HealthDiseases and Conditions

Swelling of the Quincke. Treatment

When a person develops Quincke's edema, treatment should be started as soon as possible. It takes place in several stages.

First aid

For the beginning before arrival (arrival) of experts it is necessary to facilitate the patient's condition. The first step is to give a diuretic, potassium, vitamin C and any antiallergic. It is best to use syrup for this, because it acts faster than the tablet. It is necessary to open completely the window or window, and also to turn on the fan next to the patient.

The next point is the creation of air humidity. To do this, you can open a hot water tap in the bathroom to create a steam effect. If this is not possible, then in the room to the patient it is necessary to bring boiling water with the addition of leaves of eucalyptus or camphor.

The patient needs to calm down. To do this, you can give him Corvalol, Valocordinum or Novopassit. In addition, he needs to take an antihistamine drug, which he usually uses for treatment.

The patient needs to provide an alkaline drink. It can be heated milk with dissolved in it soda or mineral water hydrocarbonate without gas.

In the form of distracting procedures, hot baths for about 10 minutes are used for the feet and hands. To swollen places you need to apply a cold compress. This will prevent the development of an attack, reduce itching and swelling.

Treatment of edemas by the arriving medical team is carried out by the introduction of an antihistamine drug. In the case of rapid spread of edema, when there is a violation of breathing, glucocorticoid hormones are introduced.

Treatment of Quincke Edema

The patient is taken to the hospital, to a special ENT department, where examination and treatment are performed. After the diagnosis and diagnosis of "Quincke's Edema", the treatment will be under strict supervision of the doctor. When the cause of the disease is unknown, prolonged use of antihistamines is prescribed. If there is a risk of asphyxia due to edema of the larynx, then the use of glucocorticoids and adrenaline is required.

The patient is prescribed a hypoallergenic diet. From the diet you need to exclude fish, chocolate, tomatoes, milk, eggs, citrus fruits, nuts, wheat and other products that are considered the most allergenic.

With the hereditary form of the disease "edema Quincke" treatment will consist of the use of drugs that make up the shortage of C1-inhibitor in the body. This type of medicines is prescribed only by a specialist.

Folk remedies

Many questions are asked: if the diagnosis is "Quincke's edema," treatment with folk remedies is acceptable or not? Perhaps, but not at the stage of an exacerbation disease. In this case, the only treatment will be medication. Traditional medicine will come to the rescue only to prevent disease, to remove allergic manifestations, to improve the work of metabolism and intestinal tract. For this, the following herbal preparations are used:

- licorice root, succession, roots of Manchu aralia, horsetail, hips, flowers of the immortelle, the co-occurrence of gray alder, the roots of elecampane, dandelion of medicinal and a large burdock. All the above dried and shredded herbs in equal amounts are mixed. Then, 10 grams of the mixture is poured into a glass of water and heated in a water bath. The broth is taken inside after eating three times a day, one quarter of the glass;

- the root of a dandelion, St. John's wort, a thousand-year-old, hips, corn stigmas, horsetail are mixed and prepared in the same way as in the first recipe. The decoction is used after meals three times a day for one quarter cup.

Quincke's edema, the treatment of which can occur with the help of medicinal preparations, and with the help of traditional medicine, is curable.

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