
Rhode Island - breed of chickens: description, photo, characteristics, reviews

хорошо известна я фермерам всего мира. Rhode Island is a breed of chickens, well known to farmers all over the world. In addition to being unpretentious in care, these layers are characterized by high productivity and excellent resistance to diseases. Also, the chickens of this breed are very often used for breeding various kinds of crosses.

History of the breed

ее дадим чуть ниже), выведенная в СШ А. Занимались селекцией этого кросса фермеры в середине прошлого века. Rhode Island is a breed of chickens (a description of it will be given below), deduced in the US . The farmers were engaged in breeding this cross in the middle of the last century. For the first time such chickens were planted in the state of Rhode Island. Hence, in fact, and went to their name. Today almost all farmers breed this bird in this locality. These chickens, in fact, have even become one of the symbols of the state of Rhode Island.

эти кроссы п риняли участие в 1880 году. For the first time in the exhibition, these crosses involved participation in the 1880s. That is, the breed is quite old. But despite this, no signs of degeneration have been observed to this day. The cleanliness of the line was carefully monitored by farmers.

First, with the local chickens, the fighters of the pale roosters were crossed. Subsequently, the new breed improved again. Breeders decided to cross it with mottled leggorns of increased egg production.

In Russia, these chickens were imported quite a long time ago. For the first time, they were started in collective farms in the 1920s.

general description

Rhode Island is a breed of chicken that belongs to the meat-egg direction of productivity. Appearance of this cross, because its ancestors were fighting cocks, has quite spectacular.

The main features of the American breed include:

  • A small head;

  • An elongated rectangular back;

  • Flat leaf-shaped comb of red color;

  • Bent middle sized beak;

  • Orange strong legs.

The plumage of cross-country rod-island is dark red with glitter. Tails in both chickens and cockerels are black with a greenish tint. The white and yellow color of the tail is also considered a defect. However, such chickens in farms are quite rare. In any case, the plumage of chickens in the genus is always very dense and dense. The layers of this breed have a white spot on their heads.

There is also a variation of this hybrid with a pale red coloration. This type is bred mainly at poultry farms.

Chickens of the genus-gender: performance characteristics

годовалом возрасте американские несушки достигают веса примерно в 3 кг. At one-year-old age, American hens reach a weight of about 3 kg. The weight of adult males is usually 3.5 kg. Eggs of the rodland are slightly smaller than many modern crosses. But their productivity in this respect is still quite high - about 180 pieces. in year. The eggs themselves are not too big - weigh about 50-60 grams. The color of the shell is brown.

популярная у фермеров, что объясняется в том числе и выносливостью. Rhode Island is a breed of chickens, popular with farmers, which is due, inter alia, to stamina. этой птицы составляет порядка 97 %. Preservation of young birds is about 97%. Sexual maturity of the laying hen and males reach at the age of approximately 6.5 months.

Rhode Island: features of the breed of chickens

The plumage of this cross, as already mentioned, is very dense. Therefore, in winter, even in the cold climate of Russia, in an unheated barn, this bird feels simply superb. Yaytsenoskosti in the cold season, in contrast to many modern breeds and hybrids, it practically does not reduce. It is for this quality that the cross is mainly valued by farmers.

Adult chickens rod-island, thus, in the winter do not freeze. However, to say the same about chicks of this breed, unfortunately, it is impossible. Chicks flock for a very long time. In this case, the fluff is not too thick. Therefore, it is impossible to tolerate the supercooling of newly hatched chicks of this breed in any case.

Features of the content

той птицы представлено на странице), разводить которую допускается как на польным, так и клеточным методом. Rhode Island is a breed of chickens (a photo of this bird is presented on the page), which can be planted both on a hollow and cellular basis. The second method, however, is considered preferable. Those who have the opportunity to walk next to the barn shed rhode Island usually carry more eggs.

