HealthWomen Health

Sex after cesarean section

Many articles, books and other sources describe processes called pregnancy and childbirth. However, this woman experiences real stress after the birth of her baby, because in her opinion, she has a huge number of problems associated with the consequences of a long gestation of the fetus. Of course, all these experiences will soon pass. A young mother, looking at the miracle that she produced, quickly forgets about all of her past fears. However, the most difficult time occurs in the first six weeks after birth, especially if they have gone unnaturally.

Cesarean section is often simply necessary to preserve the health of the mother and child. According to statistics, more than 25% of all mothers experience such births. These women do not overtake the problem of loss of vaginal tone, its recovery and the like. Their sexual organ is normal. However, there is another problem that creates some limitations in sex for a young mother. Sex after cesarean section is not recommended in the first six to seven weeks after childbirth. However, unfortunately, this condition is not fulfilled by all couples. A large number of girls want to resume such relations with their men as soon as possible. Others, on the contrary, delay this moment. There are also such women who experience during intercourse strong pain and discomfort. Everything here depends on the so-called features of a person in terms of physiology and sexual activity. It is for this reason that there is no unanimity on the account of when it is safer to start sex after cesarean.

Most experts say that it should take at least a month from the time of delivery. Only after the expiration of this period is allowed to have sex. It is best to wait until the moment when the body of a young mother comes to normal. This process just takes this recommended time. As for other specialists, they increase this period to eight to nine weeks. In addition, there are also doctors who allow you to start sex after cesarean immediately, as soon as the partners want it. A common opinion, as already said, no. It is more reasonable for a woman to save her health, to recover a little. To do this, it will be enough to wait a month and a half. Anal sex after cesarean section is best temporarily postponed.

There are several factors that affect the individual case. This is, above all, infection after childbirth and bleeding. They appear due to the fact that some people do not pay attention to the warnings of specialists and rush to resume sexual life. In addition, it is worth noting that after the birth in the womb remains a huge wound, it constantly bleeds. To have sex, use special tampons until this wound heals, you can not. Otherwise, you can provoke the development of a strong inflammatory process and the appearance of an unpleasant infection.

The most optimal solution is the following option. Just wait for the moment when the allocation of licks stops. It will be prudent on your part. After giving birth, sex is different from what it was before. Some women experience feelings similar to those that were the first time sexual intercourse. For a man, this is also new, because the vagina is still undergoing slight changes. However, these feelings will soon pass, and both of you will again begin to experience orgasm from sexual contact.
Sex after cesarean section for a woman is becoming a big test. A man should be more careful and attentive to his partner for the first time after such births. Do not make sudden movements, as the seams applied during the operation can disperse. Listen to each other and everything will return to normal.

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