
Strange, but interesting question - can women be color-blind?

Indeed, why is it questioned that a woman can have this annoying flaw? Maybe the beautiful half of humanity is privileged? But with all the indignation of this "discrimination", still the majority of respondents answer the question positively. After all, with such a shortage, women would lose interest in one of their main passions - shopping! However, let's try to understand at a more scientific level, can women be color-blind?

There is such an opinion ...

It is believed that a man does not need to be beautiful. The main thing is to be a bit different from the cave man and systematically develop physically. And to choose clothes by colors and decorate the outfit with competent accessories will be able to a loving woman. Therefore, color blindness can be attributed to the category of unique diseases from the category of "men's". Stereotype? But in fact it is confirmed! Women-colorblinders are much less common than men. But still the question of whether women can be color-blind, doctors answer in the affirmative, albeit with a small fraction of the probability.

Disease - as it is

They say that until the thunder bursts, the peasant will not cross himself. So it turns out that until a person comes face to face with the prospect of losing some habitual skill, he will not appreciate it in full. The world of bright colors seems magic, if you get used to living in a gray, dull reality. But the person suffering from color blindness is devoid of brightness. It's like a TV with the settings down, there is a picture, but the quality suffers. Alas, among human diseases there are those that are directly related to sex. Color blindness - just from such. When a person does not distinguish between red and green. Such a deffect is associated with genetics and the corresponding differences between a man and a woman.

According to statistics, can women be color-blind? The answer is yes, but men are six times more likely to get sick. This pattern is easy to explain. The disease, or its absence, corresponds to a gene based on the X chromosome. At women thus the set of chromosomes is equal to XX, and at men - HU. It is logical that a failure in the X chromosome produces a noticeable result in the strong half of humanity. Analyzing this aspect, one can answer the question, are there any color-blind women? Yes, they are, but a rarity is women with both affected X-chromosomes. Statistics show that on 8% of men, 0.5% of color-blind women are found. In most such cases, hereditary color blindness takes place, and the woman herself is only the carrier of the disease that she transmits to her child.

Where does the disease come from?

If we find out if there are color-blind women, then it would be logical to find out how one can get the disease itself. So, most often, color blindness is inherited, but sometimes it is acquired as a result of trauma. After all, the fundus is covered with cells responsible for twilight vision and for color perception during the day. So the degeneration of some cells is called color blindness. Modern doctors do not offer ways to treat them, but there are methods for correcting color blindness through corrective lenses.

The first to describe and discovered the disease back in 1794, John Dalton, who himself suffered from this ailment. He found the disease in himself only at 26, and both his brothers suffered the same. Dalton was the first to approach this problem with seriousness, focusing on the management of vehicles, service in aviation, the appearance of semaphores and traffic lights.

So, color blindness is a disease characterized by a violation of color perception. Dalton in his writings told me whether there are women who are color-blind. With a total sample size of 1,000 people, only 4 women are susceptible to the disease.

The spread of the disease among women

Can women be color blind? Yes! But more often than not they do not understand their illness. One chromosome is affected, but the perception of colors remains the same. There may be cases of distorted color perception, which is explained by severe trauma or complications of the transferred illness.

There are three major types of the disease. This achromasia, characterized by the inability to distinguish colors in general. That is, people see only gray colors. The second type is monochromasia - that is, the perception of only one color, which is often accompanied by photophobia. The third type is dichromasia, and such color-blinds simply can not see certain definite colors.

Women, color blindness and driving

So, there are women-colorblind women. Do they have problems with this disease or not? Yes, sometimes there are annoying misunderstandings. For example, until recently, color-blind drivers issued car rights without unnecessary questions, but now it is prohibited. If a woman is only a carrier, then she gets the rights easily, but otherwise there will be problems.

In everyday life, color blinds are difficult to perceive broadcasts on TV, there is no particular pleasure in going to the movies. In addition, in the prohibition zone for color-blinds, all the professions associated with transport and design. Although there are exceptions to any rule. In the simplest version, you can always do black and white photography.


Are there any color-blind women? Yes, but they suffer from this disease very, very rarely. But for men with a violation of color perception, life has now become easier. For example, most sites on the Internet prefer an interface in blue tones. Now actively distribute special glasses for color-blinds, equipped with lilac lenses. Such an accessory helps to distinguish between green and red colors, but the constant use can affect the perception of other colors.

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