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Psychedelic: what it is in culture

Psychedelic - what is it? In its essence - this is one of the types of art that makes it possible to go beyond the limits of consciousness. Psychedelic is considered a special culture of the liberated mind. Previously, this culture was associated with psychotropic drugs, but now there is no need for it in doping.

The art theorist Pavel Pepperstein answered the question: "Psychedelic: what is this?" This is not only a thrill caused by psychotropic drugs. There is a psychedelic of everyday life. As you can easily see. There is a psychedelic of cinema, consumption, survival, fatigue and so on. All of the above circumstances create the effects of asymmetric enlightenment and open up different areas of the psyche. Consequently, the psychedelic movement does not approve of various drugs, although such an opinion is common.

Psychedelics: what is it and the history of its appearance

As a form of art, the psychedel was born in the 60s of the last century. At the time when the famous LSD drug appeared. This new hallucinogen enjoyed great popularity and was considered a safe guide to the world of expanded consciousness. Now psychedelic can be any art, even design and sculpture are psychedelic.

Literature in psychedelic culture

Psychedelic literary style is determined by the following feature - a combination of expression and naturalism, melodrama and tragifars. In this style there is a fragmented plot and a large number of characters, profanity, black humor, jargon, dialectism, elements of social satire, increased interest in the ugly and aesthetic shock. To psychedelic literature can be attributed the works of Kurt Vonnegut, Chuck Palahniuk, George Orwell and others.

Music in a psychedelic culture

In 1960, psychedelic music appeared: trance, punk, techno, rave, rock. All these directions were considered alternately psychedelic. Psychedelic rock is an expressive and difficult to perceive music that strongly influences the listener. Initially, this music was listened to under the influence of narcotic drugs, but later the musicians began to do without drugs.

Goa-trance direction in music is closely connected with psychedelic culture. We can say that it grew out of it. For the first time the term "GoaTrance" was mentioned in 1987 by Christopher Ches. The founder of the goa-trance is Raja Ram. The style owes its name to the state of India, in which, from the late 50's and early 60's, the Euro-hippies held their own parties.

Psychedelic underpinnings in music

Closer to the mid-90's psychedelic (what kind of musical direction, we have already dismantled) gradually began to move to Europe. The more adherents of this culture became travelers, the heavier and darker the music became. Goa-trance kept moving away from the eastern traditions and was now virtually unconnected with them. New subgenerations were born, and the music, previously known as goa-trance, grew to a new, now widespread, market style.

Psychedelic in art

Paintings in psychedelic style always attracted viewers with depth of reflection. The eye of a psychedelic artist must see much more than usual to immerse a person in the very depths of consciousness. It is worth noting that to create such works you need to have an unusual mindset.

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