Despite the fact that this bird is not afraid of cold weather, it is necessary to provide a bed of sawdust for it in the shed. The poultry house itself needs to be insulated. Nurses for these chickens are located at a height of about 80 cm from the floor. Nests are hung on the wall in secluded places, so that laying hens can easily get into them. These chickens are not afraid of dampness. However, at least the simplest ventilation in the shed for them to arrange, of course, is worth it.

The nature of these chickens is peaceful and kind. Therefore, they can be kept on the farmstead with almost any other poultry.

Maternal instinct in the chickens rod-island, unfortunately, is not developed particularly well. On eggs this bird, in principle, can sit down. However, this happens quite rarely. Therefore, chickens of the rod-island breed are most often found in incubators.

How to feed

No special diet for these chickens to develop is required. They are fed them in the same way as practically any other poultry meat-egg direction of productivity. That is, in the morning give the chickens grain, at lunch - a mash and in the evening - again concentrated food. On such a menu, chickens will be well carried and quickly gain weight. The share of concentrated feed in the diet of this bird should be about 2/3.

Of course, to get quality eggs and preserve the health of the birds, it is necessary to pour a little premix, grated chalk and salt into the prepared meat pans.

Reviews of farmers about the breed are positive

The owners of homesteads, of course, relate to the advantages of the chickens of the family-owned villages, in the first place, their rather high productivity in terms of weight gain and egg production. Also, the plus of the breed is considered to be its tolerance for the harsh Russian climate. In addition, many farmers note the fact that such a bird is very undemanding to feed. о которой положительны в том числе и потому, что, п омимо обязательных зерновых, в меню ее представителей можно включать абсолютно любую зелень (крапиву, люцерну, ботву моркови и редиса и пр.), корнеплоды и фрукты. Rhode Island is a breed of chickens, the reviews of which are positive, including because, in addition to the obligatory grains, in the menu of its representatives you can include absolutely any greens (nettle, alfalfa, carrot and radish tops, etc.), root crops and fruits . отказывается эта птица и от тыквы либо кабачков. This bird does not refuse from pumpkin or zucchini.

эти куры могут легко превысить. With good care and nutrition, standard performance indicators, these chickens can easily exceed. их зачастую достигает 220 шт. For example, when using vitamins and special supplements, egg production often reaches 220 pieces. in year.

Actually, the eggs themselves in the rod-island, according to many farmers, are very tasty. In particular, they are good at omelettes. In any case, the soap flavor, as in the eggs of many modern crosses, they do not.

Negative feedback

основным минусом которой, по мнению многих фермеров, является слабый материнский инстинкт. Rhode Island is a breed of chickens, the main disadvantage of which, according to many farmers, is a weak maternal instinct. в большинстве случаев приходится самостоятельно. Care for the replenishment of the herd to the owners of household plots, breeding this bird, in most cases, it is necessary independently. At the same time, with artificial excretion, the survival rate of rod-egg chicks, unfortunately, is only about 70%. It is believed that the eggs of layers of this breed, therefore, it is better not to incubate, but to lay under hens of other breeds.

It is also a minus of this bird that, according to its productivity, it is somewhat inferior to some domestic meat-egg hybrids. Indirectly to the shortcomings of this bird include some of its exotic. It is quite difficult to get real rod-ailends in Russia. On sale, there are mainly crossbreeds that have less productivity than purebred chickens.

Dwarfish kind of island

In addition to the usual bird, a very small variety of this cross can be bred on farms. пользующаяся популярностью у фермеров в основном за то, что она требу е т при содержании очень мало места. Mini rodland is a breed of chickens that is popular with farmers mainly for what it requires when there is very little space. эту птицу можно в небольших вольерах. You can breed this bird in small enclosures.

достигают всего примерно в 1.5 кг, а курочки — в 1 кг. Weight dwarf roosters rod-island reach only about 1.5 kg, and chicken - 1 kg. The egg variety of this variety is about 140 pieces. in year. The eggs themselves are quite small in such a bird. They weigh about 40 grams. With regard to care, this species is as unpretentious as the main one. Comments of farmers dwarf rod-iildy have earned very good results. It is believed that, in particular, this variety is particularly suitable for breeding in country dacha farms.

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