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Syndrome of motor disorders in children: symptoms and treatment

The motor activity of the baby is one of the main factors by which it is decided to judge the state of his health. But there are cases when parents of an infant hear from a neurologist a diagnosis of "motor disorders syndrome". What is it? What symptoms are accompanied by the disease? Is it possible to get rid of it? Are there ways that can help prevent this kind of trouble? The article will consider the answers to these and some other questions.

What is the syndrome of motor disorders of the newborn?

This disease is diagnosed in cases where the infant has a decrease or increase in motor activity, muscle dystonia and muscle strength weakening. Most susceptible to him are kids between the ages of 2 to 4 months.

The syndrome of motor disorders is divided into several basic types:

  1. Muscular hypertonia.
  2. Muscular hypotension.
  3. Cerebrospinal syndrome.
  4. Children's cerebral palsy.
  5. Cerebrospinal dysarthria.
  6. Symmetrical cervical tonic reflex.
  7. Tonic labyrinthine reflex.

Each type of disease has its own characteristics. We will talk about this later when considering the symptoms of the syndrome of motor disorders.

Causes of the disease

The syndrome of motor disorders in the baby can arise as a result of the influence of several factors.

First, the cause of the disease can be hypoxia. This phenomenon is accompanied by a violation of the blood supply to the brain, which leads to its defeat.

Secondly, the syndrome of motor disorders can arise as a result of an intrauterine infection.

Thirdly, the frequent cause of the disease is the resulting birth injuries as a result of too much fetal mass, pelvic presentation, wrong insertion of the head, and so on. In all these cases, the spinal cord of the newborn can be affected.

The fourth and final reason is the incorrect formation of the musculoskeletal system.

Symptoms of hypertension

The syndrome of motor disorders in the newborn, manifested in the form of hypertonia, can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The body of the baby in the supine position is bent in the form of an arch;
  • The baby has learned to hold the head, not even reaching the age of one month;
  • By the age of three months the child has not learned to open the brush in order to take a toy or other object, he presses his clenched fists against the trunk;
  • The head of a crumb is always turned in one direction;
  • If you put the baby on the legs, he will not stand on full foot, but on one socks;
  • The child can turn over only one side;
  • At one-year-old age he does not use both hands, but gives preference to one.

All the above characteristics mean that an excessive number of impulses are coming from the CNS. Do not put off going to the neurologist.

Symptoms of hypotension

In contrast to the previous version, the hypotone is characterized by a decreased intake of pulses from the central nervous system into the muscle tissue, as a result of which their voltage also decreases.

The syndrome of motor disorders of this type is accompanied by such signs:

  • Lethargy of the infant, he makes very little movements with legs and handles;
  • The kid can not hold the toy in his hand;
  • The cry of the child is very weak;
  • The infant does not know how to hold the head in a vertical position for a long period of time and constantly tosses it back;
  • The baby does not begin to crawl, sit and get up at the right time;
  • The child begins to smile much later than the due date;
  • Children with a hypotone very badly keep balance during sitting: even in 6-7 months they are shaken from side to side.

This type of disease is very bad for the spine and posture, there is a high risk of dislocation of the joints. Severe forms of muscle hypotension can hamper even important processes such as breast sucking, chewing and swallowing food. In addition, children with this type of disease for a long time do not show speech skills.

Common symptoms of the disease

What else can be accompanied by a syndrome of motor disorders? Symptoms by which you can judge the disease, there are also the following:

  • A child can not take pathological postures. It is very difficult for him to bend and unbend his upper limbs. In addition, he can not bend his fingers.
  • Another sign is the monotony of crying and crying of the baby.
  • Significant delay in auditory and visual responses.
  • The kid lags behind in physical development, it is more difficult for him to learn how to turn over, sit down, keep his balance and so on.

Diagnosis of the disease

Even in the presence of obvious signs of a problem, it is not necessary to establish a diagnosis independently and even more so to engage in self-medication. It is necessary to consult a neurologist who will perform a full examination and, based on his findings, be able to determine the presence of the disease and its type.

During the diagnosis, first of all, the perinatal history is taken into account. The doctor needs to know if the child has had any infections, toxic metabolic disorders or signs of hypoxia. A special attention is drawn to the evaluation of the condition of a newborn baby on the Apgar scale.

If there is a babe at the examination, who has not yet attained the fontanel, he is assigned a Doppler study of cerebral blood flow and neurosonography. In especially severe cases, CT or MRI of the brain may be needed.

Additionally, the child's skills are compared with the norms of development at his age. In this case, neurologists and pediatricians use special tables.

Syndrome of motor disorders in children: treatment of the disease

Do not despair if the child was given such a terrible, at first glance, diagnosis. To date, many effective methods have been developed that will help get rid of such a problem as the syndrome of motor disorders. Treatment can include the holding of massage, reflexology, osteopathy, therapeutic physical training. Let us briefly examine each of these methods.

Let's start with therapeutic physical training and massage. For their conduct, it is usually necessary to use special ointments. Which is what the expert will tell you before performing the procedures. Particular attention in this case is usually given to the lower extremities. There are two more small but important nuances: before the beginning of massage and physical education you need to wrap up the legs of the baby with clothes made of wool, and afterwards - make baths with boiled oats or paraffin wax boots.

In order to determine the set of necessary exercises, the doctor is guided first of all by exactly where the violations are observed: in the sitting, crawling, walking and so on.

Children who are less than one year old must undergo no less than four courses of therapeutic massage and physical education. In this case, one course includes about 20 sessions, which consist of a clearly established set of exercises.

Parents need to remember that you should not relax in between sessions between specialists. During this period they should do crumb massage alone.

Next, consider what is osteopathy. The procedure is an alternative to official medicine. A positive effect in this case is achieved by influencing the necessary points of the body and massage the internal organs.

Reflexotherapy is used in cases where the syndrome of motor disorders in children is accompanied by delays in the maturation of the nervous system and development. This type of therapy shows the greatest effectiveness.

In some cases, in order to eliminate the syndrome of motor disorders in newborns, the doctor can prescribe the use of homeopathic medicines. Their choice will depend on the nature of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the baby's body.

Equally important is the well-formed diet of the child. It should contain a large amount of vitamin B. Otherwise, you need to do injections.

Forecast for the future

The degree to which treatment will be beneficial depends primarily on the type of disease.

Syndrome of motor disorders of mild form (if there is no persistent hypoxia) can be overcome already during the first year of life of the baby.

More severe types of the disease can cause many complications: mental retardation, epilepsy, difficulties with walking, training and concentration, meteorological sensitivity, headaches, manifestations of vegetative dystonia.

Prevention of disease

The main prevention of the occurrence of the syndrome of motor disorders is to provide the child with freedom of action. Of course, within the security rules. Do not limit its space to the cradle. If possible, it is recommended to allocate a separate room for the baby.

The kid must develop and learn something new. Help in this case will be able to colorful pictures, bright toys and so on.

In addition, you can give the child to walk barefoot, engage with him on fitball, conduct therapeutic massage and gymnastics. Very useful and finger games, touching different in texture subjects.

Let's sum up

Many mothers perceive the syndrome of motor disorders as a verdict and drop their hands, losing the hope that their baby will recover. In no case do you need to do this! As you can see, this disease is not a part of the incurable group, which means that the chances for a full recovery from the child are very high. As a rule, by the age of two, all signs of the disease disappear in 90% of children. In particular, this applies to cases where the problem was discovered early enough and has not yet become worse. The only thing that parents will need in such a situation is to show perseverance and patience. And then with their beloved baby everything will be in order. Be healthy!

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