EducationThe science

Pyroclastic flow. Eruption

In recent decades, large eruptions of volcanoes have occurred. This provides food for talking about the imminence of a global cataclysm that will lead, if not to the total extinction of all living things, then, in any case, to a significant reduction in populations.


Volcanic formations above cracks or channels in the crust of our planet, through which lava flows, gases and rocks erupt from the bowels of the earth, are named after the ancient fire god. Most often the volcano is a mountain formed by products of eruptions.

Types of volcanoes

There is a division of these formations into extinct, asleep or acting. The first - destroyed, blurred, not showing any activity. Those who are asleep are called volcanoes, whose eruptions are not available, but their form is preserved, concussions occur in their belly. The acting ones are those that either erupt in the present, or their activity is known from history, or information is missing, but the volcano emits gases and water.

Depending on what kind of channel the eruptions occur, they can be cracked or central.


Eruptions are long and short-lived. To long carry those that occur for several years, and sometimes even centuries. Short-term - those that last only a few hours. Large volcanic eruptions, familiar to us from history, are most often short-lived, but extremely powerful in destructive power.

A harbinger is a concussion inside the volcano, unusual sounds, ejected volcanic rock. At the beginning of the process, it is cold, then replaced by red-hot debris and lava. On average, gases and various fragments rise to a height of 5 kilometers. There are also much stronger explosions: for example, Nameless threw pieces of rock to a height of about 45 kilometers.


Volcanic emissions are found at various distances from the source - up to tens of thousands of kilometers. Depending on the strength of the explosion and the amount of accumulated substances, debris can reach tens of cubic kilometers. Sometimes there is so much volcanic ash that even in the daytime darkness sets in.

Before the advent of lava, but after a powerful explosion, sometimes there is an incredibly powerful wall of ash, gas and stones. This pyroclastic flow. Its internal temperature ranges from 100 to 800 degrees. The speed can be as high as 100 km / h, and 700.

According to the latest research, during the eruption of Vesuvius, it was the pyroclastic flow that caused the death of the majority of the population. Previously it was believed that the inhabitants of Pompeii died from suffocation, but the data of X-ray studies of the remains found draw another picture. So, scientists are sure that the lives of the inhabitants of Herculaneum and Stabi carried away the pyroclastic flow, the temperature of which was approaching 800 degrees. Both towns were swept off the face of the earth for a minute, their inhabitants died instantly. Pompeii reached only the fourth pyroclastic flow, the temperature of which was "only" about 200 degrees. This confidence is based on the condition of the remains: the inhabitants of the villages burned to the skeletons, the bodies of the Pompeians were practically intact before they were covered with ashes and flooded with lava.

Pyroclastic flow of the volcano is able to move not only overland, it easily overcomes and water obstacles. Heavy substances in its mass settle in the liquid, but the gas accelerates forward, although it loses its power and cools. Passing water, the pyroclastic flow is able to rise above sea level.

Eruption of our time

Over the last hundred years, there have been several major earthquakes that have caused a change in weather conditions throughout the globe. Even the last few decades brought several more than unpleasant surprises. Thousands, tens of thousands of people die from eruptions, cities are destroyed, hectares of fertile land are unsuitable.

Moreover, after extremely powerful eruptions, the weather on all continents may change. Particles of volcanic ash remain in the atmosphere, reflecting sunlight. The last time the temperature during the year after the eruption was below the usual 3 degrees on the entire planet.

The strongest eruption of the 20th century occurred in 1911 in the Philippines. Killed almost a thousand and a half people, the volcanic rock fell asleep more than 2 thousand square kilometers of land. Currently, this volcano is considered one of the most dangerous.


Most scientists are inclined to believe that something much more terrible awaits us in the near future. For many years, experts have been studying Yellowstone. They are not interested in the park, which is interesting to visit the tourists, but the volcano, which occupies almost all of its area. Its diameter is almost 70 kilometers, which is simply unbelievable for such formations. In addition, the magma source is located not 100 km from the surface, but only 8-16 km.

According to scientists, the explosion of Yellowstone will destroy not only America, but also a large, if not all, part of the living on the planet. Pyroclastic flows will demolish everything at a distance of more than a hundred kilometers from the source, ashes will cover most of the USA, Canada will suffer greatly during the eruption.

Powerful earthquakes will cause a huge tsunami in the Pacific Ocean. These giant waves can reach even the central parts of the continents. Megatons of substances trapped in the atmosphere will not allow the sun's rays to reach the surface of the planet, causing a cooling and nuclear winter. According to various forecasts, it will last from 3 to 5 years. During this time, most of the plants, animals and people will perish.

It is assumed that only in the first months of life will lose one third of the world's population. And the likelihood of death from lack of water is high, because it will be contaminated with poisonous sediments. After the end of winter, survivors will be exposed to an incredible greenhouse effect.

The timeframe for this cataclysm is not clearly marked. Despite the fact that scientists can not agree on the timing in which this will happen, calling the intervals of 10 to 75 years (the starting point is modernity), they are all confident that such a powerful eruption will be. The main question remains: when exactly ...

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