Kontinuin. When they are used , egg maturation occurs. These drugs have fewer side effects, but their desired effect is lower than that of combined tablets.

Tablets from an unwanted pregnancy such as "mini-pill" should be used from the very first day of the monthly cycle and all the time that you are protected.

Tablets with Norgolut gestagens, which contain five milligrams of norethisterone, are used for some diseases of female genital organs.

There are drugs, so to speak, for force majeure. An example is Postinor. Such tablets must be taken immediately, preferably in the first hour after proximity. If a second sexual intercourse occurs, the second pill is taken three hours after the first one is taken. This drug blocks the ability of the ovum to fertilize. It has a limitation in the number of applications. In one month you can take no more than three or four tablets.

Some women and while breastfeeding retain the ability to conceive. There are also drugs designed specifically for them. Such pills contain only one hormone, namely, progesterone. An example is the Exclutton.

Before you choose a suitable pill for yourself from an unwanted pregnancy, visit a gynecologist. The specialist takes into account the age of the woman, the condition of her reproductive organs, the hormonal status of the organism. Each organism is individual, therefore, and the recipe, which tablets can interrupt pregnancy, is individual.

The use of hormonal drugs to protect against pregnancy is recommended for women under the age of forty. Young girls under the age of twenty-five who still do not have children are prescribed tablets that contain few steroid hormones, such as, for example, Regevidon, and also Triziston.

Positive effect

Women who use birth control pills are less prone to diseases such as ovarian tumors and cysts, uterine and ovarian cancer, and breast cysts.


Tablets from an unwanted pregnancy have their contraindications. They can not be used for women who have thrombophlebitis and a tendency to blood clots and varicose veins. You can not drink such pills with increased blood pressure, liver diseases , genital and breast cancers, heart and vascular diseases, diabetes and blood diseases.

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