EducationSecondary education and schools

Social Protection As a Condition of Child Safety in the School

Social protection is a system of measures implemented by state and public organizations to ensure guaranteed minimum sufficient living conditions, maintenance of life support and active human existence.

At any time for any society the problem of social protection of children was relevant. This relationship is expressed in the fact that children, with their inherent lack of independence in life, at the level of physical, mental and life experience, have always needed and need the daily care of adults. It can be said that keeping children, meeting their needs, protecting them from threats and dangers is the responsibility not only of parents, but of the whole society and the state.

The universal concept of childhood is considered in many approaches to its definition in different fields of knowledge. This makes it difficult to clearly define the object of social protection. In the preamble of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, a child is defined as a person "physically and mentally immature", so he needs to pay special attention to the society at any level [2]. The Family Code of the Russian Federation states that "a person who has not reached adulthood, that is, 18 years of age, is recognized as a child".

The Government of the Russian Federation, interested in the development of the system of social protection of children, has developed special targeted programs that involve the interaction of several ministries and departments (education, health care, internal affairs of the Russian Federation, etc.). However, in our opinion, the programs only cover the problem of protecting children to some extent and, as a rule, are aimed only at a certain category of them. After all, if childhood is so well protected by the state, society, all people, then why is there a problem of increasing the efficiency of social protection? Obviously, we need a coherent structure for the protection of children, in which the functions of all subjects of social education are clearly represented , beginning with parents and ending with the state.

Any parent wants to protect their children from any threat and danger, this is understandable. If we move further along the chain, we need to pay great attention to the protection of children in educational institutions, because it is here that the child receives knowledge, shapes himself as a person, it is here that the child shapes his interests and finds a position with which he will continue to move through life.

In the pedagogical team of the school, all participants, interacting with each other, help children realize and organize for children the conditions in which they can feel comfortable and reveal themselves as a person. The immediate participants in the social protection of the child in school are not only teachers, but also social educators, school psychologists and there is an in-class teacher in our schools. All these people, through various forms and methods, try to protect the child from possible negative influence and help him in developing his skills to protect himself from the negative influences of the social environment.

The tasks of upbringing, content and forms of activity of the class teacher are notable for their diversity. They are determined by the interests, requests, the needs of children and their parents, the conditions of the school, society, class. In their purely also need to include the capabilities of the teacher, in addition, his role is determined and varies depending on the experience of collective activities, the age of pupils and other factors. Among the pedagogical functions of the class teacher, the function of educating students is the dominant one, which consists in combining the efforts of all teachers aimed at solving this task into a single whole. Social protection of children from negative environmental factors also occupies an important place in classroom management. Social protection in the activities of the class teacher is a system of work that provides normal social conditions for the physical, spiritual, moral and mental formation, development and functioning of children, preventing the infringement of their human dignity, interests and rights. The implementation of this function is designed to provide an opportunity for the full development of the child in the existing conditions of society and the economy. The activity of the class teacher in this sphere is the activity of not only the performer himself, but also the coordinator helping the children and their parents to receive social support.

The class teacher conducts a complex of psychological and pedagogical actions, thereby ensuring the child's full social development, forming his personality, adaptability to various situations. When implementing this function, the class teacher not only solves acute short-term problems, he must be ready to anticipate events, to remove from children the problems and difficulties that may appear in his path. It would be advisable to look at social protection in activities in the broad and narrow sense of the word. In a narrow sense, this is an activity that the class teacher directs to protect children who find themselves in particularly difficult situations. These are children from large families, orphans, children with disabilities, refugees and others who need special social protection. In a broad sense, this is a socially protective work with all children and their parents in different directions. Hence it can be concluded that the object of social protection, social guarantees are all children, and does not depend on the origin, the welfare of their parents. The effectiveness of the class teacher is the real social security of each child. Objective indicators are the correspondence of the social, material, spiritual and cultural conditions of the child's life to the norms of everyday life, study, and leisure adopted in modern society. And subjective indicators characterize the degree of satisfaction with the dissatisfaction with the social security of the children themselves. Thus, the social protection and upbringing of the child are the core around which the activities of the class teacher are built, filling it with content.

