
Secure remote work or as a freelancer not to become a victim of a fraudster

To date, an ad such as "work at home", "earnings on the Internet" or "remote work" can be seen on almost every bulletin board or forums. The majority consider such advertising as spam and immediately delete it. They prefer only earnings in reality. And they are working remotely! Someone is a moderator of the same board or forum, someone is an administrator. And even more than that, they found their remote work on the site for freelancers, whose advertising is considered spam ... A little bit moved away from the topic, still we will return to remote work.

To date, finding a remote job will not be very difficult. After all, you can find it on the stock exchange for freelancers, forums, message boards or other advertisements. The only important thing is that it is a well-paid job and paid at all. Yes, yes, that's the way, because many sites have customers-cheaters or freelancers they are also called scammers. How can you protect yourself from these scammers? There are many ways. In this article I will only talk about the most basic rules that a freelancer should observe.

The first and most important rule is - never work without a prepayment with a new customer, and I also do not recommend working with proven customers, without prepayment, and it happens that I paid 10 times, but I lost 11 and did not pay.

What should I do if the customer does not agree to prepayment? Ask the customer to provide guarantees that you will still get the payment if you perform the work as agreed. Such guarantees can be a decent account on the stock exchange for freelancers , BL of its electronic purse or a transfer with a code of protection, which you will receive only after the work is done.

But it is not enough to get only a BL purse, because the customer can transfer to you any number of wallet that he will find on the Internet. Important! It is necessary to send a request for authorization to the received keeper and contact the customer directly through correspondence in the purse. If the customer confirms his intentions of cooperation with you, then you can safely perform the work, but it is correct, and then you will get your money - otherwise you can write a claim to the purse. At the same time attaching a file with correspondence. The administration will review your request and the purse will be blocked.

Transfer by patronage code will allow you to receive money in the event that you fulfill your job in accordance with the requirements. If the work is done in accordance with the TOR, and the code you did not receive, you have every right to file a claim for the customer's keeper.

If the customer does not agree or can not provide any guarantees, I recommend that you search for reviews about this customer on the Internet. If there is something bad - just say goodbye and do not work with it. If there is nothing bad, but good too, then you will work at your own risk.

Here are some simple rules, adhering to which you will not be deceived by the customer and get your honestly earned money.

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