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Scoring votes in the "VC" without programs and SMS: scam or all in a cunning way?
Everyone knows that "VKontakte" is a kind of Facebook, adapted for domestic realities. At one time, Pavel Durov made a clone of the American social network, which became more successful on the CIS market than projects developed on individual images.
True, frankly speaking, not everything was copied by the Russian businessman: some features of the social network are still unique. For example, voices. They are on Facebook, as we all know, no. More details about what it is, and how it is possible to wrap votes in the "VC" without programs - in this article.
What are voices?
So, the "votes" is the electronic currency of the social network "VKontakte". Of course, it can not be calculated outside the service (according to the rules); But nevertheless you can dispose of it at your own discretion.
Voices can be consumed and acquired in different ways. Of course, they are tied to real currencies (because in this way they can be received by the user). Each user can enter the voice control panel by going to the "Settings" tab, and then to "Payments".
If you do this, you will see that the ruble and vote rate is correlated as 7 to 1. This means that in order to acquire one vote, the user must spend 7 real rubles. You can do this with the help of payment systems Webmoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money and other ways. In addition, of course, there are other methods of earning votes, for example - wrapping votes in the "VC" without programs, without viruses. We will talk about it further.
Where can you spend your votes?
In the meantime, let's clarify why all users of VKontakte need voices. Since this is a kind of "currency", it is obvious that you can buy something for it. And since we are talking about a social network with its services, entertainment and other similar opportunities, it is easy to guess that the wrapping of votes in the "VC" without programs, without SMS, without downloading any extraneous software allows you to buy entertainment.
Well, for example, this is a payoff in online games for additional features; It is an opportunity to send gifts to friends; And even simple sending of voices to friends on their account "VKontakte". That is, within the platform, they can be justifiably called a payment unit. So, in principle, and there is in fact.
What is cheating?
What we have? Voices "VKontakte" can be spent on additional privileges in games, congratulations of acquaintances, calculation with friends. This means that they are in demand. And since not everyone wants to invest in this online currency (if you can call them that) real rubles, the question arises: is there a vote wrapping in the "VC" without programs? Can I get them in some other way besides a simple purchase for real money?
And here in the key of the answer to this question, let's pay attention to what it means to "cheat". In this context, we are talking about increasing the number of votes that the user has available, using some tricky method, without attachments. Perhaps cheating involves the use of errors in the software of the social network. At least, the users themselves count on this.
In fact, we would like to note at once that the vote wrapping in the "VC" without programs and SMS does not exist. If you see a proposal for getting this intra-platform currency, downloading the program, sending a message or transferring a certain amount of money - you are definitely confronted with scammers.
Ways of "mining" votes
In order for you not to be deceived, just do not mess with such people. Ignore such applications and do not be too naive. Wrapping voices in "VC" without programs is a myth, there is no such way of obtaining virtual payment units.
However, there are other ways to get VKontakte votes for free. They are involved in the implementation of actions for which the social network "pays" votes. See the list of what you can get votes for in the "Payments" menu by clicking on the appropriate link.
As you can see, here are listed online games, purchase tickets, payment card payment and other options. Passages of games seem, at first glance, the most affordable way to earn votes. There are conditions here, in particular, the user must reach a certain level, after which he will be credited with, say, 10 votes. Of course, this is not a simple wrap-up of votes in the "VC" without programs and SMS, but nevertheless we have a real way to earn the currency of a social network. All tested, reliable and without deception - because this scheme offers the "VC" itself.
And as for cheating - then we recommend to forget about it. Programs, SMS and other options - it's just deception of the users themselves. "VKontakte" thus not to deceive.
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