Food and drink, Recipes
Potato cake for every taste
Potato pie is a delicious and satisfying dish. Of course, it's best to cook it in a Russian stove - after all, it gets a stunning flavor in it. But also cooked in a conventional oven, it will be to everyone's liking.
To save time, the dough can be purchased at the store, and at home to prepare the filling.
Potato pie with meat and onions.
Depending on the size of the baking tray, 8-10 pieces are required. Potatoes, which are cleaned and cut into thin circles. These circles are transferred to a deep container, salted, watered with vegetable oil and mixed thoroughly. Minced meat, about 200 gr., Fry in a skillet, the onion is cut into thin rings. The risen dough is greased with vegetable oil and rolled on a table on two sheets. The first is laid on a greased baking sheet. It is laid out the filling - potato mugs, pieces of minced meat, onion rings and close the cake with a second sheet of dough. The pan is put in the oven, which is heated to 200 degrees, for 40 minutes.
You can cook a delicious potato pie with mushrooms.
It will take: 5-6 pieces. Potatoes, 400 gr. Mushrooms and onion. Onions and mushrooms are finely chopped and fried in a pan. Potatoes are boiled, kneaded with a fork and salted. To make the potatoes easier to warm, you can add a little milk to it. On the baking sheet spread out the rolled dough, on top - the stuffing of their mixture of mashed potatoes and mushrooms. On top make a grid of thin strips of dough. The oven is heated to 200 degrees and put a pan on it for half an hour.
Layered potato pie-casserole.
For cooking, you need: a kilogram of potatoes, cheese, thyme and half a cup of butter. Potatoes are cleaned and cut into thin rings. The butter is heated and poured into a deep bowl. There, potato rings are added and diligently mixed in oil. Form for baking is filled for a third with potatoes, pre-lubricated with oil. Sprinkle with grated cheese mixed with thyme. The products are calculated so that 6 alternating layers are obtained - 3 potato and 3 cheese. When the mold is fully filled, it is put in the oven for one hour, which is heated to 200 degrees.
This potato pie with ham in its appearance resembles pizza.
It will take: 6 pcs. Potatoes, 150-200 gr. Ham or ham, 3 tbsp. Spoons of flour, 2 pcs. Tomato and greens. Potatoes are cleaned and boiled. The baking dish is greased or laid with parchment. Potatoes knead with a tolstick or fork, you can add a little bit of milk. Puree spread in the form. From above scatter a ham, cut into thin strips, and on top lay thin slices of tomato. The cake is decorated with greenery, on top it can be sprinkled with grated cheese or greased with mayonnaise to taste.
If there is a small family celebration, you can cook a potato roll.
Recipe for potato roll with vegetables:
Ingredients: 8-10 pcs. Potatoes (depending on the size of the baking tray), celery root, 1 carrot, onion, bell pepper, bunch of parsley, egg and a piece of cheese gram 100. Potatoes are boiled and kneaded. Spread a thin layer on a sheet of parchment or on a damp towel, pepper and salt. The next stage is the preparation of the filling. Pepper is cut into half rings, celery, carrots and onions - thin straws. Vegetables fry for five minutes, add a couple of spoons of tomato paste, stir and hold in the pan for another minute. 4. Grill evenly spread on mashed potatoes, salt and sprinkle with parsley chopped. Roll with a towel gently fold and slightly compact. Spread on an oiled sheet of foil, give a beautiful shape, if it is broken and smeared with eggs. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Roll wrapped in foil and put in a preheated oven for about forty minutes. The cooking temperature is 180 degrees.
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