Another specialist who implements social protection of a child is a social teacher. The object of the social pedagogue is children who need help to socialize them. These are children with intellectual, psychological and social deviations (resulting from full-fledged social development, but ineffective social education), as well as children who have physical developmental disorders (blind, deaf, children with cerebral palsy, etc.) [3].

The goals of the social pedagogue are to create conditions for safety and psychological comfort; Satisfaction of his needs; Overcoming negative phenomena in the family, school.

The social pedagogue together with the parents is the organizer outside the school's school time: directs the work of the pedagogical staff of the school, supervises the preparation of the curriculum of social work in the school. Particular attention is paid to children expelled from school, helps them return to school. Carries out charitable events, organizes holidays for sick children and orphans; Controls the receipt of social privileges by families with many children, and much more, and also deals with the legal education of students, not only forming legal beliefs, but also developing skills of social self-defense.

An important direction of the child's social protection is the provision of favorable conditions for his adaptation at school, which is especially important in the first months of his stay at school. This primarily applies to first-graders and grandfathers, passing in primary school to the secondary level of education.

The development of preschool children takes place in a variety of forms, but when children come to school, the school begins to make all the same demands. Deviations from these requirements cause difficulties not only for teachers, but also complicates the life of the student. And even if we talk about an individual approach, it turns out to be practically unrealizable, and this is not due to the fact that there are more than 25 students in the class, and the fact is that the standard requirements laid down in the program can not be clearly and completely mastered by all students. Here, learning difficulties begin, conflict situations arise between children. To eliminate such difficulties, there is a post of school psychologist [1].

The school psychologist carries out his professional activity at school, aimed at preserving the mental and social well-being of pupils in the process of training in institutions. He can promote the protection of the rights of the individual, also contributes to the creation of harmony in the institution. Identifies factors that can affect the development of the personality of students, takes measures to provide psychological assistance to students, their parents, as well as the teaching staff in solving specific problems. Formation of psychological culture in students I am one of the main functions of a school psychologist. His work includes consultation of school employees on the development of this institution, the use of psychology in teaching and education.

Sometimes it is very important for children to express their problems for this and there is a psychologist. After all, a child can simply be afraid to tell a parent what happened or happened to him, and the activity of a school psychologist is calculated on this. Conducting mass events in school with the participation of a psychologist of course is of great importance, but is not very effective. It is necessary to observe the psychologist directly from the first years of the child's schooling, in order to identify any deviations, in order to orientate in the future and to put everything in the right direction. A great help is provided by the school psychologist in resolving conflicts between educators, he seeks to find compromise solutions to the current problem, thereby stabilizing the situation between the children. The role of the school psychologist is of great importance for school life, so it helps pupils and parents understand themselves, establish relationships and achieve the desired result in the development of students.

In the educational process, the role of each teacher is equally important and significant. All those means, methods, techniques, technologies that they use help to form in the child a person who is able to live and function independently in modern society. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the social protection of each pupil, every school employee. Each teacher should have the qualities of a school psychologist and a social teacher and a class teacher to some extent, and should be just a good friend to every student. After all, the experience transferred by the teacher is useful to every student in life.

In modern Russia, there are different levels of social protection for children, which we use both at the federal and regional levels. In the arsenal of parents, schools, public organizations, the state and other subjects of social protection of children there is a whole set of methods, the application of which will achieve the desired result in the social protection of children.

In fact, in our schools, the work on social education is not fully implemented. In some schools there is a psychologist, in others there is a social teacher, but only in rare cases, both posts exist in the same school. This requires huge devotion to teachers, which significantly reduces the level of social protection of children. Some social protection functions are performed, others partially, and some are completely forgotten. But we want to educate a progressive, socially developed society capable of reaching new heights. Therefore, at the initial stage of becoming a person it must be protected from various possible threats, and the school should be a place for the child where it would be protected and fully developed. Therefore, it is necessary in all schools to apply a social protection system, which includes a class teacher, school psychologist, social teacher, who, interacting with each other, can achieve the desired result.


1. Vasilkova Yu.V. Methods and experience of the social pedagogue: Textbook. Allowance for stud. Supreme. Ped. Training. Institutions. - Moscow: Academy, 2002.

2. The Declaration of the Rights of the Child // International Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms: Sat. Doc. - M., 1990.

3. Poddubnaya TN Reference book of the social pedagogue / Т.N. Poddubnaya. - Rostov n / a.

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