
"Solcoseryl": instruction on the use of various forms of the drug

"Solcoseryl" (Solcoseryl) - non-antigenic pyrogen-free extract from the blood of dairy calves, optimizes metabolism, stimulates metabolism. In connection with this drug can be used to treat most ischemic lesions. is he

• Transforms occlusive lesions of peripheral blood vessels into a lighter form (Fontaine);

• promotes acceleration of healing;

• restores memory and improves mental functions;

• does not cause negative effects.

Solcoseryl activates the metabolism in organs and tissues, stimulates metabolism, acts as an antihypoxic, membrane-stabilizing, wound-healing, cytoprotective, angioprotective agent. Chemically and biologically it is a standardized, non-antigenic, deproteinized and apyrogenic extract of the blood of dairy calves.

Solcoseryl contains a wide range of low molecular weight substances, such as glycolipids, nucleotides and nucleosides, oligopeptides, amino acids, electrolytes, irreplaceable trace elements and intermediate products of the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Solcoseryl promotes the optimization of glucose transport, stimulates the synthesis of ATP, and therefore activates regeneration of affected cells and tissues.

With the introduction of solcoseryl, angiogenesis is stimulated, revascularization of ischemic tissues occurs, and conditions are created that promote the synthesis of collagen and the growth of a new granulation tissue. In this connection, re-epithelialization and wound closure are accelerated. Solcoseryl in the form of dental paste has an anesthetic effect.

Indications for use

Solcoseryl is used as an etiopathogenetic therapy, practically with all ischemic lesions:

• diseases of the peripheral vascular system (obliterating endarteritis, varicose veins, diabetic angiopathy), accompanied by trophic lesions, that is, with trophic ulcers, pregangrene;

• acute and chronic pathologies of cerebral circulation (ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, craniocerebral trauma);

• cerebrovascular diseases, dementias;

• Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

• mechanical, chemical, thermal, radiation injuries and lesions of mucous membranes, skin;

• bedsores, long - term non-healing wounds, burns, ulcers, frostbite;

• corneal ulcers of various origin in combination with anti-infectious agents; Dystrophic and inflammatory diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva;

• inflammatory diseases of the lips and mouth: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, aphtha, seizures, herpes simplex, pain syndrome.

Methods of administration and dose

Solcoseryl - instructions for the use of a solution for injection with obliterating endarteritis

Daily appoint 10-15 cm³ intravenously (intravenously) or intraarterially (in / a). The duration of treatment depends on the clinical indices and averages 6 weeks.

Solcoseryl, an instruction for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency

Usually prescribe 5-20 cm³ iv - 1 time / day, daily or after 1 day. The duration of the course is from 4 to 5 weeks.

Solcoseryl - an instruction for the treatment of burns

Assign 10-20 cm IV / 1 time / day. In some cases, up to 50 cm³ (infusion) is administered. The duration of treatment is determined by the clinical situation.

Solcoseryl - application instructions for long-term non-healing wounds

Prescribe every day 6-10 cm³ IV. The duration of the course is 2-6 weeks. You can enter in / m, while at the same place injections do not exceed 5 cm³ of the drug solution.

Solcoseryl - solution for infusions

It is prescribed every day or 4-5 times a week, the dose is 250-500 cm³. The set speed is 20-40 drops per minute. The duration of therapy is 1.5-2 weeks. Further treatment can continue with the introduction of the drug in / in or tablets.

Solcoseryl - ointment, instructions for use

Solcoseryl in the form of an ointment and jelly (gel) is coated with a thin layer of the surface to be treated several times a day. When wet and deep wounds need to start with the application of jelly; And the freshly formed portion of the epithelium is smeared with ointment at the edge of the wound. If epithelization of a significant area of damaged skin and the discharge from the wound ceased, an ointment is used. If the healing process slows down, jelly is again used.

Solcoseryl - paste, instruction

The surface to be treated is smeared with a thin layer of paste. After an even distribution, it is moistened with a fingertip moistened with water. Processed several times a day after meals and at bedtime.

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