Spiritual development, Astrology
Scorpio: stones on the sign of the zodiac. Which stone is suitable for Scorpios (women and men)?
The most uncommon and sensitive people among all representatives of the zodiac signs are the Scorpions. For these emotional and bright personalities, their purpose in life is open. Scorpions have incredible willpower, they constantly strive to live and improve themselves. Representatives of this sign are truly unique people. And they will help in the realization of the creativity and ingenuity that Scorpio possesses , the stones for the sign of the Zodiac are matched. It is worth noting that each mineral carries special properties and is able to influence health, psychological state, certain spheres of life and even the intuition of a person. In addition, he can become a guardian and save him from troubles and troubles, ward off ill-wishers and point out the right path in a difficult situation.
Basic Characteristics
The most mysterious and secret sign of the zodiac is Scorpio. What kind of stone is suitable for such people can be determined taking into account its nature and other factors. It is worth noting that it combines the power of three planets simultaneously, namely Uranus, Mars and Pluto. Such influence generates vitality, will power and boundless belligerence in such people. Therefore, when choosing stones, representatives of the Scorpios need to be careful, because they must have a huge power to direct this fountain of emotions in the right direction.
For men, minerals are perfect for developing intuition and giving a warm feeling of love, for example, tourmaline, red or black. And pyrite, obeying the elements of Fire, will improve the financial situation and save health. The strongest talisman for the Scorpion man will be hematite, he will save from the bad influence from the side. As for the girls, then the choice for them is much broader, and mostly they are precious stones. The signs of the zodiac (Scorpion-woman) are best suited garnet, coral, carnelian and much more.
It is worth noting that each stone carries a certain energy and properties, so choosing an amulet for a certain zodiac sign should be very careful. Scorpios contraindicated to acquire stones that carry harmony and tranquility, as well as other features not characteristic of this sign. They can act destructively on a person's life and damage his destiny in life, and also negatively affect his health and psychological balance.
This precious stone is mostly scarlet or purple-red. It is believed that he can purify the soul, mind and help the person to put everything in order, clearing it of the negative. The pomegranate enters the stones that match the zodiac sign to the Scorpios, as it raises their attention, making intentions and thoughts clean.
These stones always belonged to kings, rulers and strong public figures. Ruby will help Scorpio to become stronger, bolder, and give self-confidence. Jewelry using this stone is recommended to be worn by those people who have great responsibility or leadership position.
Scorpions, who do not have enough energy and energy to implement their plans, should pay attention to decorations with corals. This stone awakens wisdom and prudence in man. In addition, he gives special attention to the imagination, so it will be an ideal talisman for a romantic Scorpio.
Should wear such stones on the sign of the zodiac Scorpio-woman, and best of all they will serve a man who linked his life with psychology. Topaz can have a beneficial effect on a person's intuitive abilities, and it is also believed that he is able to influence weather and helps travelers on the road. For extraordinary personalities there are many shades of this stone, so everyone can find their decoration, corresponding to his desires.
A rather unusual stone, as unusual as the Scorpions themselves, is malachite. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it changes its color depending on the feelings and mood of its owner. Often this stone is called a "mirror of the soul". Even in the days of Ancient Egypt it was believed that this is a strong amulet from negative impact from the outside.
He is often given as a talisman to children. In addition, it is able to attract money and improve the material condition of its owner. Therefore, he takes his place in the list of "stones on the sign of the zodiac." Scorpio woman will appreciate the beauty of the stone.
For the Scorpions, wishing to achieve the goal, to succeed and to reveal their talent, opal will perfectly suit. He is recommended to wear in a gold frame because of his unsurpassed beauty. It can be of different colors and shapes, so it will be an ideal talisman for men and women born under this sign of the zodiac.
Since the days of Ancient Egypt, this stone was used to treat many diseases. It improves the appearance of the owner, improves blood circulation, relieves headaches and treats diseases of the nervous system. For the Scorpion girl, he will become a wonderful talisman that will draw love into her life and save her from loneliness.
For the strong representatives of this zodiac sign, dark-red or black hematite is perfect. Recommend to wear silver jewelry with this stone. He has many healing and magical properties that Scorpio often needs. Stones, according to the sign of the zodiac, selected, especially if it's hematites, are able to accumulate energy, so they are not recommended to be worn on the skin, it is better that between the stone and the body there is a layer of clothing or a frame.
Changing the color, depending on the lighting, the stone clears the circulatory system, relieving its owner of the ailments. It is believed that it can bring unreal luck, positively affect the financial situation and extend life, almost every Scorpio dreams about it. Stones, according to the sign of the zodiac, chosen, especially so strong, should belong only to strong and hardy people.
Healing amulet using this stone will give Scorpio health and longevity. Apatite can cure the nervous system and protect its owner from stress. He can be used as a talisman, a man who has a difficult and dangerous profession.
This stone is a real protective charm for the Scorpions. He protects the owner from nightmares and sleepless nights, granting unprecedented luck and determination. The bearer of such a stone will be successful in any field of activity. In addition, it is believed that the stone is able to save from troubles.
For Scorpios, who need support for health and well-being, actinolite, or as it is also called, emerald spar, will perfectly suit. He symbolizes the courage, honesty, decency, loyalty and love that Scorpio wants to have. Zodiac stones selected such as this are able to bring about changes in the life of their owner, so actinolite is ideal for those who wish to start their lives from scratch.
One of the most effective amulets that allow you to acquire financial well-being is pyrite. He belongs to the element of Fire and symbolizes reckless courage, passionate passion and good health. Pyrite - one of the most common talismans, when it comes to picking stones on the signs of the zodiac. Scorpio man will appreciate this gift. In addition, it protects its owner from sudden illnesses and death.
For representatives of this sign of the zodiac, black and dark red stones are ideal. The first tourmaline can aggravate intuition and reveal foresight, but it is not advised to wear it permanently, some astrologers consider it even dangerous. Red stone is ideal for creative men. He is able to attract love into their lives, to support sexual energy. In addition, it helps artists to gain recognition in society. If a person has the sign of the zodiac Scorpio (Goat), what kind of stone should he buy, it is necessary to choose according to what he wants from the stone. However, this applies to any sign, not just Scorpio.
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